The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 442 - Don't Touch The Nice Guy

Ms. Chi was going to be a problem, that was what Qing Lok said to Qing Chen. Still, it did not stop the contract from sailing. There was no concrete proof that Ms. Chi was causing troubles, so far at least. It would only be suspicious if they suddenly pulled out of the deal.

She did seem sane, but there was definitely something wrong with her. Qing Chen could tell. He wished that he would be able to think about it though.

He was kind of fearing that with all these family problems that they were having, it was actually affecting his brain from functioning well. Usually, he would have been able to figure it out already, but there was too many things in his mind he didn't think that he had space for anything else there.

"Where's Wuming?" he asked his younger brother.

"He's not around," Qing Lok answered as he looked over the contract once more. "He's off to a contract."

"Oh really?" Qing Chen was surprised. He didn't think that Wuming was taking contracts that would last more than a few hours. "When's he coming back?"

"It's an overseas contract. I don't think he'll be back by press conference time. It will pay well. It's actually hunting."

"What's he hunting this time?"

"A serial killer," Qing Lok grinned. "If I were that serial killer, I would be scared. I hope Wuming would not take too long. It gets kind of boring when I'm making the rounds alone."  Qing Lok closed the folder. "Everything is all set. Are you sure that we're going to proceed with this?"

Qing Chen nodded. "No time to back out. If someone else gets their hands on this, we'd be like fools who turned away from a gold mine."

"But they said Ms. Chi is a problem." Qing Lok shivered. "I'm just getting creepy vibes off her. Do you notice her eyes?"

He did notice that. "Like how they are too round?"

"And so black… you know? The kind that some vampire or some scary creature they show in the movies? Or she just has that crazed look?"

"It must be from sniffing too much melting plastic," Qing Chen joked and Qing Lok cracked a laugh.

"But seriously though, there's something wrong with her eyes. Like a maniac's? Whenever I look at her it was like she could not wait to eat me. Do you know what I mean?"

Qing Chen smiled at his brother. He knew what he meant. Now, he could not shake off that crawling feeling that was on his skin, making its way to his neck like a small animal. "Well, if she gets too problematic, we can always make her take a trip somewhere."

"A trip that she would never return from."

The door of the meeting room opened and Ms. Chi and her team arrived. Qing Lok had been right. How could they not have noticed it the first time that she had been here? There was nothing else that could explain the expression in her eyes. She was excited—too excited, Qing Chen would say. It was unnaturally dilated. 

It was a short event that day, it took less than an hour to go over the contract again. 10% of the annual net sales of The King's Artifacts, recognition for the invention, and the agreed amount were to be passed over to Ms. Chi's. All the rights and everything attached to the newly named "The King's Artificer" was now under The Kingly Empire's possessions.

Qing Chen only said a few things after he had signed the contracts. After the pictures were taken, Qing Chen only invited them to a free lunch in the restaurant of the hotel. He also offered them exclusive seven-day stay at the premium rooms with unlimited room service, no expiry date.

As soon as he was done, he immediately went out of the room. He was trying to escape another inappropriate encounter with Ms. Chi. You bet that he was walking like his bladder was going to burst any second.


"Mr. Qing! Mr. Qing!" Ms. Chi tried to run after him but he already rounded a corner. She knew that he was already on his way back to his office. She was about to follow but the door opened and out came her people.

The lawyer only nodded at her as he passed and quickly left them behind. Ms. Chi scoffed at the back of his balding head. He was only in it for the money as well. He got lucky because they couln't afford a fancier lawyer and now they were going to make him rich along with the rest of them.

"You gotta stop that, Chi Mi," said a voice from behind her. It was one of the females of the group. Her overly thick glasses were perched on her nose. Thankfully, she had the decency to actually wear the clothes the PR Manager bought for them and she looked more like a professional other than the lowly student that she had been in college.

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Stop what?"

"He's married," the woman gave her a disgusted look. "What on earth are you planning?"

"As if you don't know that she's crazy," said the other person. It was the male one who had been so against her making the decisions.

"I'm a genius," she countered. "As if you're already forgetting, this was all my idea. My genius. And you are all back-riding on my success."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I hope you're going to enjoy your Nobel prize when the time comes. You and your stupid award, in your lonely life."

"As if you don't know who I am with."

The man clicked his tongue. "Just don't touch the nice guy, alright? He had been too kind with us already."

Chi Mi grinned at him. "I'm not promising anything."

She looked at the hallway where Qing Chen disappeared to. She just needed the right timing.

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