Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

As soon as I asked my question Ilga froze up.  

His look was that of complete confusion. He wasn’t sure as to how I was able to find out his name, or the fact that he was a magician.  

It seems I was right.

I snatched Ilga’s collar and lifted him up.

「You said ‘everyone’ didn’t you? Did you gather the monsters alongside your pals in an attempt to attack the town? … So, where are your pals hiding?」 I asked.

「…Please.」 Ilga looked down and raised both of his hands.

Is he trying to surrender?

「… You got me. I guess you saw through everything.」 Ilga said.

「Don’t underestimate me. The stuff the bastards like you commit are clear as day to me.」 I said.

Having been completely found out, Ilga completely lost his will to resist.  

Well even if he did try to run away it’s not like I would have allowed him.

「Give me the details.」

「Okay, okay.」 he said, after which he proceeded to explain what they had done.  

「My friends were eaten by that huge thing. And the ones that managed to escape were probably eaten by the other monsters…」

His eyes were full of despair as he talked.  

Come to think of it, I saw a person being attacked by a Dark Imps, but strangely enough that person’s body didn’t seem like that of an ordinary person. He was probably one of the bandits.

「Just before I was swallowed up by the huge thing I cast a protective spell, which is how I was able to survive…」 he said.

I looked inside the massive hole, and saw several human bones strewn about.  

Considering his skill as a magician, if Ilga had wanted to he could have escaped alone without any worries.  

However, the reason he hadn’t done so was so that he could try and save his companions.  

He’s quite fond of his companions it seems… Well either way, that doesn’t mean that I’ll let him go.

「Why don’t you take me to your base? And I presume there’s no need to tell you what will happen if you refuse?」 I said while staring at him menacingly.

While on the other hand Ilga looked back at me with a sneer.

「… Good grief, I really don’t have any companions left… HEY! There’s a black monster over there!」 he yelled out.


As soon as I heard him I turned around and looked at the place he had pointed at. I didn’t see any black monsters, though; instead, there was Milly, who was just waking up and staring at me.

「Haha! You idiot!」 Ilga said as he cast Teleport.

As I looked back he was already quite far away.  

Tsch. What a cheap trick… Don’t think I’ll let you go that easily!

「Milly, look after the other two.」

「Huh? Huh?」

I cast Teleport and chased after Ilga, leaving Milly befuddled.  

I followed behind him, while being careful not to be found out. After a while I arrived at an abandoned village.  

It was a nameless farming village. From what I remembered its youngsters had left for the city, leaving only the elderly behind.  

It was utterly demolished when I looked at it now, yet there was still evidence of individuals who had recently lived there.  

Ilga and the other bandits probably used the black monsters to assault the village and make it their base. Well then, where is he hiding?  

I imagined my magic power flowing out from my body.  

When it came to a magician of my calibre, I was able to locate monsters or other magicians in a specific region.  

It was difficult to use it in the centre of towns or dungeons because they were too congested, but it was very beneficial in abandoned villages like this one.  

I can feel magic power from the north… It’s faint but it’s definitely a magician.  

I came across a run-down house as I continued cautiously.  

There… Let’s go.  

I cast an Intimidation spell so that he wouldn’t be able to escape even if I was found out.  

The Intimidation spell that I used was one made specially by me, after witnessing other magicians use theirs.  

Its range was small; however, it was more than enough to cover this worn-down house. With this he won’t be able to teleport.  

I walked in carefully. As soon as I did I could clearly feel the presence of a person inside.

With each step the floorboards underneath my feet creaked. The inside of the house was unexpectedly narrow, and I quickly managed to make my way to the room in the back.  

I walked inside after opening the door. I noticed a faint silhouette of a person on the floor.  The silver-haired girl wore a red cap and was tied with a rope, while also having a piece of cloth around her mouth.


It was Elise, with whom we parted at Nanami.  

I thought she went back to Prolea… To think that I’d meet her here.  

I dashed over to her right away. I assumed she was sleeping based on her steady breathing.  Underneath her eyes I could see traces of tears.

「These are spell sealing shackles, aren’t they?」

They were a type of shackles which could forcefully seal away a person’s spells. And they were wrapped around Elise’s hands.

From outside the house I heard something trying to flee just as I was about to cast an unlocking spell to remove the shackles.

「Ilga!! … Damn it.」

I wanted to chase after him, however I couldn’t leave Elise behind.  

Tsch. That bastard. He used Elise as bait for him to run away. What a sly fox.  

By the time I noticed he managed to run away far enough from the house, allowing him to use Teleportation.

… There’s nothing I can do anymore. I’ll let him go this time.  

I then cast the unlocking spell and the shackles fell to the ground.  

However, the traces of them on Elise’s small wrists were still there.

She must have struggled quite a bit.  

Elise’s fingers twitched when I took her hand and cast Healing on her.  

She slowly opened her eyes and muttered something out.


「You’re up.」

「… F-Fa…」

As soon as she heard my voice her eyes filled with tears and she jumped forth to hug me.  She must have gone through a lot, considering how much her small body was trembling.

「WAAAA!! FATHER!!」 she yelled out.


「I-It was so scary… Father… waaa…」


She refused to let go of me as she continued to cry her eyes out.  

It appeared that he was under the impression that I was her father, as she constantly called out for him.  

This is the first time I’ve seen something besides her arrogant side. I have to admit, she’s quite cute.  

As I passed my fingers through her hair I could feel a warm feeling rise up in my chest.

「…Huh?」 Elise muttered, perplexed.  

She then sniffed my chest area after which she froze.

「This is not father’s smell…」 she murmured.

She suddenly let go of her grip and raised her head.  

As our eyes met our faces were on the verge of colliding.   

This is bad…

Elise’s eyes widened and she utterly stopped, as if she was thinking the same thing as me.


「How should I say this… I’m sorry that I’m not your father…」


Upon hearing my reply Elise’s face turned bright red.  

And immediately after that full-force slap landed on my cheek. She then walked behind me and changed into her filthy and soiled clothes.  

I sat cross-legged, listening to the sound of clothes rubbing.

「Don’t you dare look!」

「Who would… If you’re that worried why not do it outside the room?」


Well she’s probably scared. I shouldn’t tease her that much.

I patiently waited for Elise to get changed.

「… I’m done.」 she said after a bit.

When I turned back, there she was, dressed correctly and with her arms folded in front of her chest.  

To think that she would still put on that act after just now showing me that shameful sight… I guess that’s just like her.  

Elise’s cheeks flushed and she pouted when she noticed me giggling to myself.

「…Good grief, how could I mistake such a tactless man with my father…」 Elise said.

「I don’t think you have the right to insult me when you’re the one who mistook me in the first place.」

「Shut up! It’s entirely your fault for having that deceptive haircut!」 she said, turning to the side.

Good grief, what a wilful person. Well still, considering how she’s acting, it seems like they didn’t do anything to her. I thought that maybe Ilga and the others violated her but that doesn’t seem to be the case… Thank god they weren’t lolicons.  

I took a deep breath and placed my hands on Elise’s shoulders.  

As I looked her straight in the eyes, she swallowed down her saliva.

「W-What is it?」

「Elise, it’s best for you to go back… You had quite the unpleasant experience didn’t you?」

「Wha…!!!」 Elise exclaimed.

I squeezed her shoulders even tighter as I pulled her closer.

「It’s still too early for you to travel. You should polish your skills more under your father’s guidance.」

「Y-You don’t have the right to order me around…」



Elise gasped and looked down after a few moments of staring at my eyes, possibly realizing that I was serious.  

She opened her mouth slightly after a while, as though she had made up her mind.

「…Remember this…」 she murmured out and brushed off my hands before turning around and gathering her magical power.  

The blue light that appeared enveloped Elise and she began to disappear.  

Just before she disappeared she turned around to glare at me one final time. However, I noticed something shimmering in the corner of her eye as she did so.  

Good grief. Why must I be blamed even after saving her. She really does have a bad character.  

I chose to return to Nanami after being baffled by her bizarre conduct.

「Welcome back Zeph. What happened to the person you chased after?」 Milly asked as soon as I returned to my house.

「He escaped. Although I’m certain that he won’t come after us or this town ever again.」

「Really? Then that’s great.」

「How are Claude and Shirushu?」

「They’re sleeping in your mother’s room. They have yet to wake up.」

Well they did inhale the poison. It’s no wonder they are still asleep.

「The town is in an awful state as well. We must put up the protective barrier as soon as possible.」 I suggested.

「You’re right. Let’s do it tomorrow. After all, you seem quite tired.」 Milly said.

「Like you’re one to talk. You used too much magic power as well. You probably won’t be able to move at all tomorrow.」

「Yea, yea, I know.」

「If you say so… But, you’re right. I am really tired. I need to get some sleep.」

「… You’re right. I should get some rest too. Good night Zeph.」 Milly said.


Milly and I both passed asleep on the sofa after reaching our limits.

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