Chi Mi saw how THE Mrs. Qing slip out of the room. Her head tilted to the side. Why would she leave right in the middle of an important meeting?

Chi Mi dared not look behind her shoulders for the expression of the people as Mr. Qing Zihao presented the idea of her invention. She might not think too much about the emotion of other people, but when it comes to her creation she caved. She was scared to see them frowning and disagreeing. She had spent years of her life trying to make this perfect. She couldn't bear the thought that it wouldn't take off.

She knew that she was confident with her work. She knew that it would help the earth. But her insides were wavering a little.

Chi Mi was in the front row. They were placed there as they would be called at the end of the presentation and for the pictures. What the Qings were selling today was the idea of it. A few scientists and engineers were also invited today to give the 'Certified by Experts' sign on it. Granted, all of those experts were in The Kingly's payroll.

She turned her head to the side and saw Qing Chen, a few seats away from her. He was looking upwards his father. He looked like he was listening intently but she knew that there was something else going in his mind.

What happened to his wife? Why did she leave?

Chi Mi looked through the open zipper of her bag.

She had just the thing that would make Qing Chen smile today.


Chi Mi didn't know why she was so fascinated by Qing Chen. It would only be the fourth time that she would be seeing him in person. Before that, she had seen his picture on a magazine. Something about bachelors. She saw it from the waiting area of her dentist. It was why she was so surprised that he said he had a wife. That magazine had been outdated.

After that encounter on the first signing of the contract, Chi Mi researched her way to know more about the so-called wife. It was an arranged marriage, not that she was surprised. It seemed to be far too common in this side of the world. Especially within the circle of rich people.

His wife was called Feng Xuan, a daughter of one of the tycoons in real estate industry. She was young and pretty. Their wedding celebration was one for the books.

One would be surprised at how extensive research could go with only the internet. Some might not know it, but a person's whole life could be found there. All you had to do was look.

She knew that Qing Chen and Feng Xuan only knew each other for a few days when they celebrated their marriage. How come they looked a lot in love in their photos, was one of the mysteries that she would never uncover.

She read about everything: the way that Feng Xuan opened her own restaurant, the fashion line, how she was kidnapped by a senator, and how she lived abroad for a few years when she was younger.

Chi Mi shouldn't, but she compared herself to Feng Xuan. It's no comparison!  her mind cried. She could never reach the level of the grace and exuding femininity of this woman.

Chi Mi was a cliche smart girl. She was the kind of people that TV shows would give makeovers to. But she wasn't the kind of person writers would write about and they would end up with the most popular jock in the school and be prom princess towards the end. She wasn't THAT bad in her opinion.

She was the kind of girl who lived below the radar. She was nerdy but not nerdy enough that she would be bullied for it. She finished second of her class during high school, which relieved her because she would hate standing in front of many people and try to make an inspirational speech during graduation when all she wanted was to get out of there.

She had her love interests… but she mostly kept it in her head. She would imagine with her dream boys during the night with every possible happy ever after there was. She knew that she would be luckier in college. She had taken an interest in the sciences and she figured that she would be finally be with the people who were in the same wavelength as her.

She wasn't disappointed. She had a few flings with the guys who tried to get out of their shells to ask her out. She had time to explore. But it wasn't until their graduation that she met the man that would make all her dreams come true.

This certain rich man came to the school in behalf of his whole family. They were one of the biggest sponsors and the school honored them with a certificate. In her eyes, he had been the most handsome creature that her eyes set upon on.

She finished the top of her class and had successfully got through her speech even with her wobbling knees. Afterwards, she didn't miss her chance backstage with the man, and introduced herself. She told him about the invention that she was set on creating. She only got to speak for a couple of minutes until that man got whisked away by his assistants. But he left her his calling card.

At first, they only got to talk about the invention which then was only an idea, but he kept on supporting her that she couldn't help but fall in love with him. It was no secret that they had a relationship despite him being almost ten years older than her…

She thought that she had the perfect man for her…

Until she saw this dashing CEO in the form of Qing Chen.

Everything will be perfect, she just needed to make him hers.

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