The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 98 - Sincerely Yours, The Qings

"Breakfast is ready!" Qing Chen heard his wife call from downstairs and he got out of his closet.

Before Qing Chen got into the dining area for breakfast, he took the letters on a table flicking through each of them. He froze for a half second when he saw an unusual envelope. It was a normal white, but the writing at the edges were symbols. "There you are," Qing Chen said and pocketed the small envelope and brought the rest to his wife.

"I am thinking," Feng Xuan said with a huge notebook by her side while she was eating breakfast. After seven days of Feng Xuan's opening, the store was finally in normal operations. "I need to have the website up sooner."

Qing Chen nodded. "Are you going to make the delivery option there?"

She nodded. "Do you think I'll be able to handle it? The orders from the hotel were demanding also."

"Do you need a bigger kitchen?" he asked. "I'll kick out the next store beside yours."

Feng Xuan laughed. "Don't be too crazy."

"I mean it."

"You're going to face a lawsuit. Breach of contract."

"I'll pay for it," he said.

"Nah," she said and ran her fingertips to his face tenderly. "I just have to make more time with my baking here at home. This is where I need a bigger oven."

"Send me a list of everything you need. I'll order it all for you."

Feng Xuan reached and squeezed his cheeks together. "I can do it for myself. But thank you, husband. You're so sweet."

Qing Chen only chuckled under his breath. 

After breakfast, Qing Chen was already shrugging his coat on at the front door. "Don't get too sucked into your business. Remember you still have school. You can't fail that."

"Yes, yes, Dad," she said. "I'll do well in both fields."

Qing Chen winced and Feng Xuan laughed. "Don't call me that."

"Why not?" she teased and pulled him to her. She whispered to his ear, "Daddy."

"Don't," Qing Chen laughed and in a more leveled voice. "Seriously, don't."

Feng Xuan only laughed and proceeded to give him a kiss. His arm wrapped on her waist. "I'll see you later."

"Yes, you will," he answered and went out.


He was meant to be early in the office today, but he had asked his secretary to move the meetings a little later. While on the way to his father's house, Qing Chen already opened the letter. The only lines he understood were his address on the envelope. But one thing was certain, this one was longer than the rest of the notes from The Zookeeper.

"What is this, a love letter?" Wuming said as he examined the contents before handing it to the IT expert.

"It appears so," Qing Chen said and sat down the couch. "I wonder what he has to say."

"Probably going to own up with Mr. Zhang's body. I cannot believe they fished him out of the water," Qing Lok commented, drinking hot cocoa, still in his pajamas.

"Hey," Qing Chen said, "I saw you at Feng Xuan's opening. You were with Liu Meilien."

Qing Lok jumped in his seat. "I was merely accompanying her," he said in a low voice. 

"Wouldn't it be weird that you're going to date your sister-in-law's sister?" Wuming asked, dropping at the other end of the couch.

"Step-sister," Qing Lok corrected which had his brothers laughing. "What? I'm just stating facts."

"Don't get so defensive, Lok," Qing Chen said. "I think it's okay if you want to date her—marry her even, there's no law that would get in the way with that. You're not blood-related."

Qing Lok bowed his head as he felt the heat on his cheeks. "I am not planning to marry her," he grumbled. "I think she'd make a great friend."

Wuming gave him a mischievous grin. "Don't be a coward now, if you like her then go for it."

Qing Chen's eyebrow lifted. "And who are you to give relationship advice? Are you seeing someone?"

"No," Wuming shook his head. But Qing Chen saw his right eye wink a little—that was his older brother's tell. 

"You're lying," he said. "Who is it?"

"You're dating someone?!" exclaimed Qing Lok. "I thought we're not allowed to date at the moment?!"

Qing Chen added, "I saw you the last auction night. You were with someone. Who's that girl?"

"Ah," Wuming groaned, putting a pillow above his head. "Chen, it's too early in the morning to get on my nerves."

Qing Chen laid back. "I can't believe you're dating," he said in wonder. "You've never dated anyone."

"I am not technically dating her y—"

They heard quick footsteps and the IT handed them the translated paper. "It's done."

"That was quick." Wuming took it.

"He used the same symbols the last time."

"Thank you. Can you please call father and grandmother?"

The older ones had a sour look on their faces upon knowing it was a note. Once they were all in the living room, Wuming read it.

Good day, Qings. I am writing to let you know that the police had been up your butt. A certain detective, officer, and a senator are acting like dogs sniffing you all out. I play nice and I would like to let you know I am saying goodbye to your family for the meantime. I do not like my prey being eyed by another predator. If I am going to bring you down, I will bring you down on my own. As for the two Qings, let it be known that I will not touch your friends. You need not to worry over the harm that could come to them. They do not concern me and they are not included in this battle. I am not that of a dirty player. Qing Chen, please tell your wife that the cupcakes were delicious. Chef's kisses.

I will let you know when I am back. Till next time.

The Zookeeper.

Wuming folded the letter and silence filled them for a few seconds.

"Do you think we should hunt him down?" Qing Lok asked.

"He said he's not going to touch us for the moment. I think he'll honor his words. He just wanted to let us know that he was still keeping tabs on us."

"I have heard about Senator Chang Yan from the Deputy," said their father. "He said we need not to worry as he had no jurisdiction over police matter."

"We can't dispatch him immediately though," Qing Chen said. "If he goes missing the country will go in chaos to find him."

"Yeah, we need him to make a mistake."

Wuming slapped his knee. "At least we have The Zookeeper off our backs for now. It's a great relief not worrying who's going to turn up dead next."

"Do you think it'll be possible that we could turn him on our side?" Qing Lok asked. "I think he's great with all these notes and courtesy."

Even Qing Chen smiled and waved over a maid. "Can you please call the IT?" Once the curly-haired guy was back in the room he asked, "Do you think you'll be able to construct a message using his symbols?"

The IT looked confused but nodded his head. "It's possible."

"Well then—"

"Chen, what are you doing?" the grandmother asked in warning.

"What? It's not nice to not write back," he grinned.

"Where are you going to send it?"

"We're just going to put it in the mail with no address. If he really has eyes and ears everywhere, he'll be able to find it." 

"Chen, you're going mad," Wuming said but he was also grinning.

"I know," he answered. "But it's nice to make friends for a little while. Here's what you're going to write."

Thank you for the message, Zookeeper.

We'll miss you too.

Sincerely yours,

The Qings

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