He was dressed in spectacular white armor.

It even radiated a tremendous amount of magic power.

This… It’s probably his familiar. I guess it’s similar to the way Ain can transform into Divine Greatsword Ainbelle.

The armor covered his whole body, and he wielded a katana in each hand.

This was something I’d seen in books before. It was a type of armor worn by warriors known as Samurai.

Shiranui dispersed the curtain of smoke with just a light swing of his brightly shining katana.

His katana was wrapped in an unusually thick layer of magic power.

He probably cut through my spell with that thing, making it ineffective.

It was somewhat similar to Claude’s White Flash. However, unlike it, Shiranui had specialized in dealing with spells.

If a weak spell touches that it will evaporate in an instant. Even though it seems easy, it probably requires quite a lot of skill in order to cut down a spell. So this is what the foreign country’s swordsmanship is like… It’s just as Elise said. It really is a sight to behold. He’s definitely someone I’d like to get close to.

「What’s wrong? Are you finished, magician?」  Shiranui asked in a boastful tone.

Even still, his eyes glowed with passion, and as he drew closer to me, he showed no signs of letting down his guard.

「Good grief. Don’t you think that going all out against a participant is kind of mean?」

「Hmph. I have no intention of allowing the princess to engage in combat with small-fry. I’ll wipe out everyone right here.」

「… Is that really okay? The Title Match is the highlight of the Heavenly Mage Festival. If you do something like that the Magician Association will definitely give you an earful.」

「I do not mind. This stupid festival that attempts to make our princess into a spectacle is uninteresting to neither me nor any of us!」 Shiranui replied, a nasty expression on his face.

Urohime’s subordinates had sworn their loyalty to her and left their now distant homeland.

They only fought for the sake of their princess, ignoring everyone else, including the Magician Association.

This will be a tricky one.

「I’m done fooling around with your games. Prepare yourself.」 Shiranui said quietly.

Immediately after which he readied his katana, slashing it down at me.

If I were to presume that the katanas and that armor of his were his familiar, then that would mean that within this Isolated Space both of them would have received a tremendous power boost. In other words, it would be bad if I were hit by it.

I swiftly dodged the katana’s sharp blade and immediately cast Time Square.

While time was stopped I cast both White Crash and Red Crash twice.

Quadra Spell Synthesis: Double Nova Crash.

With a booming sound, a while flame enveloped the whole of Shiranui.

The white flames wrapped around his armor just like a white snake. However, Shiranui managed to extinguish them with just a single swing of his katana.

「That won’t work.」


While pulling away I cast Scout Scope on Shiranui to confirm his status, however, just as I had thought he hadn’t sustained almost any damage.

If it was Milly, I’d only need only one Double Nova Crash… I guess that armor is also spell resistant… Well, I guess that’s to be expected.

I shifted my gaze back to Shiranui as he chased after me, and cast Time Square.

While time was stopped I cast Blue Crash, Black Crash and Green Crash.

Triple Spell Synthesis: Icicle Crash

As I cast the spell, ice began to creep up Shiranui’s armor just like an ivy.

However, probably due to the effects of his armor, Shiranui didn’t seem like he had taken any damage.

I should have expected as much. After all, Icicle Crash is a spell that mainly focuses on restrain, not damage. But as long as I can keep him in place that will be more than enough.

「You can’t stop me with this!!」

Despite having his body held down by the ice, Shiranui continued to creep forward, peeling the ice from his armor.

As he did so I pointed above his head.


「Look up.」

「HUH?! Like I’d look away with my enemy standing right in front of m…」

Before he could finish his sentence, Shiranui was flattened by the green ball that fell on top of him.

Good grief. That’s why I told you to look.

Triple Spell Synthesis: Triple Green Sphere.

With this Spell Synthesis, I was able to even further increase the volume and the weight of the already enormous Green Sphere.

However, because of that, its movement had gotten even duller. Which meant that it made it even harder to land a hit with it. However, by dropping it right on top of someone I managed to get rid of that problem.

An unmatched destructive power. Shiranui was completely flattened to the ground.

「Ops. Did I overdo it?」

No matter how strong his armor and bones maybe I guess it was still dangerous to drop it like that.

As I uncast the Triple Green Sphere I noticed Shiranui laying on the ground, twitching as his armor had shattered into pieces.

Well, at least he’s alive. Thank god for that.

「Y-You bastard…」

「Whoa! You’re still conscious? You’re quite tough aren’t you?」

I doubt he’ll be able to fight anymore but to think that he’d manage to keep his consciousness after that attack. He really is something.

「Well, I guess that’s it for the match. You don’t mind giving me the win right?」


Shiranui simply averted his gaze without saying anything.

I guess that’s a yes. A foreign country’s warriors huh… He truly was a strong foe, however, not as strong as me I’m afraid.

Shiranui somehow managed to lift his torso up, in doing so he also stripped his shattered armor.  

Following which he crossed his legs, sitting down half-naked.

He then took out a small blade from somewhere and pointed it at his abdomen.

「H-Hey wait! What do you think you’re doing?!」 I yelled out.  

「LET GO OF ME! Useless bastards like me who would only cause the princess trouble have no right to remain in this world!」 He yelled out.

I immediately grabbed his hands, pushing them down and stealing the short sword.

T-That was close… Was he really planning to die?! I’ve heard that those foreign warriors often cut their own stomachs, but to think that it was actually true… That seems quite dangerous.

「Why won’t you let me die…」

「Calm down, would you? If you were to take your life over every minor thing, then even endless lives wouldn’t be enough!」

「A life that cannot serve its master is pointless!」

He’s not listening at all… What a stubborn geezer.

As I let out a sigh I prompted Shiranui to look up at the top of the Soul Tower.

Standing there was Urohime.

She was looking down at Shiranui with a worried expression on her face.


「… Do you really think that your master would really wish that?」

These people had followed Urohime, leaving their homeland behind, in order to protect her.

She had been living here with them all this time. They were probably nothing less than family at this point.

As I threw away the short sword from Shiranui’s hand, Urohime looked at me and lowered her head. I guess that’s her way of saying thanks.

As Shiranui saw that, tears welled up in his eyes.

「Princess… For you to lower your head for someone like me…」

「Come on now, gramps, don’t cry.」 I said, trying to comfort him. 

Well, I guess from now on he won’t do something that stupid again.

After calming down Shiranui I exited the Isolated Space.

I wonder how Milly’s match went… Wait! If she managed to finish at around the same time as me, and if her opponent was the same as that geezer, then there’s a chance that he’d try to take his life as well! I must stop it!

「It should be this way…」

They should still be fighting…

I thought as I rushed to the Isolated Space Milly had been assigned to. As I arrived there, however, the match had already ended.

The one lying in the heart of the dust cloud was Milly.

Hey! What happened with meeting at the finals! Good grief. To think that she’d lose like that.

I rushed to Milly’s side, lifting her up.

「Are you okay Milly?」

「…Urgh… So strong…」

The person Milly had fought with was a normal, kind-looking old woman.

She was dressed in white and held some kind of wooden staff.

At first glance, she looked like someone you’d let your guard down against, however, upon a closer inspection, her magic power was no weaker than Shiranui’s.

That ghost that’s lingering behind her must be her familiar.

I cast Scout Scope on the woman, being careful not to be found out.

Tomiko Gennai

Level 76

Magic Level

Red: 21 / 52

Blue: 40 / 40

Green: 12 / 32

Sky: 43 / 48

Soul: 72 / 72

Magic Power 1593 / 4152

She’s not your typical old woman all right… However, she’s also not an opponent Milly couldn’t beat if she were to go all out. She really did let her guard down after all.

「Hoho. Are you that girl’s boyfriend? I would advise that you treat her as soon as possible.」

「Like hell, I’m her boyfriend. Good grief…」 I said, a bit annoyed.

I immediately began casting Healing on Milly.

Shiranui Gennai and Tomiko Gennai eh. Are these two a couple by any chance? That damn geezer. How could he think about dying with his wife right here!

As I was thinking, I noticed that Shiranui had appeared out of nowhere and was standing before Tomiko with an apologetic look on his face.

「I’m sorry Tomiko…」

「Oh my. Did you lose?」

「It’s a disgrace that will be forever engraved in my heart.」 Shiranui said, bowing his head to Tomiko.

Tomiko, on the other hand, simply sighed and returned his stare with a blank face.

「You dummy… We’re nothing more than ordinary subordinates. It’s fine to trouble the princess once or twice. And the princess, herself, said that she’d like to fight from time to time, don’t you think this will be a welcome change of pace?」 Tomiko said, embracing Shiranui.

「… I’m sorry for only causing you trouble Tomiko.」

As I looked at both of them Milly suddenly shrugged her shoulders.

「Zeph, we mustn’t disturb them.」

「You’re right. Let’s leave.」

Milly was still unable to move, so I held on to her as we exited the Isolated Space.

「So those two are a couple huh… I actually kind of like things like that.」

「Really? Even though you just had your ass handed to you by one of them?」

「That doesn’t matter! She’s cool after all!」 Milly said, pressing her body against mine.

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