The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 62 - She Has A Secret

Qing Chen was going to see Feng Lizhao in an hour and Feng Xuan's fate would be determined. Qing Chen did not know what he was wishing for but he had to admit, half of him wanted for all of this to be settled—for Feng Xuan to finally know it all so she could be free. So that he could also be free.

That morning he finally read the emails sent to him by Detective An and he wanted to meet with Qing Chen just before lunch. He could already see what his day was going to be like and he was already tired of it. He would be swallowed by the number of meetings he was supposed to have.

Thankfully, he had his wife who gave him even just the short glimpses of sunshine. Feng Xuan arranged his tie as they were waiting for the car on the driveway. "Have a great day."

I doubt it, he wanted to answer but he smiled at her and said, "Of course, wife."

"I'd make a really nice dinner for you. Something new."

"Hmmm. I'm sure it would be great."

The car rolled up and the driver went out to open Qing Chen's door. Feng Xuan ran her hands on his lapels, "I'll see you later." She raised herself on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "All will be well."

"All will be well," he repeated back to her with a forced smile. He turned away from the house and into the back of the limousine where he thought of the worst that could happen in the Feng's residence.

The house was less than an hour away from theirs and was protected by high white walls and a huge wrought iron gate that opened automatically. Like their home, it was isolated from most of its neighbors and stood like a grand castle perched on top of a hill. The difference was that, while Qing Chen and Feng Xuan's house was very modern with its angles and corners, this house seemed to be child-proof with its roundness and soft turns.

Qing Chen knew that the mistress of the house was home but he was not expecting her to be the one to greet him by the front door. "Good morning, Mrs. Feng."

"Good morning, Qing Chen," she answered with a huge smile. She was really beautiful just like her daughter. Liu Lifen was wearing a dark floral dress with pastel flowers that ended just below her knees. "Do come in."

Qing Chen stepped in and looked around. This was his first time in the house where Feng Xuan grew up. He felt like he was entirely out-of-place. He tried to imagine his wife, small and chubby-cheeked running around this estate, her short legs pushing and gaining speed.

"Lizhao told me to send you to his study," Liu Lifen said as she lead him up the stairs. Pictures lined the walls and Qing Chen scanned most of them but could not really find one with Feng Xuan's face and neither of the late mistress of this house. Of course, the new mistress would have every remnant of her removed.

When they reached the top of the stairs, a long hallway appeared on both side of him but both ends have corners on them. How big is this house? Qing Chen thought. He did not quite grasp the entirety of the property for the mouth was rather narrower than the rest of it.

Liu Lifen opened a door and let him come through. "I'll send some tea."

"Water would be fine," he said.

"And water as well," she nodded and shut the door behind him.

The room was lined with bookshelves, containing mostly of leather-bound volumes and plaques. There were also a few trophies along with framed pictures. Maroon leather seats matched with the brown carpet as well as the varnished wooden furniture. He walked to one wall and saw a framed picture of Feng Xuan and he grinned for the first time in days.

Her hair was cut short and ended just below her ears, framing her little face. Her cheeks were rounded and she had a little bit of a belly. She was smiling crookedly at the camera like she has a secret she was not telling. Her eyes were bright, evidence of the happiness she felt at that moment. She looked like to be sitting on grass and was wearing a light pink dress.

Qing Chen wanted to take a picture so he could tease his wife with it, but before he could get his phone out a voice spoke from the door. "It was her fourth birthday and her mother didn't know she already ate half of her cake before she even blew the candles."

Qing Chen turned and smiled at his father-in-law. "She loved sweet things ever since?"

"Yes, her mother loved making her desserts. She was a mess on the main dishes, but she knew desserts really well. Must be strange for you to see her with that weight."

Qing Chen shook his head once. "I think she looked adorable."

Feng Lizhao waved him over. "Have a seat, Qing Chen." He closed the door and trudged to the seat behind the oak desk. "We are here to talk about my daughter, yes?"

"Yes, sir," he answered, shifting in his seat. In that small moment he saw the younger Feng Xuan, he forgot that his problem existed. Last night, it kept him up. Feng Xuan was already curled to his chest but he was still wide awake. He thought over and over just how he would say this—how he would phrase this without coming out as a villain. But it all ended the same way, it would be like forcing Feng Lizhao's hand.

"Sir, with all due respect," he began and Feng Lizhao's gaze upon him seemed to get deeper, "but I think it's time to tell your daughter the truth."

Then he told him about what Wuming told them, about the assignment, the police report, the message on the wall, and the body on the hotel. He admitted that they were clueless at the moment on who was targeting their family.

Feng Lizhao kept his face emotionless the entire time and that unsettled Qing Chen. He felt like his words were only sliding through a glass wall, not really making any sense and change in his decision. He took a deep breath after his monologue and clasped his fingers together.

"Sir, I am also concerned with your daughter's safety. I do not doubt the skills and abilities of the people in Enigma, however we do not know who we are up against and what resources they have. We do not know when they would attack next."

Finally, Feng Lizhao spoke, "And what good would it do by telling Feng Xuan about everything? Do you wish to use her in this?"

"No, sir!" he quickly said, alarmed. "No, sir," he repeated in a calmer voice. "My family do not wish to put Feng Xuan in line of danger. We only want to protect her. The truth would help her understand what is happening, so she could process and act properly, and know how vital this is for all of us."

Feng Lizhao sighed and remained quiet for a few moments, flicking his eyes to another frame on top of his desk. Qing Chen could not see the picture but he was sure it was one with Feng Xuan's face on it.

Feng Lizhao raised his head. He had never felt this nervous ever since… well, ever since never. For once it was not about his life, but someone else's. His wife's. "I appreciate you coming to me about this, Qing Chen, and that it was never in your option to force my daughter to just follow if you told her to behave."

Qing Chen already knew what was coming next.

"But my decision remains the same," Feng Lizhao continued. "I know Xuan would want to know the truth, but not unless we know how grave this situation is I would like to keep things just the way they are."

Qing Chen secretly bit the insides of his cheek to keep himself from speaking up. He only looked at his feet, feeling hopeless at the moment.

"I would like for Feng Xuan to stay under your care. I trust that you and your family would keep her safe. I'll send my best guard to her. I understand the risks and the consequences that may follow with not telling Xuan the truth and I will take full responsibility over this matter. I had been in this business long and I will not start making foolish decisions now. You know my daughter's history, you know this might change her forever or might destroy her."

Feng Lizhao leaned over the table and Qing Chen raised his head. "I do not want to risk that for you either, Qing Chen. I see that you are a wonderful husband to her. But I need your help here. You have to keep her out of the truth as much as possible. You can't tell her… not unless it is a matter of life and death."

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