Even I knew that.  

Something was trying to forcefully open the door in order to make its way to our world.  

Summon Servant was a spell which used the magician’s magic power in order to summon familiars from the Other World and bind them under the control of the magician.  

However, the monster on its way into our world was currently trampling on those restrictions by forcing open the entrance itself. That is to say, it would appear in its true form and be able to walk around on its own.  

And the impression it gave off was of a monstrous creature the size of a fortress.  

If that thing comes out it will bring up a disaster!

「… Everything else aside. We should get out of here as fast as possible.」 Urohime said.

「I agree.」

The ground shook one more time.  

However, unlike last time, this time it felt like something was trying to come out from underground.  

It felt like it was about to burst through the ground at any moment.

We can’t stay here any longer!

「Both of you, grab tightly!」


I set my sight on a distant elevated area with Milly and Urohime in my arms and cast Teleport.  

The moment I disappeared the ground split and something enormous and dark made its way to the surface.

「Phew… That was close.」

We had been this close to getting sucked into the ground.  

I was currently clinging to a street lamp, which was some distance away from the Soul Tower, after escaping with Teleport. Milly and Urohime were still in my grasp, of course.

「ZEPH! Don’t carry me around in such a strange position!!」

Since I was holding onto the lamp I could only carry Urohime properly, while Milly was turned upside down as I somehow held onto her leg.  

Since she was upside down it was quite funny looking at her from my point of view.

「… I can’t help it. We had to get away as soon as possible.」

「Don’t look at me from up there!!! Let me go!」 Milly yelled, frantically holding her skirt.

However, due to it being too short, she couldn’t hide everything.  

You idiot! If you move around like that we’ll all fall!

「Okay, okay…」

I cast Summon Servant and Ain appeared.

「Ain, help her down.」

「Sure thing!」

Ain grabbed a hold of Milly’s leg, as she was about to burst into tears at any moment, and helped her down.

「Good grief. I really can’t deal with you Milly…」

「At least hold me in a more proper way next time!」

「Come to think of it, why didn’t you just call Uruk?」

「You’re right!」

I completely forgot about him. Me forgetting is one thing, but for Milly to forget about him as well… How could you forget your own familiar?!

「I’m letting go, okay?」 Ain said.

「W-Wa! W-Wai… Auch?!」

Milly fell head down before she could finish her sentence.  

A dull sound rang out after which she held her head with both hands.  

Even though she didn’t fall from that high up, that was still mean… I guess Ain still has a grudge against Milly for the loss a few days ago.

Seeing Milly like that seemed quite funny to Ain.

「Ufufufufu. I’m sorry Milly.」

「AIN!! That was on purpose, wasn’t it?!」 Milly screamed, as she tried to chase after the flying Ain.

「Ehehe. I wonder.」 

Those two… They sure are carefree considering our situation.  

Urohime laughed as she watched the both of them.

「Fufu. They get along quite well.」

「Are you blind?」

Good grief. Every single one of them. Don’t you get the situation we’re in…? And why am I still holding onto this lamp?! My arm’s starting to get tired.

「Milly, we’d like to go down as well. Could you summon Uruk to help us?」

「Okay!」 Milly said, casting Summon Servant.

Immediately after that Uruk appeared.  

He flew up to us and moved his head to urge us to hop on.

「Urohime, you go first.」

「Understood…?!! W-Where are you touching me?! T-This horse!!!」

As soon as Urohime tried to get on top of Uruk, Uruk moved his face and buried it in her petite chest.  

His breathing became quick as a result of the excitement.  

He must not cherish his life.

If Urohime hadn’t been exhausted, he would have been cut down by her familiars.  

As a way to punish him, I grabbed his bottom with my prosthetic arm and squeezed.


「… I hope you’ll forgive him. That’s just the kind of horse he is. Please forgive him.」

I said. Uruk became remarkably docile as soon as he locked his gaze on mine.  

Good grief. He’s not picky at all when it comes to sexual harassment.  

After Urohime climbed aboard, I followed suit, and with Uruk’s assistance, we landed safely on the ground. A voice boomed in my head as soon as we did.

《Zeph-kun!!! Are you okay?!》

It was Claude. Thankfully it seemed like they were alright.

《I am. Milly’s also with me. How is the situation over on your side?》

《Yera-san and some Dispatch Magicians used Teleport in order to evacuate all of the spectators that were inside the tower. All of us are also fine.》

《That’s great news. Where are you right now?》

《Within the Magician Association. With each passing minute, more and more evacuees arrive… At the moment, we’re assisting the injured.》

《Great. It seems like you’re safe. There are a lot of people which probably makes moving around difficult. For the time being stay there until things calm down.》

《Understood. You should be careful as well Zeph-kun.》

So the Dispatch Magicians can prove every once in a while. I typically end myself in some sort of mess as a result of them, but it appears that this time they did a fantastic job.

「It seems like the people that were inside the tower are safe. The Dispatch Magician evacuated all of them.」

「That’s great!」 Milly said, letting out a big sigh of relief.  

Urohime’s face showed that she was glad as well.

「Well then, that leaves that thing.」

I turned my gaze back to the source of the disaster. There I noticed an enormous shadow looming about.

「growlll…. growlll…」

Even the air around us shook from its distant growls.  

The Soul Tower standing above it was even now slowly crumbling down.  

As the tower crumbled, a massive black dragon emerged from beneath the ground.  

Its eyes were bright red, and its fangs were razor-sharp. Things that looked like bones protruded from its back. It looked a lot like the dinosaurs that had once roamed the earth.

Draconic species of monsters could be encountered in the depths of high-levelled dungeons. This, on the other hand, was a whole new level.

It’s bigger than the Heavenly Towers…

「Whoa… It’s so big…」 Milly said, completely flabbergasted.  

I was shocked by the dragon’s size as well.  

I promptly cast Scout Scope on the enormous creature.  


Level: 255

Magic Power: 99,999,999 / 99,999,999

「What the….?!」

Its tremendous amount of magic power left me lost for words.  

The majority of the dark monsters we’d encountered up to this point had a significant amount of magic power, but none of them had exceeded 10,000,000.  

This thing has 10 times that amount… Beating it will be no walk in the park… Wait… Tiamat? Why does this one have a name, despite all of the other black monsters not having one?  

Scout Scope operated by displaying the name given to a monster when it was first discovered.  

Since it has a name that must mean that… In the past, someone actually gave a name to this monster’s species! Tiamat… Tiamat… I remember. It means Primordial Dragon in this world’s ancient tongue… This thing… It was here even before humans walked this world?!


Its roar reverberated throughout the world, causing the air to quiver.  

Milly instinctively covered her ears as the earth and sky trembled… An explosion followed shortly after, and we witnessed the Soul Tower being reduced to ruins.  

As he walked out of the wreckage of the tower, Tiamat kept a steady pace. Each stride it took wreaked havoc on the environment.  

This is bad. It’s the epitome of a walking disaster. There aren’t many residential houses in the region around the tower because it’s still considered a suburb, but what if it finds its way into the city? Thankfully there’s still a bit more time before it reaches the city’s centre… But the way it’s heading…  

As soon as we thought of that, both Milly and I turned pale.

Grabbing my sleeve Milly said.

「Zeph… The place where that thing is heading is…」

「That’s right…」

This is extremely bad.  

It was heading right towards our house.  

And the worst part was that Lydia was still there, sleeping.  

If it continues that way Lydia will…
Cold sweat ran down my back.

「Milly, we need to take it down!」


I felt a presence behind me as soon as Milly replied.  

As soon as I turned around I noticed a woman dressed in a white coat. It was the Dispatch Magician Azalea.

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