I noticed a young girl with silver hair wearing a red beret as soon as we walked into the room. She was sipping her tea while sitting on a luxurious sofa. She was probably around the age of 12 or 13.

Why do I feel like I’ve seen her before?

I sensed an intense look unbefitting her age as soon as her eyes met mine.

「You should be the people that Yera-sama told me about. My name is Elise Cabel」 Elise said.

My eyes widened as soon as I heard her name.

She was the daughter of Bertram Cabel, the current holder of the Flame of Flame title, and in my past life she had also been a former Magician Association companion of mine.

Back then we had managed to build a strong rivalry between us when we first met, which helped us both grow, but as time went on, we started to get into more and more arguments until we couldn’t stand each other any longer.

To think that I’d meet her here.

「Is there something on my face? You haven’t stopped staring at me this whole time.」 Elise asked.

「… No, it’s nothing. You just resemble an acquaintance of mine.」

「I see. Well fine then.」

That was close. I shouldn’t act so unnaturally.

It appeared that even Milly and the others seemed to find my act strange as they all looked at me with worry. In order to get out of this atmosphere I forcefully changed the subject.

「I guess we should introduce ourselves as well. I’m Zeph Einstein. These are my companions. Starting from the left there’s Milly, Lydia, Silverie and Shirushu.」

「I’m already aware.」 Elise said as she sipped her tea gracefully.

Her elegant demeanor is the same as it was in the past.

「I have heard the gist from Yera-sama. I’m supposed to go to the East Continent with you.」

「Well that saves us the talking I guess.」

「Truth be told I really wanted to go alone, but I couldn’t turn down a request from Yera-sama.」 As she drank the rest of her tea and stood up, Elise said with a frustrated expression.

She then went to the back of the room and took out something similar to a carpet.

She then laid it out on the floor. We found that it was really a large magic circle made of cloth as she did so.

「This magic circle strengthens one’s spells. Originally, the transportation spell I use could only transport one person at most, but with the aid of this magical circle, that number can be increased to six.」 While pulling a white coat from the closet next to her, Elise said.

It was a Dispatch Magician’s coat.

「Elise you’re a Dispatch Magician?」

「I had the Association accept me the other day. Regardless of that, I am still just an apprentice. There’s an emergency going on and they’re short on people.」

「Wow. That’s so amazing Elise-chan. Becoming a Dispatch Magician at this age.」 Milly said as she got closer to Elise.

While Elise on the other hand took a step back.

She then frowned and pouted as she looked at Milly’s amazed expression.

「… Do you mind? It feels unpleasant to have a child such as yourself attach -chan to my name.」 she said.

「Really? I did it because you’re so young and cute… Well in that case should I just call you Elise?」 Milly asked.

「Well I guess that will work for now.」 In a boastful tone, Elise said.

「Even though you’re way more childish than me…」 Milly murmured in a quiet tone.

Elise was not only an unpleasant character, but she was also very proud of herself. She’s quite the troublesome one Milly, you better watch out.

「Well then everyone, get on.」 Elise said and we all got on top of the magic circle.

She’s quite the pushy one, isn’t she?

Elise tried to step on the magic circle after we’d all gotten on, but there wasn’t enough space.

「… Excuse me, but could you make some room?」 she asked

「… Zeph! Where do you think you’re touching me!!」 Milly exclaimed.

「There’s no helping it. There’s no space.」

「Ahaha. Just do this!」 Lydia said as she hugged me tightly and freed up some space.

Elise got on as well and began to cast something.

It was the Unique Transportation Spell Portal.

It was one of the spells that only the Dispatch Magician from the Magician Association could use. Its disadvantages were that it took a long time to cast and used a lot of magic power, making it useless in combat. However, it allowed the caster to travel to any location in the world as long as they had previously visited. It was an extremely useful spell.

「I’m activating it.」

Elise’s magic power gathered and a blue light gradually enveloped our bodies.

It felt as if I was slowly losing my consciousness.

It felt as if we were endlessly falling through the dark space.

Truth be told, this was my first time experiencing the Portal spell. The sensation of passing through space for the first time felt quite strange.

Everyone was nervous, so they clung to me, while Elise stood alone a little farther away, her eyes closed and her hands crossed in front of her chest. She looked quite relaxed.

After a bit, the space in front of us suddenly opened and everything turned white.

It was then that I once again felt gravity pulling me down.

「We’re here.」 Elise said.

Except for Elise, we all collapsed to the ground as soon as we arrived.

Next to us I could hear Elise moving as she came to a halt in front of the blue light. With a graceful swing of her hand, the pillar of light disappeared.

After somehow pulling ourselves up and brushing the dust of our clothes we looked around.

The grassy plains spread as far as the eye could see, and the gentle fragrance of flowers filled our nostrils, while bird songs echoed throughout the region.

This nostalgic feeling… We’re definitely back in the East Continent.

In the distance I noticed my hometown of Nanami.

「Whoa! Zeph, that brings back so many memories!」 Milly exclaimed.

「It sure does.」

Nanami was the place where I first met Milly.

She had apparently traveled to Nanami at the time after hearing stories about a young mage her age.

At the time I never imagined that our companionship would last this long. Come to think of it, we also met Claude there as well didn’t we.

Elise ignored us as we gazed around, lost in nostalgia, and simply started walking.

「Elise wait! Do you really plan on going by yourself?」

「I certainly am. I’m not the type of person that travels in groups.」 Elise answered without even turning around to spare us a glance.

Well that’s a relief.

To be honest I wasn’t that good in dealing with Elise.

She was a really proud person after all. She had a bad habit of lashing out at others, which was most likely due to her status as the Flame of Flame’s daughter.

Back then I got into quite a bit of trouble when traveling with her, so going our own separate ways now might just be for the best. And, given her skills, I doubt she’ll have any trouble dealing with the monsters here; additionally, she can use Portal to return home if she gets hungry.

I thought while chucking when Milly suddenly jumped out.

「Elise wait!」

Hey! Stop it you idiot. She’s finally going away, why in the world are you stopping her?!

Hearing Milly call her name Elise turned around with a frustrated expression.

「… Milly-san was it? How can I help you?」 she asked.

「It’s just Milly!」


All, except Milly, burst out laughing at Elise’s response.

「So Elise! Since we’re all here, how about coming together with us?」

「Huh?! And just why would I do that?」 Elise asked.

「Why not? It’s more fun to travel with more people. And we’re going in the same direction either way.」 Milly said it with a bright smile, while Elise had a troubled look on her face.

She was trying to come up with anything to say, but couldn’t come up with something, so she just let out a sigh as she shook her head.

「Well since our destination is the same, then I guess there’s no helping it…」

「YEY ♪ We’re going together!」

「I’ll warn you ahead of time, but don’t try to get too close to me. That kind of behavior irritates me.」 Elise warned Milly in a threatening tone.


However, Milly didn’t pay her any mind as she happily hummed.

In the end, we decided to walk together, with Elise going a little faster than the rest of us.

However, we were able to catch up to her while walking normally because her legs were on the short side.

After a bit Shirushu suddenly jumped in front of the group.

「A monster.」

「How do you know?」 Elise asked.

「Shirushu is a beastfolk. She can sense and locate monsters.」

「… That would make sense.」

After my explanation we prepared for battle.

A Dark Zell then suddenly appeared.


「Milly wait.」 I said, stopping her just before she was able to summon Uruk.

《Don’t use Summon Servant. We’ll fight it with just normal spells. Or rather, you stay back and don’t fight at all.》

《But why?!!》

《Elise is a really proud person. Didn’t she bear her fangs at you just because you were close to her age?》

《Just because of that…》

《She’s quite the troublesome one. It’s better we don’t use any powerful spells in front of her.》

I nodded Milly’s head to calm her down while persuading her.

《Bear it for now. Truth be told, you’re way more accomplished as a mage than she is. If Elise found out, she’d probably lash out at you with her fangs out of envy, don’t you think? She really is quite the troublesome one, please believe me.》

《Hmm… Okay… I’ll stay back.》 Milly said as if she was finally convinced.

Phew, easy as always.

《Silverie, you hold back as well. Although I doubt she would be envious of you, it’s better to be safe than sorry.》

《I understand!》Silverie replied.

Next to her Milly tilted her head in confusion.

「Zeph, how do you know Elise so well?」

「… You don’t need to worry about that. Let’s go. Lydia, Shirushu.」

「Sure thing!!」


I then stretched out my hands towards each of them, and their weapons were instantly covered in a white light.

「White Weapon.」

Well it’s actually a quadra fusion version of the spell but I’ll just trick her by saying that it’s a normal enchant spell.

I’m gonna keep the existence of my Time Square a secret.

After all, Elise is the daughter of Bertram Cabel, whom I want to defeat one day. I can’t go revealing my trump cards to her.

「Everyone let’s go!!」 Milly urged.  

At the same time all of us charged at the Dark Zell.

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