The Magic Outfit

Chapter 314: survey

Xiaoding is very hardworking, as long as she can do it herself, she will never ask others for help, and occasionally spoiling Su Tang, that is an exception.

For example, now she started to prepare lunch for herself and moved the fruit from the forest to the stone table. However, the silver locust larva was also on the stone table. When Xiao Dou put the fruit on the table and turned and flew into the forest, it He would immediately gather over, slammed on the fruit, and then slipped to the table, pretending to bask in the sun, but Xiao Bing never found it.

In fact, the small amount of food is not very large, one fruit is enough for her, and more is picked for mother.

After picking seven or eight fruits, it felt almost the same, and flew to the stone table again, picked up the jug, poured himself a small glass of wine, and then flew up again holding the glass.

Put down the glass and walked to his little chaise longue. He picked up the sheet and shook it with some serious feeling, feeling very clean, and relaid the sheet.

After working for a while, she was a little bit tired. She took a long breath and climbed onto the recliner. She lay down on her back to the sky and squinted towards the sky.

Many habits and habits of Xiaoding were imitated from Su Tang. At first, she only imitated to imitate. Now, she also gradually likes it, bathing in the sun, enjoying the breeze, smelling the fragrance of wine and sweet apricot , Lying comfortably, so happy.

After lying down for a while, Xiaobu decided to start enjoying her lunch. She sat up, her eyes suddenly glared round, and each round apricot had a hole.

The little good mood disappeared, and his eyes glanced around and landed on the silver locust larva.The silver locust larva was boringly pulling his tentacles with the front claws, as if to say, it had nothing to do with me, I was drying The sun

Who else are you? Xiao Bianying's killing intentions ran into the silver locust larvae suddenly.

The silver locust larvae were listless on the surface, but in fact they had been staring at Little Dot's movements. When they saw Little Dot flying over here, they knew that something was bad, jumped up quickly, and opened their wings to escape.

When Xiaoyou's arm flicked, a whip shadow shot out, rolled up the thigh of the silver locust larva, and threw it onto the table.

The silver locust larvae fell down on its face, desperately stroking its arthropods, trying to turn it over, but it was too late, Doubt pounced from above, rode on it, waved two fists, opened his bow left and right, it was a fat beat

"Tell you to be a thief, tell you to be a thief." Xiao Bu's thoughts were broken as she beat them, and the silver locust larvae kept beeping.

"Can you two be honest for a while?" Su Tang at the stone table opened her eyes and said helplessly.

Hearing the words of Su Tang, the hind limb of the silver locust larvae bounced rhythmically a few times, and then stopped moving, and the brown liquid slowly flowed out of its mouth.

"Pretend to die again? Will you do anything else?" Xiaowan stopped her hand. Although she knew that the silver locust larva was pretending to die again, she dared not continue to fight. In case she was really killed, her mother would be sure Would be very angry.

"Take it easy" Su Tang shouted.

"Mom, it steals my food and eats," the little grievance cried, "Look, look."

Su Tang frowned when he saw the fruit that was bitten out of the hole. This was all Lingguo. It was outside. I do n’t know how many people will fight. If the silver locust larvae eat the fruit completely, it ’s nothing. Just invest in the early stage, and one bites out of one hole, isn't it a violent disaster?

"You shouldn't be allowed to come out." Su Tang's hands grabbed the silver locust larvae still pretending to be dead, lifted the glass on the copper urn, and threw the silver locust larvae into it, and then threw the few round apricots. Inside the copper urn, cover the glaze again.

Haw ... The silver locust larvae screamed anxiously in the copper urn, but Su Tang and Xiaobudian didn't bother to tread. For a moment, the silver locust larvae finally came to be honest, lying happily in the corner. Reflecting on something.

"Sir, Jin Cuicui asks for advice." Bao Bei walked in.

"Jin Cuicui?" Su Tang thought for a while: "Let her come over."

"Come here?" Bao Bei froze, Su Tang hadn't met the guests in the backyard.

"Uh." Su Tang nodded.

"I see." Bao Bei answered.

It didn't take long for Bao Bei and Jin Cuicui's figures to appear in the backyard door. Bao Bei reached out and led, then turned and left. Jin Cuicui took a long breath, stabilized his emotions, and then slowly walked in.

"Have seen Mr." Jin Cuicui said softly.

"Sit down." Su Tang pointed to the chair opposite: "How are you doing?"

Jin Cuicui slowly sat on the chair, coughed, and said slowly: "After several trials of the Qing squad, we have summed up something, please ask Mr. to look at it." After that, Jin Cuicui put a case on the stone table on.

"I'm not watching." Su Tang said: "You can talk to me about it."

"Good." Jin Cuicui picked up the file and opened a quick glance: "First of all, we found the weakness of the fire leopard. If there is a water samurai in the team, it will cause huge damage to the fire leopard. We have collected them in the city. There are eleven water-based practitioners who signed up, one guru, seven pinnacle fighters, and the other three were excluded by me. Their strength was too low to play any role. "

Su Tang nodded.

"In addition to our original two, ten water warriors were put together, but unfortunately, the treasure girl is not ... otherwise she can be the captain." Jin Cuicui said: "However, how to use them, we still exist In view of the differences, He Yuanzheng believes that they should be formed into a team, and their combat effectiveness will become very strong, especially against the fire leopard. Thunder Fur believes that they should be dispersed and placed into various clearing teams. "

"So much difference?" Su Tang asked.

"Well." Jin Cuicui said: "Thunderfur is mainly worried about time. There are more than 200 fire leopards. We can't spend all our time and energy on fire leopards. He thinks we must make quick decisions. He Yuanzheng This means that two or three squads are enough to avoid unnecessary casualties. "

"Are there casualties these days?" Su Tang said.

"Two warriors were killed, and no one was injured." Jin Cuicui replied, she guessed Su Tang's thoughts, and added: "I have sent their remuneration to the family."

"What do you mean?" Su Tang asked again.

"I think it's still He Yuanzheng's method." Jin Cuicui said: "These days are just experiments. There are thunder anger and He Yuanzheng protection. There are still deaths. If a dozen Qing squads are really formed, the number of casualties will definitely increase significantly . "

"Then follow the method of He Yuanzheng." Su Tang said.

"There is one more thing." Jin Cuicui said: "There are so many fire leopards in the outer area. I am worried that there may be more powerful fire leopards inside the lava mountain. If you can, you should let thunder anger go inside the lava mountain. At the same time, we must be prepared for the worst. "

Su Tang was silent for a moment: "I will discuss this matter with Thunder Fur in a few days."

Jin Cuicui turned the case over a few pages: "I have checked the top ten wandering warriors of the points you asked me to investigate. The information is all here. Do you want to listen now?"

"Say it," Su Tang said.

"The first place is Chu Zongbao, hehe, he is yours, it doesn't count." Jin Cuicui said: "The second place is called He Ping, and the points reach 4,700 points. Growing up in the moon city, when he was young, his parents both died in Lava Mountain, but his parents ’friends were very upright. He not only handed over all the remuneration for the task to He Ping, but also took out some savings. In the second year, He Ping's family was hit by a fire. He was not at home and survived. However, his only sister, He Wan'er, was buried in the fire, and then He Ping's personality changed greatly. When he was poor and down, he also became a beggar. Later, I did n’t know where I got the spiritual formula, and I started to practice. I entered the country very quickly. I was promoted to guru last year, and I was under 20 years old. "

Su Tang listened quietly, he was very concerned about the homeless warriors who scored in the top ten.

"According to your star rating standards, I will give him the highest grade, five stars." Jin Cuicui smiled: "If there are six stars, I will give him six stars, he grew up in the dark moon city, never went out, know the roots There are not many friends. The conditions are too good. "

"The third name is Liu Hailong, with a score of 4,500 points. He is a foreigner. He is very smart, good at strength, good at making friends, and very popular. This time he formed the Qing squad, he also made great efforts." Jin Cuicui Continued: "However, I can only give him Samsung because I suspect he is from the Liu family in Bowang City."


"If we talk about the disciplined family of practice, it is impossible to really achieve a bowl of water." Jin Cuicui said: "Therefore, some children of the family can't stand the coldness of the family, so they run out and run alone. Now, Liu Hailong's heart knows Standing on our side and willing to work for us, but once we have a conflict with the Liu family in the Bowang City, Liu Hailong's choice is uncertain, such people can only use it, not use it. "

"It makes sense," Su Tang said softly.

Jin Cuicui also commented on the following people one by one, and finally laughed: "Mr. is really a great man. Those little methods you taught me, I did n’t feel anything at first, but later I felt wonderful, for example, rating the star, I now look at the information and know what kind of person Liu Hailong is.When the time is too long, the memory may be blurred. I will even forget today's concerns and put him in a place that is too important. Now I have a star , At a glance, even if I forgot all, and seeing Liu Hailong is only Samsung, I will understand that this person should not be used much. "

"Hehe ..." Su Tang smiled.

"There are also ways to store data." Jin Cuicui said: "It used to be sealed according to the date. It was too messy. When you need it later, you may have to find it for a long time. Using your method will make it more convenient. Also, I will sort all the information of the wandering samurai according to your words, according to the surname strokes, alas ... such a simple method, why have n’t I thought of it before? "

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