The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 452 - - SERIAL KILLER - last pt Wuming Special (Can Skip)

Wuming backed away just in time that the lug wrench was swung in front of his face. It left his vision black for a split second. A grin was fighting its way to appear but he was too busy trying not to die and his other muscles was occupied trying to keep him alive.

In one giant backflip, Wuming was back on his feet, a few meters away from the police officer. "I knew it was you."

The police man had a dark look on his face. His eyes so black that it looked ravenous. "I know you've been watching me. I could see you from the rooftops."

"Wow! I didn't think anyone would see me there. But that's great. That's impressive."

"Who are you?" The lug wrench on his hand was getting ready for another strike. "I know you're not from around here."

Wuming pointed at his face. "Ah, because I'm a foreigner."

"Exactly. We don't get foreigners here."

Wuming pocketed his hands, his dagger poking his wrist, asking for attention. But Wuming thought that he could handle this without any weapons. "I see. Well, will you tell me why you kill people? I'm really interested."

The policeman took a step to the side. "No reason."

"Yeah, I know that part. But what makes you do it? Is it the voices in your head? Is it Satan? Is it God?"

"God?!" he spat. "What made you think it would be Him?"

"Well, some serial killers thought the God had been whispering to them," he shrugged. "Rid this earth of and whatnot so they try to kill in the name of cleansing."

A wicked grin was the only answer.

"Oh, it's Satan then. Weird, because if you're offering their souls to the devil. You're not exactly doing a good job. You need to draw a pentagram you know?"

Then the policeman attacked. He was faster than expected but one leap from Wuming and they were feet away again. "Now hold up, it's not like we need to rush." He smiled. "Are you that eager to meet your creator?"

"I'm not eager to meet anybody. I'm eager to see you dead." It sounded like a snarl.

Oh, he had turned animalistic.

It had always fascinated Wuming how close humans were really to animals. The only thing that humans had that animals did not was the capacity to think. Nothing else. They were closer in nature than one would think.

It was in this kind of situations that the animalistic nature of humans appear the most. That 'fight or flight' instinct. Or even just that 'survival' instinct that they would whatever it was possible to get out of a knot.

"You're not listening," he said patiently. "You're going to die. But first I want to know why. What is that drives you to do that?"

The policeman, sensing that Wuming wasn't going to move first, relaxed a little. "Well, I guess there's no reason to not tell you. You're going to die anyway."

Wuming waited.

"It quiets my mind," the policeman said. "It makes me feel powerful."

"Bullied when you were young?"

The no-answer was the answer.

"How about the targets? Why so random?"

"It's just to prove that I can do it to anybody. Nothing else. I'm not trying to leave a signature or what. I just want to do it."

"How long have you been planning this?"

There was a slight chuckle. Wuming was convinced that whatever kind of high this man was in, it was bad. It was making him sound like he was borderline out of his mind. "Ever since I was in high school. I knew that I have to have the right cover. Being a police officer made things a lot easier."

Wuming nodded. "You've been doing an excellent job cleaning up after yourself."

"Yes, that's why I have to kill you now so I'll have enough time to clean up. Don't make this any harder."

Since the policeman had been at the academy, Wuming thought that there would be more challenge. However, as he easily avoided all the attacks, leaving the other winded and worn, he thought it was just a bore.

"You've gotten sloppy," he said, trailing on the border of the attacker's space. He wanted to make the other think that it was still possible to hurt him. "You think that you're so powerful that you don't have to keep up with physical requirements of killing? You're not prepared to have a stronger opponent."

The attacks came again. The policeman armored by the lug wrench, swung his arm around, trying to catch Wuming. But it wasn't possible. With every attack, Wuming was as graceful as always, stepping and jumping out of the way with a grin on his face.

This time, when he moved away, Wuming sent a kick on the policeman's back, leaving him tumbling to the ground. He crouched near the head, so close to the weapon. "You think you're so strong, but you're weak." He pouted in frustration. He thought that it would be much more exciting than this. "Now, I feel like I just wasted my time on you. But you know what, I'm going to give you a gift." This had been his plan all along. 

He pressed a hand against the man's head, digging him deeper in the aspalt. "I'm going to make you die like how you killed those people. They will never know that you're the serial killer." Wuming chuckled. "You probably had fantasies of high speed car chases and a doc.u.mentary film being made out in your name. People will look into your brain and try to find where had society gone wrong that you turned out like this. But I'm going to ruin that for you. I'm going to make you your own victim. Just one of those names in an unsolved mystery. Not amounting into anything other than another dead body."

The policeman groaned and thrashed under his hand. Wuming let him. Maybe this final insult was the only thing he needed to unleash the beast. He let the man stand and he stood, waiting for the attack. It came almost immediately.

Novice, his mind whispered. Almost in despair. If serial killers had been as good as him in killing, then maybe they would give honor to the title. But this? Wuming was just disgusted.

The policeman used the most common attack. Right in the front.

When he was near enough, Wuming pivoted his foot and did a roundhouse. He caught the man square in the face. Now, he was not allowed to do much damage. That had never been in the serial killer's method. He had to make this believable.

The man crumpled to the ground again. This time, Wuming did not let him escape. He placed a heel against the man's back, leaving him unable to get up.

With the tip of his toe, he flicked on the lug wrench. It flew a few short feet and he caught it in his hand. "Now, it's about time you die."

It took only a few swings. Blood splattered everywhere.

The crunch of the skull was almost satisfying. With every blow he thought he was erasing this man from history. He was satisfied with it. That would leave the police with another body to bury and paperwork to write.

Now they would be wondering how come the killer stopped. Wuming did not care anymore at that point.

He jumped to a building's shadows when he heard the policecars, wiping the blood from his face on his sleeve. He pulled out a small phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, honey," he greeted when it was picked up. "I'll be home in two days time."

"Oh!" Addison's cheerful voice immediately lifted his mood. "That's great to hear. I'll let everybody know."

"How are things over there?"

"You wouldn't believe it."

"What? What happened?"

Addison giggled, like she was sharing gossip. "Xuan killed somebody."


"Yeah, she did. Just come home. You'll know the details."

"Yeah, I'm on my way. See you." 

He pocketed the phone again, thinking how else would he keep entertaining himself in this profession. Most targets offered little to no resistance.

Then he suddenly remembered a certain body that was possibly buried under the collapsed mansion of The Zookeeper. Wuming hoped he lived. 

The Fox would make a good challenger.

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