The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 438 - The Qing's Mansion

Over the next few days that Feng Xuan was slumping towards her own work, she tried her best to set up the party that Qing Chen's new investment deserves. She knew how she was coming off to some people now, like she was some bird who perched on things that were interesting to her then fly away once there was nothing else over there.

She actually thought about making a joke about herself for it. She knew that her cousin Wang Yimin was already thinking about it. She had been gone from the office for almost a week now. But of course, it was Wang Yimin the perfectly good girl and only said she was hoping that Feng Xuan was doing something that was making her happy.

"What's on the agenda today?" she asked Qing Chen over their morning coffee. She had been up for almost two hours now. She was done with her morning sweat hours and she was feeling energetic with her second cup of caffeine.

It was the weekend but she and her husband were busy putting things together for the new launch next weekend. "I'm going over to Father's."


"I'll ask him about your mother as well. Sorry, it took this long."

"That's okay," she rubbed on his arm. "I knew you were busy last week. Besides I'm not in a rush. It's not like my mother's going to die in those seven days, if she's even alive."

Qing Chen fixed his coffee on his travel mug and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I'll even record everything so you wouldn't miss a thing."

She chuckled at that. "I'll see you later."

Feng Xuan had the catering and the flowers on her schedule. Of course, the press conference was going to happen in The Kingly Hotel. Among the many facilities was a small theatre with really comfy seats. That was where they were thinking to bring up this idea. There would be a small buffet afterwards (because they need to snoop over their audience on what they think about the idea).

A lot of rich people were invited. As well as environment ambassadors and a few politicians here and there. If they were going to present a big idea such as this one, they need as many people as they could get.

Feng Xuan washed her cup, thinking that things would go well with Qing Chen's visit to the Qing's Mansion.


A househelp greeted Qing Chen and asked what drink would he want. He only asked for a glass of water and went straight upstairs to his Father's office. But it was empty.

"He's in the balcony," said a soft voice behind him.

"Hello," he said to his grandmother and bent down to kiss on her cheek.

"How are you, my son?"

"I'm doing good. How are you?"

They started walking towards the balcony at the end of the hall. "Oh, I'm stuck in this house. I feel like I'm aging ten times faster."

He suddenly remembered his younger brother's snide comments about his gaming skills. "You should play with Lok. I think you'll enjoy his games far better than I do."

"Oh, my reflexes are so bad lately," groaned his grandmother.

"Maybe you should renovate the kitchen this time."

"Actually, I'm getting into more plants this year. Drop by the garden later, alright? I have some flowers to show you. I'll be down there."

Qing Chen walked the rest of the way to the balcony alone. No sightings of his mother at the moment. He was already dreading having to face her and he was dreading even more because he knew that she would be with his father and there would be no escaping it.

The balcony door was left open and he could already hear his parents lightly laughing with each other. He entered and both heads turn to him.

"You took your sweet time coming up," his father smiled at him. "Your water beat you in the race." On the table, there was Qing Chen's ice cold water already sweating.

Qing Chen could not believe it, his father was looking well. For a second, a damning thought entered his mind—that maybe his father was only playing with them when he said that he has cancer. But the more he looked at his father, the more he realized that it had been the truth all along. His father's weight obviously went down, but other than that, he was looking pretty healthy.

"Hello, Chen," greeted the lady from the other side of her father. They were both lounging on the rattan chairs that looked like mini-beds.

He nodded at her. "I need to speak with father." His father gave him the look that said: whatever you want to say, you can say to the both of us. "It's about The Kingly."

"It's alright, Zihao," said his mother. "All that business talk bores me anyway." She got up from her seat and kissed the top of his father's head. When she reached Qing Chen, she tentatively placed her hand on his arm. When he didn't pull away, she squeezed him. "I'm glad to see you, Chen."

Qing Chen did not know what he was going to say to that so he didn't say anything at all. His mother went away after sending a small smile to him.

His father started to a sitting position. "I didn't think I had mutes for children but I might as well have from all the silent treatment that you're giving us."

"Yeah, we can get to the family issues later," he said and took a seat in front of Qing Zihao. "But I have more pressing matters other than that."

His father only sighed tiredly.

"First, the new investment."

"Yeah I know. The plastic remodeler. I actually thought about some names already," he beamed. "What else?"

"I need to ask you some questions about Feng Xuan's mother."

The look on his father's face was obvious.

He was in pain.

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