Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

Following that, we took turns pouring magical power into the barrier until the Protection Barrier was fully repaired. 

「… I’m all done Zeph.」 Milly said.

「Good job.」   

A dim light enveloped the whole room and the magic circuits began to work properly once more.  

Their construction looked strangely beautiful.  

This really is spectacular.  

As I looked at the properly operating mechanism a new idea struck me.  

Lydia and I both had a curious expression on our faces as we watched the magic circuit in action.  

As I was focusing on engraving the way the magic power moved I heard a voice inside my head.

《Hey Zeph. It seems like you successfully put up the Protection Barrier. Could you leave the Hokora? I’m going to adjust the seal so that no one can get in.》

It was Yera.  

I would have liked to study it a bit more, but I never expected that I’d get this fixed soon.


《Haha. You sound quite disappointed.》

《You on the other hand sound quite happy, Yera.》

《The Heavenly Mage Festival is drawing near after all♪ And this year it’s Urohime’s turn so how can I not be excited.》 she said.

…Really? I thought that it was the Blue Heavenly Mage’s turn this year. Maybe the order changed from what it was in my previous life…

The Soul Heavenly Mage: Urohime Tatsumigawa.  

She was a foreign princess who, a few years ago, married into the Hems Family, a family known for generations of Soul Heavenly Mages.  

She then began to miraculously rise up, leaving her spouse behind and assuming one of the Five Heavenly Mage titles. A true prodigy of Soul Magic.  

And, because Yera was a travel aficionado, she got along swimmingly with Urohime.

《Urohime huh… Kuku, I guess I’m going to be looking forward to it as well.》

《Oh my! Are you planning on participating in the Title Match?》 Yera asked.

《You could say.》

The Heavenly Mage Festival was a once-a-year event sponsored alternately by the Five Heavenly Mages. And this year it was Urohime’s turn.  

Which meant that this year the Title Match would have the Soul Heavenly Mage’s Soul of Soul title on the line.  

And, as a result of returning to my country and fighting a number of high-levelled monsters, my level had increased to 88.  

It wasn’t quite up to par with when I was in my prime, but it was enough to defeat a Heavenly Mage.

《I see. I’ll have you now that Urohime is not an easy foe. Do your best. Hahaha》 Yera said, laughing loudly.

《Of course. I’ll do everything I can.》 I said with a grin.

《By the way, could you leave the Hokora already? I want to completely restore the Protection Barrier.》

《…We’ll be out any minute.》

Tsch. I wanted to spectate the mechanism a bit more, but I guess time’s up.  

I took everyone and we proceeded out of the Hokora. As soon as we closed the door a blinding light burst forth.  

The light spread, enveloping the whole of Nanami and then disappeared.

…It seems like the barrier successfully covered the whole city. Still this timing… It feels like she was watching us the whole time. Yera really is a scary one.

「Will the town be all right now?」 Claude inquired, concerned.

I remembered what Yera had said to me the other day and recited it to her.

「According to Yera, the black monsters have begun to dwindle. At least in the North Continent that is. Furthermore, she said that a number of available Dispatch Magicians had been dispatched as well.」

… It was still difficult to declare the East Continent totally safe; a few Dispatch Magicians wouldn’t help much, but it was better than nothing.  

Well if something does happen we’ll just rush over immediately.

After I took a final glance at the Hokora we left Nanami.

「So, how are we going to go back? Are we going by boat again?」 Milly asked.

「Now that you mention it…」 Lydia exclaimed, her face revealing her distress.  

Come to think of it, we really don’t have a means of going back. If we are to go by boat to the North Continent, it’ll take us close to ten days.

「We might not be able to make it in time for the Heavenly Mage Festival.」

Well considering there are no other options I guess it can’t be helped.  

Just as we were going to walk towards Beruta’s harbor, a human silhouette loomed in front of us.

「You’re finally here.」

「Elise?!!」 Milly exclaimed.

Her surprise was completely normal.  

Elise wore her crimson cap as usual, and her silver hair floated in the breeze.  

She was the Flame of Flame, Bertram Cabel’s daughter, and despite her age, she was a Dispatch Magician.  

With her transportation spell Portal, she was the one who had brought us here. However, we found ourselves on our own at one point, and she was caught by the bandit group. Afterwards I’d somehow ended up rescuing her by accident.  

I remember I told her to go back. To think that she’d still be here. She’s way braver than I thought.

「Didn’t you go back to your father’s place?」 I asked.

「… Don’t be foolish. I’m a Dispatch Magician after all. I won’t be able to return unless I finish my mission first.」

「Kuku, it appears that you do, after all, have a conscience.」

As Elise looked at me with evil eyes, I said, resting my hand on top of her head.  

She may still be a chick, but she’s doing everything she can to fulfil her duty. A Dispatch Magician should at least be this devoted to their work.  

Elise was continually glaring at me, as if she didn’t appreciate my attitude.

「How long do you plan to keep your hand there!! Don’t act all friendly with me!!」

「Sure, sure. I apologize.」 I said waving my hands.

Elise on the other hand, just turned her back to me.  

If you’re going to do that, then why did you come to meet us in the first place…? I don’t get her at all.  

Claude stepped closer to me as I let out a sigh.

「Um… Zeph-kun, who is this?」

「Oh yea, you haven’t met her Claude. This is the Dispatch Magician Elise. We were able to get here with the help of her transportation spell.」

「A Dispatch Magician…?」 Claude asked with a stiff expression.

Elise then turned around and presented her hand to Claude.

「It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Elise Cabel.」

「… The pleasure’s all mine. I’m Claude Leonhardt.」

Both of them said, tightly gripping their hands…

What an intense handshake! It seems like Claude is somewhat cautious of her. Could it be because Elise’s a Dispatch Magician?

The one who brainwashed Claude three years ago had also been a Dispatch Magician, so maybe that was why.  

I should change the topic for now.

「… So Elise, why did you come?」

「Considering it’s you I thought that maybe you’d be in a pinch with no way of going back. L-Like there’d be any other reason for me to come!!!」

「I guess you’re right.」

「Hmph… I’m glad you understand!」

Elise’s voice broke at the end of the last line for some reason. I really don’t get her.

「Either way, just wait here for a bit. I’ll get ready.」 Elise said.

「Sure thing.」

Elise turned around and retrieved a large cloth from her rucksack.  

It was a cloth with a magic circle drawn on top of it… The cloth was a magic tool which increased a spell’s power. By using it she was able to transport a large number of people at once.

「I’m done. Get on.」 she urged.

「S-So cramped…」 Milly murmured.

Similar to her, everyone had difficulty getting on top of the cloth.  

Due to Claude being with us, it felt even more cramped than last time.  

As Claude clung on to me she spoke in a quiet tone.

「Zeph-kun… It seems like you got another one…」

「What are you talking about?」

「Nothing…」 Claude replied while glaring at me.  

I sensed a jet black aura emanating from her, but it was most likely just my imagination.

Seeing Elise look over here from time to time also led me to think that maybe she was somewhat cautious of Claude as well.  

Elise and Claude huh… For some reason they don’t seem like they’ll get along with one another.

「… Well then, we’re off!!」 Elise said, closing her eyes and beginning to chant.

The magic circle suddenly emitted a blue glow that fully engulfed us.  

The view in front of my eyes increasingly darkened as the light encompassed us fully. The blackness cleared after a while, and I found myself tossed on top of the dirt ground.

Immediately after that, one after another, everyone fell on top of me.

「We’re here.」 Elise said.

「Ouch… Where exactly are we?」 Claude asked.

Without looking her in the eyes, Elise replied.

「We’re in a plain close to the capital. It’s be dangerous if we were to appear in a strange place and bump into the people there, don’t you think? To think that you couldn’t even figure out that much, hmph…」 Elise said with a smug.


Claude was somewhat irritated by Elise’s condemnatory attitude.  

I guess these two really don’t get along after all.

Milly abruptly stood up and approached Elise, surrounded by the tense atmosphere.

「No matter how many times I see it, it’s still an amazing spell. Thank you Elise♪」 she said.

「I-It wasn’t much!」

「Nihihi, oh come on, you should be more honest from time to time♪」

Elise didn’t seem to be that displeased with Milly’s behaviour.  

These two, on the other hand, seem to be doing quite well. Milly does have the tendency of not building any walls between herself and other people after all. She can be considered the archenemy of those who enjoy erecting such barriers.

「…Either way, I’m going. I wish you all the best.」 Elise said, turning around.

「You too.」

「See you again Elise♪」 Milly said, waving her hand at Elise.

While Elise on the other hand just glared at her. It was a determined look, the kind one would send towards their rivals.  

Elise shifted her gaze away from the dumbfounded Milly, casting Teleport and vanishing.  

As Milly watched Elise fly away I placed my hand on top of her head.

「If you aren’t serious she’ll leave you behind.」 I said.

「Huh? What do you mean?」 Milly asked.


Well I guess being an airhead is one of Milly’s strengths. The Great Magicians of the future huh… Finding a good rival with whom you can grow together is certainly crucial. Milly and Elise… Considering their talents, they’ll probably become one of the Five Heavenly Mages in the future.

「Well, they won’t be as strong as me though.」 I said laughing.


Milly simply tilted her head in astonishment without saying anything. I made my way to the capital with Milly and the others.

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