The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 448 - Then There Was None

Chi Mi did not think that the situation was going to reach this point. She had not been informed that something like this could arise. This was definitely something out of the comfort of what she signed up for.

But she was already there. There was no turning back.

She uncapped the injection from her bag. This shot was not meant for her but it was not like she could get to be picky on whose skin it would prick tonight.

There was something unreadable from the woman in front of her. Feng Xuan was in a certain stance that made confidence seep out of her pores. 

Does she know something about martial arts?

Her eyes flitted to her arms; slim, fit, and muscular. The way that Feng Xuan was slightly crouched told her that she did not come here to play.

Chi Mi felt the creeping horrification starting in her stomach. It was not like she had the time to study self-defense when she was so busy bent over a table fixing her machine. 

"I can let you go," Feng Xuan told her. "All you have to do is tell me who sent you here. I know you're not here just because you want to be."

"Oh, I'm here because I want to be." She tried her best to make her voice as steady as possible, but it still came out a little shaky. She still had the table in front of her. It was not like Mrs. Qing was going to pounce on her.


Feng Xuan eyebrows furrowed. "What is it that you want from Qing Chen?"

"I think we already established that I am not going to tell you that."

There was a sigh. "You know, this could take all night. You either tell me now or I'm going to have to force it out of you. And that's not going to be a pretty sight."

"What, it's not like you're going to torture me," she chuckled.

But the silence that answered her freaked her out.

"Alright," she backtracked. "What if we just pretend this never happened?"

Oh my gosh! Chi Mi was screaming in her head. He's right! He's definitely right! The Qings are dangerous people!!

Every cell in her being was telling her to flee. Some illogical part of her was thinking that if she threw herself against the glass wall, it would break and she would fall to her death, nice and easy. It was sounding a better option than getting mauled by the person in front of her. 

"I'm going to expose you," threatened Chi Mi. She fumbled and took out her phone. Her hands shook as she pressed on the voice recording app.

"Expose what?" Feng Xuan asked cooly.

It was unnerving how the other woman was so calm. But still she was the person standing between Chi Mi and safety.

"That you are bad people! You Qings!" she spat. "You are horrible people!"

Feng Xuan's eyebrows only raised. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop it!" she said, not knowing what was coming out of her mouth as well. "One click and this is going to be sent to my team. They are going to know that you were the last person I saw."

"Ah," she smiled. "I see, you have accepted the fact that you're going to die tonight." Feng Xuan took a step. "Then this would be just so much easier."

Chi Mi had not been given the chance to move. When she thought that Feng Xuan was not going to pounce on her because of the table, well… she had been wrong. All she knew was Feng Xuan was on the other end of the room and the next she was on Qing Chen's desk, scattering paper everywhere.

Chi Mi could hear herself screaming as something tumbled to the ground and broke. She had crumpled in the corner by instinct and wished that she had not put herself there.

When she lifted her head, it was like the door of the office was shining in light. Her body moved on its own and she crawled forward towards it.

Then she whimpered when Feng Xuan's feet landed mere inches away from her delicate short fingers. Feng Xuan was crouching, her eyes wide and dark—so dark that Chi Mi was convinced she could see herself dying in the very irises.

She clutched the strap of her bag to her chest, her last layer of protection—as little as it was. "Y-you're not going to do this to me!"

"Oh…" chuckled Feng Xuan. "You don't know what you've gotten yourself into." She leaned forward. "Are you scared enough to tell me the truth?"

Chi Mi was about to shake her head even though her whole body was trembling when Feng Xuan pushed her shoulder. She dropped to her back with a wince.

Damn, she almost cursed as her head spun. How come she's so strong?

"What are you trying to find here?" Feng Xuan asked. "Who's your boss?"

"I'm not working for anybody," she denied.

Chi Mi had never been so frightened in her life. Feng Xuan was not acting like a human being. She crawled on top of Chi Mi and trailed a sharp nail against the cheek down to the neck.

She's completely out of her mind! Chi Mi shouted in her head. How come Qing Chen managed to stay with her?!? She's complete nutso!!

Feng Xuan sighed, almost as if she was satisfied. "Isn't this fun?"

She wanted to answer something snarky, but it seemed like her tongue had already desserted her and flew in fear already. If this woman was not going to kill her, her heart might. It had never beat this way before and she was getting scared that it was going to burst.

"Tell me all your secrets," Feng Xuan whispered.

Her hot breath on Chi Mi's ear almost made her do so. There was a blare again from the inside of her purse and Feng Xuan perched herself on her hands again. "It's your boss. Why don't you answer it?"

Chi Mi wanted to move but all her muscles were frozen in place.

"You know," said Feng Xuan and took a lock of her hair. "He does not care about you. You're but just a mere pawn in this game of chess. Either you help me kill him, or you're going to die. The queen is here," she grinned.

The phone continued to vibrate in between them.

"Should I answer it for you?"

To that, Chi Mi moved. She could do it. She was going to kill this woman. There was no other choice. It was self-defense, she was going to tell the police.

Her fingers slipped in the bag and clasped the syringe. She had the element of surprise. There was no time for Feng Xuan to escape this fate.

She took a deep breath, gathered all the courage left in her body, and swung.

Chi Mi's next vision was Feng Xuan's hand in the air, dislodging her attack with inhumane speed. Her feral grin showed against the dark and moonlight.

There was a snap.

Then there was nothing.

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