The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 432 - Billionaire Heiress a Murderer

Qing Chen was already in bed when he asked his wife, "How was Ma Min tonight?"

"She was very understanding," Feng Xuan's voice was quiet as she applied lotion on her skin. "Never pushed me to do it, you know? And didn't tease me when I… when I choked."

Qing Chen wished that there was something in this world that he would be able to say to her. To comfort her. But the closest words that he could think of were, "It's normal to hesitate, wife. You're human. We've all been there. You're going to be fine."

Feng Xuan only nodded lamely before throwing the covers over herself. "Ma Min and I went out for a drink."

"I know," Qing Chen began to smile. "I got an alert from the bank that someone spent a ridiculous amount from our joined account and was asking if it was not fraud."

She pouted, "I brought the crate of wine home."

"What wine did you buy?"

"It was something from France. I didn't ask what. I got in the store and said, 'bring me the most expensive one, I'll buy a crate'."

"Did you get some weird looks?"

"It was probably because I was with Ma Min. She did not exactly dress up," she said. "And also she tried to steal one of the wines on display."

Qing Chen could not help but smile at that. "Was the wine any good?"

"It was shit," she said with a small smile of her own.

"I'm glad you didn't get into an accident on your way home. Where did you drop Ma Min?"

"I had to drag her out of the car when we reached Auntie's House. I left her on the porch. She had been mumbling about a girl there and how she wanted dumplings. Then she dozed off again."

"Can you recount the rest of the night?"

Feng Xuan began her story on how she was driving around the city. Qing Chen actually received a report about that. "Strange behavior" was the title of the text sent to him by one of his men and a detailed explanation on the roads that Feng Xuan drove on.

Qing Chen was also asking about the story because he needed to make sure that they would leave no evidences that would eventually lead to Feng Xuan. He would have to have a cleaning party for Clown tonight. It was not that Qing Chen didn't trust Ma Min, but he needed to make sure.

It would be quite the scandal if Feng Xuan's face would be on the morning paper titled: Billionaire Heiress a Murderer.

"That's it," Feng Xuan concluded her story.

He kissed her forehead. "Thank you for telling me."

"Yeah," she said and kissed his cheek in return. "I'll let you know if I feel like trying it again. Although I don't think that would be anytime soon."

Her face was expressionless, but now that Qing Chen was seeing her under the soft light of the lamp behind him, he could tell that she was sad.

"You don't want to go back to the office, do you?"

She shook her head. "I'm so tired of that kind of life." Her big eyes turned to Qing Chen. That moment he saw her childishness. "What if there's nothing there for me? What if I live this life that I don't like? What if I stay miserable?"

He caressed her face. "I know that you'll be able to find your place." He sighed then got the idea. "Want to get into the nitty-gritty of the mafia?"

"What? Like Wuming and Lok's job?"

"If that's what you want. Maybe I can let you have one of the clubs. It would be fun if a fight would arise. You break up rumbles and you will get to kick people out to the gutter."

"You mean a bouncer?"

"Not a bouncer," he laughed. "But like a manager? A cool manager that watches over everything? And you get to beat up people if they do something bad. Go gangster all over them, you know?" he wiggled his eyebrows. "What do you say?"

Feng Xuan dropped on his chest with a smile on her chest. "Do you think that would be exciting?"

"Well, fights are not something that we can avoid, especially with alcohol. Do you think you'll have a lot of fun there?"

Qing Chen could not believe it, but his wife nodded. But she stopped mid-nod, probably surprised that she agreed too.


Feng Xuan was torn. She wanted to tell Qing Chen about what Ma Min said about her mother. But she didn't want to get all over the "mother business" yet again.

They got lucky the last time because the person that they were looking for actually turned up alive. But with the case of Feng Xuan's mother, whom she saw bled to death, she didn't want to grasp at straws trying to learn if she was really dead or alive.

Feng Xuan didn't want to say it, but ever since that The Zookeeper hinted that her mother might still be alive, her whole life had been haywire. There was something inside of her that would never rest until she finally got her answer.

But how? What proof would make her believe that her mother was already in the afterlife? Or, how long would she have to chase the shadow of her mother that she could not believe still existed?

But Ma Min… she had always been saying that she knew some things…

The only reason why she didn't want ask earlier was she didn't want to take the bite. She told herself that she was not going to fall to the trap. But there she was, in the ground Ma Min had been digging up for the past few months, stuck. The only thing that would get her out of it were answers.

As she slept, she could not shake off the feeling.

What if Auntie was her mother?

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