The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 268: Xiang Peng's Past

Xiang Peng appeared from the other side of the door about ten minutes after going in. Seeing as how she managed to complete the test within this short frame of time, I assumed the real Gatekeeper wasn't that hard. She seemed to have defeated the Gatekeeper with minimal effort, as she didn't appear to be sweaty or disheveled at all. As expected of an Ancestral Mage.

"Heya, I'm back," she said with a flirtarious wink. "You two miss me? Sure you did."

I was too lazy to correct her, so I just ignored her question and instead asked my own.

"How was the Gatekeeper?"

"Huh? Why ask me? You've already fought it for yourself earlier, no?"

No...but I couldn't tell her that, obviously.

"I'm asking for your thoughts on the fight. Was it difficult for you?" I continued, making sure not to make it look like I hadn't fought at all. 

Xiang Peng, despite her playful and quite frankly, irritating demeanor, was in fact an extremely perceptive girl deep down. I could see it in her eyes, which was why I chose my words and actions carefully around her if I had something to hide - which I did, in this case.

"Well, it was pretty easy, honestly. Not to brag, but I didn't even break a sweat - quite literally," she replied. It seemed she was still confused as to why I was so eager to get her thoughts on the matter, but she didn't pry since she knew that I wouldn't answer her even if she did anyway. We've been travelling together for a while now, after all.

"As I thought. The Gatekeepers of these lower floors are mere child's play," I muttered.

"Master, shall I go now?" Mei Gui asked quietly, pointing at the door.

I nodded, and she scanned her library card just like Xiang Peng and I had done before her. Opening the door in one swift motion, she entered the portal.

After she was gone, Xiang Peng spoke.

"Hey, Xuan Kai...are you hiding something from me?" she asked. Her tone was gentle but firm, unlike her usual playful self. I could tell - she was being serious. She almost sounded...sad?

"Hiding something? What do you mean?" I asked right back, feigning ignorance as usual. My acting skills at this point were nearly perfected.

"...Never mind then," she said, turning away. "And here I was, thinking I've actually made real friends for the first time..."

She was murmuring quietly, but I heard it. I heard it, but...I didn't know how to respond. I may have mastered the art of acting and feigning ignorance, but I still had a long way to go when it came to human relationships and conversing with others. After a long, uncomfortable silence, I finally decided to speak up.

"Are you...lonely?"

Xiang Peng, surprised to hear these words coming out of my mouth, chuckled. "Lonely? No. Not really. I guess...if I was younger, I would've said yes. But by this point, I'm used to it. Being alone, I mean."

"...Are you though?"

She tilted her head, and looked me in the eyes. They were tainted red, a sign that she had been crying inaudibly just now. "What do you mean?"

"If you were already used to being alone, as you say, then why come with us to Shanghai at all? If you travelled by yourself, you could've reached here a lot sooner, and not get yourself tangled in my problems," I said calmly. "You're a liar, Xiang Peng. Face the reality."

"W-Wha- that's rich, coming from  you!" she exclaimed angrily. "How much have you hid from the other girls and I?! How much of the things you say out of your mouth is true?!"

That's right...let it all out. 

"I don't mean lying to other people, Xiang Peng," I responded, as nonchalant as ever, completely unaffected by her emotional outburst. "I are lying to yourself."

I didn't realize it before, I know. Xiang Peng has a dark past, just like myself. There's probably a reason she volunteered to come to Shenzhen - the excuse she told me about her being part of the Magic Capital's defense team or whatever had many loopholes that I never really cared about exploiting.

Now, I know why. Her story was made-up.

I don't doubt that she's part of the defense squad. She certainly has the capabilities to be on it - as a leader, even. However, at the same time, I find it extremely difficult to believe that the defense corps would just send out one of their best units to dangerous territory without even ascertaining just how dire the situation was at the time. That would be nothing but suicide. And yet, Xiang Peng still came.

No - she hadn't been ordered to come to Shenzhen to help fight back the Midnight Syndicate.

No...she'd chosen to go there herself.

Why? The reason was simple.

To escape. Escape from her home. The home of her dark past. And after meeting us, she finally saw a ray of salvation. A chance to finally break free from the horrible chains that bound her - an opportunity to make genuine friends.

"L-Lying to myself?" she echoed hesitantly.

"I think there is one misconception you have on what the term 'friend' means, Xiang Peng," I continued, not giving her any time to think. "If you think friends don't have any secrets between them, you're completely and utterly wrong. Even the closest of buddies; hell, even lovers have their own secrets they keep away from the other."

Xiang Peng seemed to be shocked hearing this. 

As I thought...whatever her past was, it definitely has something to do with her old 'friends'. Something severely traumatic must have happened, causing her to become disillusioned with the concept of 'friends'.

"Look...humans are fundamentally selfish creatures. Yes, they interact with others. Yes, they form closely-knitted relationships. But no matter how deep these bonds grow, they cannot alter human nature," I explained with a deep sigh. "In the end, there are no groups of friends in the world who know absolutely everything about each other. Everyone has a part of their life, a side to their personality, that they wish to hide. For some people, this may be so minimal that it's practically nonexistent. But for others, this could be so great to the point that they have split personalities."

She could do nothing but remain silent at my deep speech.

"So - chin up," I continued. "All the other girls and I are here. You chose to travel with us, and now you know my secrets. Even if you wanted to get away, I wouldn't let you. Xiang're not alone anymore. So stop. Stop lying to yourself."

She stared into my eyes, and truth to be told, it made me feel extremely awkward. She didn't seem to feel that way at all though - instead, she looked at me like I was some kind of savior, lighting the way to salvation for her.

Hm? Why am I feeling reminiscent of the time when I gave Lan Xiao Su a similar talking-to? Well...I guess it's kinda similar. I guess I just have a knack to talking to people. Never thought I would be the philosophical type, but oh well. 

...I can only imagine what someone would've thought if they came up the stairs right about now, though. My speech was really deep, after all.

"Now then..." I began. "Tell me - what is your greatest wish?"

"My greatest wish..." Xiang Peng echoed, looking downwards at her shoes. "I..."

"Go on, say it."

"I...don't want to be alone anymore. That's my greatest wish."

I smirked. "Good news for you then, I guess. Unbeknownst to you, your wish had already been granted from the moment you chose to come along with us."

"Xuan Kai..." Xiang Peng murmured, before suddenly pulling me into a hug. "Ahahaha! Xuan Kai, you're so adorable!"

"H-Huh?! Hey, let me go-!" I tried pulling away, but couldn't. My face was thoroughly stuffed into her generous cleavage, as I could do nothing but take in her rose-like scent.

"Heehee, you're all mine now!"

It was at that moment that the door swung open.

"...Master? What is going on here?"

Faced with Mei Gui's deadpan glare and flat tone, I tried to respond, claiming I was innocent, but alas, I couldn't even do that. Xiang Peng, sensing my resistance, only hugged me even tighter, practically rubbing my face into her breasts.

"U-Urgh...c-can't...breathe..." I coughed, tapping Xiang Peng lightly on the shoulder three times to signal that I was running out of breath.

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally let me go, and I immediately took a deep breath in and out, to avoid dying from lack of oxygen.

"God...Xiang Peng..." I muttered. "You're a real damn piece of work, you know that?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you looked so cool there," Xiang Peng shrugged in response. "You were like some kind of dashing prince on a white horse! Ah...every teenage girl's dream..."

I don't see how I resemble a prince on a white horse in any way, but I suppose I will never understand a girl's heart. Especially not ones similar to me in age, like Xiang Peng or any of the other girls around me...minus Obsidia and Flaria, of course.

"...Whatever. Just...don't suddenly hug me like that," I spat in annoyance.

"Yeah, yeah...but you can't say you didn't like it, can you?" Xiang Peng winked, smirking suggestively.

I sighed. I was pretty irritated by the usual Xiang Peng, that had now returned, would be a lie if I said I wasn't a bit glad as well.

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