Light burst forth and a tremendous amount of magic power flooded the arena.

Damn it. I’m late. If I just manage to make the first move…

Just as I thought that I heard Ain scream.


As the light faded I turned towards the location Ain was pointing at. There I saw darkness spreading before Urohime.

The air in the area grew colder and a raging whirlwind raised up a cloud of dust.

Everything combined into a violent torrent of freezing magic power.

You rarely see a spell of this magnitude. It resembles a ceremonial spell, which normally requires multiple people.

By using the long chant in combination with Summon Servant, Urohime was able to enhance the spell, pushing it beyond its limits.

By including a special action or a chant to a spell a magician was able to greatly enhance that spell’s power.

And with that, she was supposed to summon a powerful familiar… However, this is way beyond my expectations.

The darkness in front of Urohime steadily spread inside the Isolated Space.


Wails that sounded like those of a beast resonated from beneath the ground.

The darkness slowly began to take on the shape of an armored warrior. The closer the armored warrior came to completion the more he resembled Kagutsuchi. However, unlike Kagutsuchi, this warrior was enormous. He was close to five times my size.


The armored giant’s roar echoed within the whole of the Soul Tower.  

「I-IT’S ENORMOUS!!! What in the world is that?! Everyone! Urohime-sama just summoned an enormous samurai!!!」

The massive samurai in black armor exerted tremendous pressure. It was enough to send shivers up everyone’s spine.

As the crowd grew silent, only the giant’s breathing echoed in the tower.

His face was hidden behind its helmet, however, from the gaps in the helmet one could see its crazed red eyes.

As his armor creaked, the giant slowly rose up in a rigid manner. He stared down at me after fully raising his body.

「… You seem to be having a hard time there pal? Is the armor not the right size for you?」

「This is no time to be fooling around gramps! What are we going to do about this?!」 Ain screamed, pulling me by the arm towards the edges of the Isolated Space.

The giant was so large that every time he moved, he smashed his head against the Isolated Space’s ceiling.

And here I thought that the Isolated Space’s ceiling was quite high…


The air shook with the giant’s roar.

Ain’s wings stood on end as they began to tremble.

「T-There’s no way we can win against that huge thing…!」 Ain said, shaking her head.

Her face became completely devoid of color as the giant samurai looked down at her.

It seemed like she could feel the difference in their strength due to both of them being familiars.

「Hyaa?!! I-I’m out, I’m so out!!」

「Ain, wait!」

After saying that Ain vanished.

Good grief. How can she be so selfish and run away like that…? Well, I suppose she wouldn’t be able to do much without her weapon against that gigantic creature.

In the end, magic power consumption was quite severe due to her, so I wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

And I could always forcefully summon her if I needed her.

I then once again lost myself in my thoughts as I used meditation to try and recover a bit of my magic power.

Come to think of it, how much magic power does Urohime have left? She was controlling two familiars at the same time, and on top of that, she also summoned this thing. She shouldn’t have that much left… And if that’s not the case then I’m totally screwed. Wait. Since Wadatsumi isn’t here anymore I should be able to use Scout Scope on her, right? I can’t see her though. She must have hidden somewhere. I last remember seeing her around the Isolated Space’s entrance… There she is!

Urohime was hiding in the gaps of the armored samurai’s armor. She was currently around his neck area.

As soon as I spotted her I cast Scout Scope.

Urohime Tatsumigawa

Level 97

Magic Level:

Red: 42 / 71

Blue: 18 / 60

Green: 29 / 35

Sky: 55 / 64

Soul: 97 / 97

Magic Power: 1815 / 5415

She still had quite a bit of magic power left.

Even though I hadn’t managed to land a proper attack on her, it was hard to believe that she still had much left despite using so many spells.

I guess it’s the difference in our spell’s level.

The higher the level of a spell, the harder it became to level up.

However, the time and effort invested in levelling them eventually paid off.

The strength, consumption, and casting time of spells could vary substantially depending on the system’s level, even among expert practitioners of the same system.

And those spells would of course be enhanced if they were used in the appropriate tower.

Currently, the match was between my Soul Level of 73 and Urohime’s Soul Level of 97…

If I factored in the increase from the Soul Tower, Urohime was about twice as powerful as I was.

「Subjugate him, Susano!」

「ROARRRR!!!」 Susano let out a powerful roar and swung its pillar-like arm towards the ground.

The arm split the ground as it made its way toward me. Rather than an arm, it looked like an enormous boulder.

「Is this it, everyone?! Will Zeph be able to avoid this?! Is this the end for him?!!!」

The sheer size of Susano’s arm and the narrow Isolated Space made this attack exceptionally hard to dodge.

「There’s more than one way to dodge an attack you know?」

The arm made its way straight at me. I squatted to the ground and placed my hands on it, casting Green Ball, for I had no other option.

Green Ball had the effect of creating a powerful impact at the place where it was cast.

That impact was especially strong when cast at the ground. It was possible to use it to dig a massive hole.

A large hole opened beneath my feet and I dived inside it.

Immediately after that Susano’s arm passed just over my head.

Phew. That was close.

「Now it’s my turn!」

I used the dust to conceal myself as I jumped out of the hole.

I cast Scout Scope once more, and countless numbers entered my field of view.

With their help, I was able to locate Urohime even inside the curtain of dust.

「Found you… But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s still inside the armor…」

Even if I were to cast a spell at Urohime, that thick armor would act as a shield.

「In that case I might as well try that.」

The fusion of Red, Blue, Green, Sky and Soul. The simultaneous cast of all of the systems combined. The Penta Fusion.

It was the most powerful of all the weapons I held.

「… Kuku!」

My lips instinctively curved upwards.

Urohime’s strongest familiar Susano against my Penta Fusion, I wonder which one will win… I get shivers just thinking about it.

「… Urohime! I’m going to go all out against you…! Ain, come out!」

I cast Summon Servant, and Ain appeared in her sword form.

「Urgh… Please let me rest for a bit…」

Divine Sword Ainbelle appeared.

However, its light was somewhat weaker than usual.

Did Susano’s pressure cause her mental damage, causing her power to wane? I don’t have the time to think about it, I’ll just have her endure it.

I placed both of my hands on Divine Greatsword Ainbelle and cast Time Square.

While time was stopped I cast Red Ball and Black Ball.

Double Fusion: Pyro Ball.

「Urgh….!」 A small moan echoed from within Divine Sword Ainbelle.

Its previously golden blade now shined darkish-red.

「Once more…!」 I murmured as I swung down, casting Time Square once more. 

While time was stopped I cast Blue Ball, Green Ball and White Ball.

Penta Fusion: Platinum Slash.

A golden-white aura blade appeared as soon as my spell was cast, spanning from Divine Greatsword Ainbelle.

「?!!! Susano! Block it!」

Just before the blade could reach Susano, Urohime noticed my intention and immediately ordered Susano to put forth his hands and guard.

Tsch… She noticed… Unfortunately, I cannot change the course anymore.

I gave everything I had in order to try and push through, however, Susano’s arms completely stopped the blade.

Cracking sounds echoed in the area as sparks of magic power flew everywhere…

So tough! How hard is it to be able to even withstand my Penta Fusion!

Platinum Slash had a lot of cutting power, which is why I had never encountered any resistance while using it before. Susano’s hands, on the other hand, were so tough that it couldn’t even cut them.

This kind of magic resistance is just ridiculous.


「It hurts! It hurts! I’ll break!!!」 Ain screamed out loud.

「B-BEAR IT!!! HYAAAA!!!」 I yelled out as I swung Divine Greatsword Ainbelle once more.

The force of the slash was so great that the shockwaves cleared the smoke in the vicinity, allowing me to see Susano’s arms.

One of them was cut, however, the blade hadn’t managed to reach his torso.

Rather, it had stopped close to his shoulder.

Urohime was completely flabbergasted.

「To think that you’d be able to cut Susano’s arm…」

「ROARRRR!!!」 Susano cried out, pulling out the katana on his waist with his remaining arm.

The unimaginably long katana appeared to be even larger than Susano himself.

Susano tried to wield his enormous katana, however, the narrow Isolated Space prevented him from doing so.

Despite the fact that his katana scraped against the Isolated Space’s boundaries, he swung it down with force.


「Damn it… Time Square!!!」

While time was stopped I cast Red Crash and Blue Crash. On top of that, I also imbued Green Crash and Black Crash into Ain.

Quadra Fusion: Tetra Crash.

Divine Greatsword Ainbelle shone with golden light and the blade of light flew forward in an attempt to stop Susano’s attack…

However, the impact made me lose my footing as my feet sank to the ground.

The size difference is just way too huge… Even if our weapons are equally strong, mine just isn’t long enough to reach him…

I could feel my bones begin to crack under the weight.

Urgh… I’m being pushed back!

Sparks flew from where the blade collided and I was slowly but surely being pushed back.

One of my knees touched the ground and Susano’s blade was right in front of my eyes.


I mustered up as much power as I could and turned my blade.

As soon as the balance was lost, Susano’s katana slid down my sword, landing right next to my feet.

As soon as it fell, the weight of his katana shattered the ground.

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