Qing Chen did not think that he would create an order that would result in death with just mere suspicion. But they were being careful. He had to make sure that they were safe. He was willing to lose lives for theirs.

"Received," said Clown.

"Where's that stupid letter?" he asked and Clown handed it to him immediately. Qing Chen unfolded the crumpled letter and began reading:

Good day, Qings.

This is not going to be something like the letters that The Zookeeper sent you. Yes, I did know about the letters. He spoke to me about those. I didn't want to code anything as something might get lost in translation.

I have only five words: I am coming for you.

You should've realized what wrong you were doing when you cut off our deal. Everyone in Chengshi is going to know who you are and your rotten closet full of dead bodies.

You are going to be prosecuted, jailed, and probably killed in there!

I will not rest until I see you down a drain.

Or… you could just engage with another deal with me and avoid all of these.

"Smiley face," Qing Chen finished.

They all laughed out loud.

"It was going so well before he added that, 'smiley face' at the end," said Qing Lok.

"Empty threats," Wuming said. "If he was really going to go through all of that, he would not offer treaty again."

"Agreed," answered Qing Chen. "Still we need to be make sure that Enigma is clean. Next order: we're going to interrogate everybody. Bring their family members with them. We're going to make the truth come out. I want all the bars to close. I want to know who else La Hiena got his hands on. You're on that Clown, Wuming, and Addison. Spilt up to make it go faster." said Qing Chen. "Be careful. I don't want more dead families."

"That's going to take a while," said Wuming. "Okay."

"And you, Qing Lok, you and your team are going to have to make sure that the web is free of any shit about us. It's the quickest way to expose. I want your eyes open at all times. Any mention of us I want you to know it."

"Gotcha," said Qing Lok.

He turned to Feng Xuan. "And you, my wife, are going to prepare all of our financial accounts. We're going to dig deep. We have to pay some politicians, the media, and the police to cover us. I need them all on the phone tomorrow."

"Of course," Feng Xuan smiled at him. For a second, he was transported in a different version of their lives. In the version that they were only normal human beings.

He should really consider living near a farm and get away from all of these.

Qing Chen returned her smile before jumping up and getting serious all over again. "We're going to move to The Mansion. Get your things. I'll meet you all there in an hour."


"He's getting bossy, isn't he?" Wuming whispered jokingly to Qing Lok while they were all getting out of the doorway.

"I heard that!" said Qing Chen who was leading them all out of the house.

"He's doing his job," Qing Lok laughed.

Wuming grinned at his younger brother. "I'll see you in the house, rascal."

"Right back at you."

When Wuming and Addison were back in their car, she asked, "Do you think he's going to bring Liu Meilien? Maybe I'd try to teach her basic self-defense."

"That sounds good. So she's not just one of the lambs wolves could pounce on."

"Do you think Qing Chen's plan is right?"

Wuming quickly answered because he had no doubt with his brother. "Of course, he is right. We can't afford going to La Hiena. We need to get him out of his turf or else we're going right in the shark's mouth. It's safer to do it here. We know this place since we were children."

"It's not like I'm worried," said Addison while looking out the window.

"You sound like you are."

"You tell me that you're not going to die, and I'll be fine."

"I'm not going to die," said Wuming. It was absolute. Running while bullets were raining on him? Bring it on. There was nothing that could scare him when it was about physical strength. "Does that assure you?"

"I guess, I mean, why do you even have to assure me?"

Wuming was confused. "What?"

"Why do you need to assure me?"

"You just told me to tell you that I'm not going to die."

"Yeah, I know."

"But why did you have to say it?"

"Because you asked me to!"

"But why?"

Wuming shook his head. What were they talking about anyway? "This is pointless! What are you really asking?"

"You didn't have to tell me that but why did you say it? Don't say because I asked you to."

"Because I want you to know," Wuming said. "It makes you feel more at peace, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does."

"Then that's good enough for me."


Silence enveloped them in the car. They had never been in this kind of silence before. It was the kind of silence that Wuming was wishing he could break like glass.

"I care about you, Addison," he told her. "What bothers you, bothers me. Okay?"

"Do you like me?" she asked with a small voice.

"Of course I like you," he said. How could she not get that? "We are living together! What are you talking about?" he laughed, immediately lightening the atmosphere. 

"But are we together?" she asked. "Like, together TOGETHER?"

"I share a bed with you. I share a whole house with you. At what part of that is screaming that we're not together? You're mine as much as I am yours."

"You're my boyfriend?"

"I don't want to put a label on it," he said then smiled. "But yeah, I guess I am."

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