The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 457 - Violet Basil Leaves (Wuming x Addison) (Can Skip)

"What is there to talk about?" Feng Xuan asked. "They are just boys."

"No, no, no, shhh," said Addison and plucked a coin from the back pocket of her jeans. "Heads, I'm going to tell something about myself. Tails, it would be you. Okay?"

Feng Xuan nodded her slightly drunken head. Addison flicked the coin in the air and snatched it when it came close. It was Heads.

"Okay," she said. "It is already obvious, but I don't have friends."

"What?! Don't you have something like a Female Assassin Organization or something?"

"Some people do," she shrugged. "But I'm a freelancer. It's really not easy to make friends in a male dominated line of job. I am very thankful that I met you and Meilien. You two seem to be very nice girls."

Feng Xuan felt an ache in her heart. It didn't occur to her until now that some people struggle to have contact with others. She assumed that, Addison being Addison, she was fine and unaffected. "I'm going to let you know when we're going to get our mani-pedis. And we're not friends. We're family here."

"You know what, when I was younger, I had a lot of friends. I think if I didn't have that experience I wouldn't miss it. But I do. I'm sorry, I actually set you up here because I'm dying to talk to someone."

"About men?" laughed Feng Xuan.

"Yeah," she smiled sheepishly. "I am too shy to invite Liu Meilien too. I keep on thinking this kind of getaways are not her thing."

"She'll come around," Feng Xuan said.

"It's nice to be talking to another woman, or just someone who is not giving me a contract, or Wuming."

"What's with Wuming?" Now she was getting interested. She was going to get firsthand information about this couple! "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah!" Addison said. "We're really good. We're great. I mean, we live together. Isn't that weird?"

"Weird because?"

"We're not together."

Feng Xuan's eyebrow raised. "What do you mean? After everything you've been through?"

"Exactly!" Addison's eyes were excited. "He never asked me. He never asked me to be his girlfriend." She shrugged. "I don't know what we are."

"Oh, what a jerk," she said with a disgusted face.

"I know right?! I packed up my everything and left. Then I stayed here in Chengshi—not that he asked me to but do you get me?!"

Feng Xuan drank more from her glass. Same volume of burning. "Yeah, I totally get it." She figured that she would be able to play her part better if she had alcohol in her system. She was never the kind of person who gossiped a lot about her life. She mainly just told Wang Yimin and Liu Meilien. "Why don't you ask him though?"

Addison s.u.c.k.e.d her cheeks in.

Feng Xuan did not think that Addison was someone who was afraid of emotions and of the truth. But here she was, uncertain. She thought that because she was so much of a badass with all that assassin business that she would be… somehow immune to that kind of emotion?

"If he answers wrong," said Feng Xuan, "slice his neck."

Addison laughed. "Oh, I wish! Wuming is very agile. It might just be the romantic in me talking with hearts on my eyes, but I really do think that it would be impossible to kill him. Not unless of course, you're going to tie him down a post and launch a missile at him. Then again, you would have to be quick enough to launch it as he could escape almost everything."

Addison took another drink. "You know, I am not the kind of person who would like to regret anything in life. I think I'm going to ask him tonight. I am going to get my answer. If he doesn't feel the same way that I do, or even just close to it, I'm going to leave and never come back."

Feng Xuan got sad at the thought of their small circle getting smaller. "I'm sure he feels the same way, or else I'm going to try and kick him in the balls if he does that to you."

"Thank you, Xuan." Addison smiled at her. "You know, I had a massive crush on him before I got to be in this position."

Feng Xuan turned her body to Addison. "Oh yeah? What's the story?"

"It was in Europe and I took a contract and killed the person, took his files which I was to give to someone else on the same afternoon. I was waiting on this little cute coffee shop in a narrow street. Very crowded. I didn't know who I was expecting. There was just a code word. I was enjoying a nice little pastry with small cuts of strawberries on it when I heard it. 

'Violet Basil Leaves' then a man sat in front of me. You know, face all angles, very sharp nose where an expensive looking pair of sunglasses was perched. His loose plain-colored clothing gave him the air he did not really care about someone's measly life. He looked really rich. I honestly thought he was someone who came from a movie. Very textbook prince charming."

Addison fluffed her hair from the back. "'Come again?' I asked him. 'Violet Basil Leaves' he said, 'it's you, isn't it? The Mistress?' I almost laughed out loud. I suddenly remembered that yeah, I was actually also wearing something textbook. A revealing red dress, smokey eyes, red lips, and heels to die for. So I said, 'yeah it's me. You are?' 'Wuming,' he said. I nodded. 'Nice to meet you', then I pushed a saucer and a cup his way and he fished out a flashdrive from it. 'Thank you'. I wish he wouldn't leave. But he had to. We were on a schedule. 

"You know what? I took my chance. When he was making a move to get up, I placed my leg on his t.h.i.g.h. I said, 'Where do you think you're going?' 'I have work to do'. Wuming has the brightest smile. All I could think about then was damn, he's gorgeous. I'm going to get myself a piece of this. Because everyone that I wanted, wanted me as well.

"'Can I meet you after this?' I asked. Then he said 'I'll be in touch'. His fingers touched my ankle as he pulled my leg down and I honestly think that my insides twisted. 'Promise?' I asked. I already sounded pathetic, right? But then he said 'Promise'. We didn't exchange numbers. I was thinking that he was not going to reach me that night, I was already losing hope. That was when my phone rang. It was him.

"I thought, you know, it'd be like everybody else; dinner, a drink, we do it, then they leave. We stopped at the drinks. Strangely enough, I wasn't disappointed. Not at all. I liked talking to him. He was really nice. He was great conversationalist. I was thinking, if this had been an ordinary human, I would've left my job and come with him to the normal world. But he was also an assassin. He had a flight right after our little date. He kissed my cheek. I thought I melted.

"Then he was gone.

"I was insistent. I tracked him down, trying to know the details of his contracts so maybe we might chance upon each other in the same country. Sometimes we did. Sometimes we made arrangements. Never going all the way. Just drinks. And dinner. He was always accommodating. Not even surprised whenever I found his new number and all that.

"When I came here to Chengshi, I thought I would just pay a visit then leave—do the thing that he did to me—but oh my goodness, Xuan," Addison laughed. "He finally gave in. He finally let me have him. After the endless seduction and teasing… it was great! I thought it would not amount to anything, but here we are, right?! It's unbelievable."

Feng Xuan nodded. She felt like she just watched a movie. Addison looked animated while she was talking and she felt a sense of camaraderie. "If Wuming hurts you, I'm going to make it a mission to carve his heart out so you can stab the shit out of it."

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