Translator: Jimi Editor: Ryunakama


With an iciness that didn’t match his appearance, Bertram glanced at Tiamat which was gnashing its teeth as it growled. Then, Bertram snapped his fingers.

Together with that, an explosion occurred in Tiamat’s mouth.

It was Red Sphere. However, as a mid-tier magic spell, it didn’t do significant damage.

Tiamat aimed at Bertram as it opened its mouth to release flames.

However, the flames did not launch towards Bertram. Instead, it exploded within Tiamat’s mouth.

The explosion helped the fallen Tiamat to stand back up, but whether it wants to counter-attack or escape, Tiamat could not even move of its own volition anymore.

The magic spell was called Chain.

In this spell, a coordinate is specified during casting, which can then be activated at a chosen timing.

Using this characteristic, Chain can be used to set up many spells in advance, so that spells that originally cannot be strung together can now be activated consecutively.

Besides having a good spatial awareness, the multiple spells set up also have a chance of being moved by someone. Hence, it is extremely difficult to be put into practice and gives off the impression of it being a spell just for show.

Red Sphere is great in the aspects of casting time, area-of-effect, and damage-over-time, and it is an easy spell to use. Even so, a mage of the highest tier should only be able to activate two to three of them in succession.

However, Bertram had chained together what seemed like an infinite number of Red Spheres.

「What a loooong chain, as always…」

「Hmph, that sort of thing is only for show! It doesn’t do much damage, and is not something you can use in a fight!」

Yera was about to retort that the showy spells were tormenting Tiamat… but she decided to hold her tongue.

She thought that if she were to voice her thoughts to Rhox, who viewed Bertram as a rival, they would not be able to focus on the current battle anymore.

In any case, Rhox himself also knows the greatness of Bertram. The fact that he spoke through clenched teeth earlier tells something.

「Ga… GuaaaAA!!」

Tiamat was in anguish as it flailed its long tail around.

However, that swinging tail was shot down by a super-concentrated water bullet.

Together with the sounds of the falling, scattered water, footsteps were heard.

「Sorry, I’m late.」

「Ohh, Sherrod. You sure took a while.」

「I spotted people who were late in escaping. I had to help them.」

The Blue Heavenly Mage, Sherrod Aims, pushed back his glasses.

Seeing that the Tiamat was immediately regenerating its tail, he clicked his tongue.

「As expected, a water bullet of that quality isn’t enough to eradicate it, huh…」

「Mm, that monster’s toughness is abnormal. It seems to be at a completely different level from those normal black monsters, as you can see.」

Sherrod nodded at Yera’s statement.

The usual black monsters could be disintegrated with a single powerful strike, and you could eradicate them while disregarding their magic power.

Being the first to discover the black monsters earlier, Sherrod had arranged his Blue Bullet spell to make it directional, and created a spell that annihilated the black monsters in an instant.

Even if you have completely mastered a spell, it would not be easy to refine it and make it directional.

Having easily done that in a matter of a few days, Sherrod could be called a genius.

He usually behaves arrogantly, but the other Heavenly Mages had to admit that he was talented.

Among the five Heavenly Mages, he was the one who stood at the top.

◆ ◆ ◆

「Those are… the five Heavenly Mages…!」

In the middle of the fight where Tiamat was being led around by the nose, Milly’s shocked voice rang out.

That being said, I didn’t expect to see all five of them assembled here.

Most of the Heavenly Mages were self-centered people. They would only do the bare minimum and leave the rest of the work to their close aides, while many of them tend to wander around.

Naturally, they were also prideful people, and it was extremely rare to see them join forces in battle.

Even when I was Flame of Flame in my past life, things were the same.

…Well, I’m in no place to judge others.

The Sky Heavenly Mage, Wind of Wind, Yera Schugel.

The Green Heavenly Mage, Earth of Earth, Rhox Giganmeil.

The Soul Heavenly Mage, Soul of Soul, Urohime Tatsumigawa.

The Blue Heavenly Mage, Aqua of Aqua, Sherrod Aims.

「Even so, that guy sure is a head and shoulders above the rest of them huh…!」

The Red Heavenly Mage, Flame of Flame, Bertram Cabel.

He could very easily incorporate Chain into his battles, even though the spell was as complicated as an acrobatic act.

If I were to do that in a real battle, my limit would be just five chains. Even if I were completely focused, my maximum would be eight… With my current abilities, it would be ridiculous to count how many chains I could keep up.

In addition, it didn’t seem like Bertram possessed any unique magic spells.

Has he reached that level with pure magic skill?

So that’s Bertram Cabel huh… The man who is extolled as history’s strongest Heavenly Mage!

That overwhelming sense of intimidation from him sent shivers down my spine.

I’m trembling with excitement. Hehe, how interesting.

Only by defeating him will I be able to earn the title of the strongest mage.

「Ohhh…. Gohhhhh…」

Due to the attacks from the five Heavenly Mages, Tiamat moaned and groaned.

It was a terrifyingly concentrated series of attacks. The attacks of the dispatched mages earlier were not enough to stop Tiamat in its tracks, but this time, Tiamat’s body was visibly being shaved away.

That was the case even when the black monsters do not receive significant damage from spells outside of the Soul system.

The high-leveled spell that fell like rain was probably able to overcome the system’s disadvantage.

「T-That’s amazing…」

「Mm, but it’s strange.」

I cast Scout Scope at Tiamat.


Level 255

Magic Power


…As I thought, that guy’s magic level isn’t decreasing.

It looks like the attacks are effective though… Could it be that Tiamat has so much magic power that it has exceeded the maximum possible measurement of Scout Scope?

If that’s the case, I can’t imagine how much magic power Tiamat has.

It doesn’t seem practical to defeat it by shaving down its magic power.

At least, not with ordinary magic…

「Ah, right! Shouldn’t we be able to defeat it with Zeph’s Platinum, or whatever it’s called?」

「No, to blast that away, my attack definitely wouldn’t have enough power.」

「Then, what should we do?」

「Well… I’d like to see what they can do, though?」

When I glanced at Bertram, I saw that he had distanced himself from Tiamat, probably because he had the same thought as us.

Then, he suddenly jumped.

A Red Ball appeared in his flight path, which he used as a platform to jump further.

He repeated that several times, and finally landed on the roof of a tall building. He downed a magic-power restoration potion and closed his eyes to concentrate his magic power.

「Hey, let’s guard Bertram.」

「Good grief, what a troublesome fellow.」

While uttering complaints, the other four people dispersed and began to fight in order to stop Tiamat’s movements.

They probably presumed that Bertram had his plans.

Indeed, Bertram did not look like his usual self. He continued to keep his eyes shut as he tempered his magic power.

「That guy… What is he doing? Isn’t his casting time way too long?」

Milly raised a question because of that exceptionally long casting time.

He had already been casting his spell for more than five minutes. However, there are no spells that would take that long of a time to cast.

I might have an idea of what he was doing… but is that really possible?

As I gasped, Bertram’s eyes opened.

The scenery above Tiamat’s head swayed and distorted, and spots of light lit up bit by bit.

In an instant, the light that spread across Tiamat’s black-colored body was like a sea of stars.

In the next moment, the lights exploded in terrifying flames that threatened to crush Tiamat.

The blinding flash of light filled my entire vision as Milly screamed.

「Hyaa!? W-What’s that!?」

「That’s probably Red Inferno… He had numerous shots of those on standby, then he unleashed all of it at once…!」

「You’re kidding me…」

Red Inferno is one of the great magic spells of the Red system.

Simply put, it is the powered-up version of Red Sphere, which burns down a large area with a massive explosion.

To some extent, it is possible to control the spell to set it up before activating it later. However, the difficulty of doing so is so high that Red Sphere simply cannot hold a candle to it.

Bertram was able to group tens of those spells together and activate them all at once.

「He didn’t activate them consecutively, but rather in a group… Instead of Chain, it was more like Banding, huh…」

With Red Inferno Banding, which consists of multiple stacks of Red Inferno, a tremendous conflagration engulfed Tiamat.


「That spell was probably intended to forcefully erase the black monster, by destroying the magic power that the monster itself was composed of…」

It was easy to say, but not simple to carry out.

It was especially so because the black monster was composed of magic from another world, hence it has an exceptionally sturdy body that would not be easily scratched by any attack.

That being said, Bertram’s spell was on the same level as my Platinum Break… No, it has even more firepower than that.

Amid the billowing white smoke, I caught a glimpse of the words from Scout Scope.


Level 255

Magic Power


Nevertheless, Tiamat’s magic power did not even drop by one.

In addition, it looked as if Bertram’s attack was not as effective as expected, since Tiamat raised its head in an attempt to counter-attack.

It was aiming at Bertram… That guy, is he unable to see Tiamat’s movements from where he is?

Considering that he had just unleashed that many spells, he has probably lost focus.


「Ah! Zeph!」

I immediately cast Teleport.

With consecutive Teleports, I headed straight for Bertram.

Will I make it in time…?!

Tiamat was about to release a Red Zero spell.

With Bertram in that state, there’s no way he can guard against it.

With the last Teleport, I landed in front of Bertram.


Bertram was shocked as I suddenly appeared before his eyes.

However, this is no time to be dawdling.

The shadow within the white smoke swayed and following that, a blade of flame cut through the smoke and extended towards us.

I guess it’s Red Zero after all.

I positioned my hand before me and cast Time Square.

While time is stopped, I cast White Wall five times.

The result is a quintuple-fusion magic, White Wall Circle.

The five magic barriers which appeared before me stopped Tiamat’s Red Zero in its tracks.

…Hmm, that’s pretty strong. Are my shields stronger than Tiamat’s attack?

Screeching sounds were heard as the blade of flames and my barrier ground against one another.

The White Wall Circle is capable of blocking almost any offensive magic known to the world.

That would include Tiamat’s magic. …Though, I won’t deny that I broke out in a bit of cold sweat.

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