The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 225: Breaking Mercy

"Alright. We're in position," I said over the earpiece.

We were currently inside the movie theatre once again - it was a little before 10 in the morning, but since everyone had their biological clocks reversed in this place, right now was the best time for our plan. We just had to get in and get back out before the daily reset at 12 PM, where the theatre employees would go around the place and pretty much kick everyone out. They would then have to pay again to get back in.

"Xiao Su, have you finished changing?" I asked, looking around. There were over a hundred of us in total, counting Old Xia's soldiers. We were all spread out, just acting inconspicuous for now - waiting for everything to be set up.

"H-Hm? Ah, yes!" Lan Xiao Su replied, slightly surprised at me calling her affectionately, without the last name. "I-I'm getting ready to go now."

Old Man Leng's wife, the commander of this mission, was the one to respond this time. "Good. Everyone else in position?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied. "Alpha One, in position."

"Alpha Two, in position," Xiang Peng added. She was just around the corner, but we still split the Alpha group into One and Two just to stay organized. My group consisted of Feng Mian, Qing Yue, Obsidia, and I, while Xiang Peng's group consisted of the Yu sisters, Flaria, and herself (we took Flaria this time because her phoenix form could be used as a last resort). The reason we split into groups like this was so that we could infiltrate the bathroom efficiently like this - one person would give commands, like so: 'Alpha One, move in.' That way, we would know who we are, and move accordingly.

"Bravo One, in position," Old Xia's deep and hoarse voice said.

"Bravo Two, in position as well," Old Man Leng added. Together, these two old friends made up the Bravo squad, each leading a group of fifty soldiers.

"That's everyone, then. Charlie, begin the operation."

"Copy," Lan Xiao Su replied. "Charlie out."

In total, we had four squads, excluding Charlie - who was just Lan Xiao Su, and command - Old Man Leng's wife. We were spread out across the theatre, but all still relatively close to the bathroom so we could get there fairly quickly when it was our turn to enter.

Soon after, we saw a custodian strolling a cart arrive at the female bathroom. Obviously, said custodian was in fact Lan Xiao Su in disguise. We bought all the props needed beforehand. She first entered the bathroom, and after a while, came back out with several other women who had probably been using it. Then, setting up a sign at the entrance the read 'Cleaning. Do Not Enter', she went inside, and disappeared.

"Charlie in position," she said over the voice comms. "Mission successful."

"Good timing. I just managed to hack the theatre's camera system, so that's taken care of. They are currently seeing looped footage," Old Man Leng's wife replied. "Now, I'll be watching the actual footage - and I'll let you know when you should go in."

"Copy," I replied, and the other groups did the same.

After around a minute or so, Old Man Leng's wife spoke again. "Coast is clear. Bravo One, enter first."

"Roger that," Old Xia responded with a chuckle, and moved swiftly, his men trailing behind him. They slipped inside the female bathroom with ease.

After another minute, Old Man Leng's wife continued. "Alright. Bravo Two, your turn."

"Roger!" Old Man Leng responded, and headed inside the bathroom, his men following soon after.

The same process was repeated with our groups, Alpha One and Alpha Two, and after around ten minutes, the whole process was complete.

Fortunately for us, I turned on my Third Eye and didn't sense that Holy Emperor woman from last time. Hopefully, she wasn't here at all. That would make things a lot easier for us.

I went over to the stall where the trapdoor was located in, and activated the secret button. I had expected them to remove this door or at least change its location after last time's incident, but guess they forgot or just didn't have time. The trapdoor slid open, and the squads entered one by one, with Bravo One going first, then Bravo Two, followed by Alpha One, and at last, Alpha Two. Lan Xiao Su remained on the outside, to keep up the cleaning farce and also just to keep an eye on what's going on.

"This is Bravo One to command," Old Xia said, looking around once we all landed safely inside the lab. "We have successfully infiltrated the facility, over."

"Copy. Two hour timer - starts now," Old Man Leng's wife responded. "It is currently exactly 10 AM. Get out of there before 12 PM. Good luck. Over."

And so, we once again began our journey within Extura Labs - this time, with reinforcements.


- Some Time Ago, Location: ? -

(Mei Gui's Perspective)

Turn me into a machine? What is he...talking about?

" you mean?" I asked, glaring at the man before me.

But he was unfazed by the killing intent in my eyes, and instead merely smiled. "I mean exactly what I said. I will turn you into a machine - a powerful mecha robot, able to take down anything - whether that thing is as small as a single human, or as big as magic itself. You, my dear girl, will be the final product of all my years of research and investment."

I gritted my teeth. "No...I refuse to become your test subject..."

The man shrugged. "Ah...but alas, I'm afraid you do not have a choice."

He picked up a syringe from a nearby tray, and twirled it around in his fingers. "Relax, my cute little guinea pig...this will hurt...just a little."


He stabbed the syringe into my neck, and I felt my consciousness drifting away.

No...Master...all my memories with him...I just let them go away....


...I'm sorry, Master. Mei Gui...can't hold on...anymore...


- Some Time Later, Location: ? -

- M̴̧̡͜e̶͞i̶͡͠ ̛́G͠͠u̴̸̴͢ì̵̡̀͝'s Perspective -

Power: On.

I slowly opened my eyes. A man stood before me. My Master. I kneeled down on one knee, and spoke mechanically.

Master: Registered.


The man smiled. "Hahaha...HAHAHAHA! It really worked! Oh...just a few days ago, I tested this on a rabbit, and it worked...but I never expected it to work on a human first try as well! Ah...I am such a genius! I really am the chosen one by God! The one to revolutionize the world with my inventions!"

The man - my Master - then turned to me, and spoke.

"You are now my servant. My bodyguard, and my closest ally. As for your name...Apoxyia is good."

"Understood, Master."

Name: Registered.

"Now then...let's test you out, shall we?" my master asked, to no one particular. "There's a group of people coming our way that I want you take out. I can see them on my hidden cameras. Eliminate them through whatever methods you like...and make sure none of them get out alive."

I bowed my head deeply. "Understood, Master."

Then, standing up, I exited the room, leaving a very satisfied and excited man behind.

Action: Registered.

I then spotted the control room, and entered it, where the hidden camera footage was being played in real-time.

Amidst the large group of trespassers, I narrowed my gaze as I saw one particular boy, with black hair and glowing red eyes. He looked very familiar...yet I did not know why. I was a brand new being, with no memory whatsoever. By logic, there should not be anyone or anything I consider 'familiar'. Therefore, that means this boy is a flaw in my my Master's work. And my Master's work is perfect. Hence...I must erase this boy's existence completely to get rid of this paradox.

Target: Acquired. Goal: Locate and eliminate.

Operation: begin.


- Meanwhile, Elsewhere... -

(?'s Perspective)

I sat inside my exquisite chair, sipping on a fine glass of wine. Or...I was about to, anyway. But then, my phone began ringing. I took a look at the name displayed, and tilted my head in slight surprise. 

"Oh my...don't tell me..."

I pressed the answer button, and spoke. "Yes?"

"I did it," a man's voice came through, loud and clear. "I did it. I really did it-"

"Okay..." I interrupted him. "Calm down a bit. By 'you did it' mean you succeeded in creating the ultimate mecha, yes?"

"Y-Yes....I still can't believe really worked..."

I giggled softly. "Have some more confidence in yourself, Mr. Scientist. Did you use that girl I brought you just two days ago?"

"Yes...she was quite the fine subject. My research on her showed that she wasn't exactly human, and her mana was a bit...weird. But I didn't pay too much attention into that, since I was eager to begin my experiment."

Hm...? Not exactly human, and mana that's a bit 'weird', huh? Hehe~sounds pretty interesting.

"Mm...that's cool and all, but when will I be getting my...payment?" I asked, getting to the main point.

"D-Don't worry - I'm testing her out on some invaders right now - if this goes well, which I'm 99.9% certain it will, then we can begin making money by the millions everyday." not 100, eh? sneaky.

"Invaders? The same people from last time?" I asked, drinking a little bit of my wine.

"Yes...but it appears this time they have brought reinforcements," the man replied. "Oh, but don't worry - I don't need your help this time around. I got Apoxyia - she can take care of them all."

I smiled, even though he couldn't see it since we were on a phone call. "Very well...I await your good news, then."


I hung up, and gently placed my phone down on the table once more.

Hehe...what an interesting development. I am fully content to just watch on the sidelines for this one. I remember this girl and that boy...Xuan Kai, was it? Yes...they were really close, it seemed. I will this fight play out?

After all...the most painful feeling is having to fight your loved ones with your own two hands.

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