Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama


Late at night I snuck out of the inn and went to Tiros alone.

I was on my toes as I walked next to the walls.

Unexpectedly I heard a sudden gunshot from far away.

And in the next instant I felt an impact run through my right hand.


I had already cast Safe Protection so I didn’t sustain a lot of damage.

I focused on the place where the gunshot had come from and inside a building I saw a hiding Lucky Rabbit.

「Oh guardian of the earth. Envelop me and let thou become an armor to protect me ―― Safe Protection」

I closed the gap between me and the Lucky Rabbit as I cast the chant.

There are no attacks from my surroundings. Since there’s only one then everything’s fine.

It happened just as the Lucky Rabbit had already loaded the next bullet and pointed the muzzle at me.

I pointed my hand towards my feet and cast Black Rush.

A curtain of snow rose up, which concealed my body.

There were no signs of a gunshot. Due to the snow the Lucky Rabbit wasn’t able to get a good aim at me.

This was an effective method to deal with long-ranged enemies.

I used this opportunity to close the gap between us.

After I exited the snow curtain I saw the bewildered Lucky Rabbit.

The point where it had missed its shot due to not being able to get a good aim on its opponent was the time where it had already lost.

「… It’s over.」

I put my hand on the Lucky Rabbit’s body and cast Time Square.

During the period of Time Square I cast Green Rush twice.

―― Double Spell Synthesis Double Green Rush

The sound of metal being crushed rang out and the Lucky Rabbit’s body warped in a strange shape. It turned into a lump of metal and disappeared just like that. Hunting a long-ranged opponent like the Lucky Rabbit was fun because it had just the right amount of tension attached to it.

「Still, without Shirushu it’s hard to find enemies…」

It was tiresome to have to spend a long amount of time searching for enemies.

And since Claude wasn’t here to assist me it was hard to use Steal as well.

「Either way, it’s not bad to do something like this from time to time…」 I said while whispering. It was then that it happened.

I saw Silverie appearing from one of the street corners.

We both jumped up with surprise.

「Whoa?!!If it isn’t you S-Silverie?!」


I didn’t think I’d meet her in this place and at this time.

「W-What a coincidence Zeph! To think that we’d meet like this…」


Silverie somehow seemed kind of strange. Her tone sounded really unnatural.

Could she have come here intentionally?

「Are you hunting as well Zeph?」

「Yea. I sometimes go out and hunt alone during the night like this.」

「I knew it… Ah, it’s nothing…」


She really does seem strange. Oh well. I’m lucky that I got to meet her.

「So Silverie, how about hunting together?」

「…… Might as well.」  Silverie responded enthusiastically as I followed her and we continued our hunt.

「Kuro. Come out.」 whispered out Silverie and a black snake coiled itself around her arm.

Silverie’s familiar Kuro had a top-notch searching ability which allowed it to sense any enemy movements in an area.

「Let’s go.」


After exchanging a few words, me and Silverie progressed through the snow.

But still, being able to walk side to side with her like this reminds me of the past. At that time, I was still a novice magician, but now I’ve probably grown to a point that I’m able to stand side by side with Silverie.

While I was thinking that I looked up at Silverie’s face and noticed that her eyes had narrowed.

「A monster.」

Kuro faced East and opened its mouth in intimidation.

Before it a Lucky Rabbit could be seen. 

It seems like it still hasn’t noticed us. So it has an even wider detection range than the Lucky Rabbits that already have quite the big range to begin with…

While admiring the level of Kuro’s detection ability I dashed off.

The Lucky Rabbit noticed me and pointed the gun towards me, after which it pulled the trigger.

A bursting noise rang out and the bullet grazed my cheek.

「… Miss.」 I whispered as I cast Black Sphere.

Blades of wind formed and slashed at the empty space. The Lucky Rabbit had already disappeared and in its place only a single screw could be seen laying on the ground.

In the distance I saw the light of a spell disappear in thin air.

Silverie had cast a spell. Her spell had been able to take down the Lucky Rabbit before mine.

She then put the hand that had cast the spell back into her coat.

However, I could see fresh blood dripping at her feet.

Upon seeing that I unconsciously rushed back to her.

「Silverie, are you okay?! Why didn’t you use Safe Protection!」

「Because it’s not necessary. Don’t make such a fuss.」

「Just let me see it!」

Silverie seemed uninterested as I took out her hand and folded back her coat.

Just as I was about to cast healing my hand stopped. That was because I saw that Silverie’s familiar Kuro was licking her wound.

And in just an instant the wound closed up.

「… See, I told you. Something like this will heal just by licking it. I rarely suffer any wounds so it’s fine.」


「Safe Protection’s magic power consumption is great. In this kind of hunting place, it’s more efficient to use that magic power on attacking. … Well then, let’s go.」 said Silverie without letting me answer.

In a sense what she was saying was correct. Still what was she planning on doing if something bad ended up happening.

She really is careless.

「Good grief, don’t make me worry that much…」 I said quietly. Silverie was walking before me when she suddenly stopped.

「You… were worried about me?」

「Of course.」

「About me… I see…」 she started mumbling something. She then suddenly turned towards me.

「… I got it. I’ll use Safe Protection from now on.」

「T-That’s great…」

It’s fine as long as she understands but Silverie’s not the type of person to listen to my words so easily. I feel like she changed after that accident at the snow mountain. Did she perhaps eat something bad? Either way, it will be bad if I ruin her mood, so I’ll just change the topic.

「By the way, was that thing that you used just now Black Zero?」


When she defeated the Lucky Rabbit I felt a violent wind blow next to me, so I had thought that she had probably used that spell, and it seems like I was correct.

However, there was one thing that I couldn’t put my finger on.

「Wasn’t the activation way too fast? Black Zero usually needs quite the long chant in order to use it…」

「I’m decked out with cards that reduce chant time. After all, if I am to hunt in this place, where there are strong monsters, as well as annoying monsters that can attack from long-range, it’s more efficient to cut the chant time and take them out in a single sweep with a single Great Spell. Black Zero’s chant usually consists of four bars which each take close to four seconds to chant. However, with the chant reducing cards I can lower that to one bar allowing me to chant it in only eight seconds. And if my magic power runs dry I can always drink a recovery potion and fill it back up.」

「I see, that’s indeed so…」

「I always specialize my equipment for the hunting spot that I’m going to. It does cost money, but that way it’s more efficient, wouldn’t you say so?」

Silverie unusually became very talkative when she tried to answer my question.

She was the type that became very talkative when it came to battle or magic.

I just kept nodding and listening to her talk excitedly.

In the previous world when Silverie’s mood had been bad, or when she had grown tired of a certain topic I could always come back to either of those topics to cheer her up.

「Until when will you be free today.」 I asked her.

「… I don’t have anything else to do.」

「Is that so, well then what do you say about staying with me for the whole day?」

「… Okay.」 whispered Silverie.

I see. I finally feel like I got it. In the past Silverie seemed like the type of person that hated people, however now she seems like she’s actively trying to get closer to them. Did she change this much because she met me I wonder? Now it might be okay even if I call Milly and the others. The sun is beginning to show so Milly and the others should wake up soon. I should try and call them via Telepathy.

《Hey, is someone up?》

《Zeph-kun! Are you hunting alone again today?》

《Yea, I’m in the usual spot. I want you all to come after you’ve woken up.》


It seemed like Claude was the only one that was up.

Well it’s still early so I guess it’s normal. Still, I guess that the others will wake up soon as well.

While I was talking to Claude using Telepathy Silverie took the time to use Black Zero and take down another Lucky Rabbit.

I used the chance to use Scout Scope just as the Lucky Rabbit died and noticed that it had sustained damage that was just a bit over its total Magic Power.

Silverie was probably controlling her spell in order not to cause too much excess damage.

While following behind her I was thinking that despite her being quite meticulous about those things, her lifestyle was still quite sloppy.

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