The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 46 - They Were Right

If Feng Xuan was being honest with herself, she couldn't believe she had let herself be deceived even just the slightest about Li Zongying's lies. Last night, she and Qing Chen made this whole plan of trying to make a fake doc.u.ment with the doctor.

It was fairly easy once they had started to really think about it. Li Zongying had not frequented any place other than her home, the office, and the hospital. Her friends were nothing special and none held the power that could have helped Li Zongying with this plan.

Li Zongying was mostly a loner in the office. She never really interacted with anyone aside from Qing Chen. She never left for the cafeteria as her lunch was delivered with her boss' everyday.

Late last night, Qing Chen's hired investigator finally sent doc.u.ments about Li Zongying--it was far better than what Feng Xuan had gotten. A short analysis came with the papers linking a pregnant woman to Li Zongying's case. At home, she was also alone aside from the couple that lived in the first floor of the apartment. The wife was pregnant.

Feng Xuan did not know how Li Zongying was able to extract a urine sample from her neighbor. It would be beyond her comprehension but she suspected that was where the sample came from that Li Zongying used when she took the pregnancy tests in Qing Chen's office.

As soon as they had figured that out, there was just another boggling thing that they had to prove wrong. The tests from the hospital. It was a legit doc.u.ment that was signed over by the one of the Qing's family doctors herself.

Now, that was where Feng Xuan got nervous. Surely, the Qing's doctor didn't make a fake doc.u.ment that said a woman was pregnant when she was not. Qing Chen was also having doubts about this as his family trusted this doctor and they were too afraid to reach another dead end. But they just had to try.

Feng Xuan was never a good actress. She wore her heart on her sleeve most of the time. She would've asked Wang Yimin's help but she couldn't. So it was all just up to her now because Qing Chen could not be here, he was just too recognizable.

After discreetly making an appointment with a fake name and I.D. that she had ordered all thanks to Wang Yimin (again), she went to the hospital. She had never seen an obstetrician before and over the call in her appointment, she had complained about missing her period and was looking at a possible pregnancy.

Feng Xuan sat on the hospital chair while waiting for the physician to finish attending another patient. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She was told that she would undergo an ultrasound.

Feng Xuan even made sure she had noodle and rice the night before and for breakfast to make a little bump on her stomach. She needed to look bloated to actually sell this. She even made up lines in her head but all of those vanished when the door opened and the patient went out and the doctor called for her.

Feng Xuan felt her heart on her throat as she gathered her things and went inside. It was a small room with a desk and a bed with a machine on the side. She tore her eyes away from the tools attached on the machine, thinking on how it would go inside her in just a few minutes. She shuddered a little.

"Hello, good morning," said the middle-aged doctor. Her face was all smiles like she was trying to make Feng Xuan calm down. "Have a seat."

The doctor checked her identification and asked about her general health, when was her last visit to the doctor, and how were her menstrual cycles. "It says here you called because you think you're pregnant?"

Feng Xuan forced her voice to not shake. "Yes."

"When was your last s.e.x.u.a.l contact?"

Heat raised to her cheeks as she answered with a lie, "Two nights ago."

The doctor nodded and wrote it down. "Your last period?"

It was actually just two weeks ago but she said, "About six weeks ago, I think? Or eight? I wasn't really keeping count."

"Have you taken a pregnancy test yet?"

"Yes," she answered. "They were all positive. But I really need a proof from the doctor," she said, appearing sheepish. "My in-laws were a little doubtful."

"Oh!" the doctor said in surprise. "Yes, it seems like that's happening quite often nowadays. Come then."

Feng Xuan was more than terrified as she drop her bottoms and tie the hospital gown on her body. She could hear the loud beating of her heart as she laid down the bed and spread her legs.

She gasped when the tool was inserted and the screen showed some shadows and light that she couldn't really see what they were looking at. Of course, it would turn empty.

Feng Xuan watched as the doctor tried and tried to find her supposed baby, the frown on the doctor's face growing deeper and deeper. "Are you sure you're pregnant?" the doctor asked and pulled out the tool. "I can't seem to find anything."

Feng Xuan pinched her inner leg, hard enough that tears welled up to her eyes. It would bruise later, but that was the last thing on her mind. She sat up, like she was rushing after the doctor who was pulling the gloves off. "Please, wait! Take another look!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. There is just no baby inside you."

Feng Xuan made herself cry some more. "Please, please! A baby would be the only thing that would save my marriage! I will pay you, how much do you want? Just sign the doc.u.ment!"

The doctor looked uncomfortable. "There is no way I can fake a doc.u.ment. You are not really pregnant. How are you going to pull that through? Even if we say you'll get pregnant post this check up, it still wouldn't match up on the records when you give birt—"

"Please!" Feng Xuan dropped to her knees, clutching the hand of the doctor. Her tears were running out and she needed an excuse to hide her face. "I'll fake a miscarriage! You can even be my doctor and we would wing this together! I'll pay you some more! How much do you want? A million? Two? Five? Tell me the price!"

The doctor shrugged her off but immediately raised her by her arms. "I will do this to help save your marriage. But putting my license and my life on the line comes with a price."

Feng Xuan kept her head low as she pretended to wipe tears and snot. "Okay. I'm more than willing to pay for it."

"Get dressed."

As Feng Xuan pulled her pants on, the doctor was already typing away on the machine, attaching a picture of some other pregnant woman's uterus to her file. Feng Xuan kept quite as the doctor worked. The doctor wrote her a prescription. "This might help you be more fertile."

Somehow, Feng Xuan's heart softened. Maybe the doctor was just really willing to help and was not doing this solely for the money. She did not know what Li Zongying told this doctor for her to agree to make a fake pregnancy doc.u.ment.

"You can get the results in the nurse's station in a few minutes. I will send you the bank details. Ten million is the initial downpayment for this. Another ten on the miscarriage papers."

Feng Xuan swallowed and nodded. "My husband is really wealthy."

"That's good to know," the doctor answered.

Feng Xuan's knees almost gave out under her when she stepped out of the room. She clutched her heart with the other paper that was handed to her. "I can't believe this," she whispered under her breath. "We are actually right."

The results didn't take long to arrive and the next thing she knew, she was in the elevator of The Kingly Hotel. She turned to the hallway that would lead her to Qing Chen's office and found that Li Zongying's desk was empty. It was lunch time.

What a shame, she thought. She would've loved to smack Li Zongying with the truth right then and there. Her heart was leaping out of her chest and was doing cartwheels even before she opened Qing Chen's door.

Qing Chen immediately looked up. A smile appeared on his face when he saw the triumphant look on her face. "Are we right?"

Feng Xuan could not even answer a word. She just squealed and bounded to Qing Chen's desk and placed the faked file there. "It worked. I don't know how but it did." She was so happy she could just kiss him. What?! Did she mean that?

Qing Chen grinned at her after his eyes scanned the doc.u.ment and his face finally brightened after a few days of this hell. "I can't believe this." He got up from his seat and pulled Feng Xuan in a fierce embrace. "Thank you," he said on the top of her head. "You went through all that trouble."

"Don't," she slapped on his back. "I might cry fake fat tears here. Besides, it was also for my own peace of mind."

They pulled apart when Qing Chen's phone started to sound an alarm. "I have a meeting to get to in about fifteen minutes," he told Feng Xuan. "I'll meet you at home?"

Feng Xuan nodded, eyeing the papers on Qing Chen's desk. "Yes. Surely, husband."

He nodded at her and for the first time in days, this seemed to be the genuine one.

This day started out to be good, she couldn't believe it could've gone better. But then she saw that Li Zongying was already back from her lunch break.

Feng Xuan grinned and a piece of hell broke loose.

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