The Magic Outfit

Chapter 921: Companion like a tiger

Lord Moonstone has been walking in the Star Field for a long time, and his experience is rich. Su Tang's experience is not bad. They don't move. They continue to chat, and sometimes they laugh out joyfully. After a while, they said to Bai Tong Xingjun A glance at the side.

A pair of men and women did stand there, but did not see anything wrong.

"How do you know?" Su Tang whispered.

"Hey ... Lord, I can see the people behind me." Bai Tong Xingjun whispered.

"It's a genius." Yue Shi Majun laughed, and then a flash of worry flashed between his eyebrows: "Boss, what is Xiu Mercury Jun's origin?"

When it was changed to usual, Lord Moonstone would not ask. The less secrets he knew, the safer he was, but now that there was an anomaly, he had to ask.

Su Tang pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "Six Mercury Jun was originally a maid under the seat of the Seventh Prince. He recently angered the Seventh Prince, and fled out, and now he has mixed into the Desire."

"The maid under the seat of the seventh prince? Can it be that they are also the people of the seven princes?" Yueshi majesty was shocked, and his tone became dignified: "I heard that the seven princes' eye cannibalism, and there are more than a thousand servants What's the big deal of running away? Is it necessary to send someone to chase here? "

"Before she left, she stole a few pieces of Lingbao from Seventh Prince Ji Can." Su Tang said: "So the Lord will let me come over."

Lord Moonstone was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "Aren't you a disciple under the throne?"

"It was guessed by you." Su Tang narrowed his eyes: "But I am curious, how do you know?"

"The seventh prince, Ji Ji, has a very extreme personality. He must have reported it. Have you heard this sentence? It's him ..." Yueshi Mahara sighed softly: "How can he give up when Ling Bao is stolen? In fact, this kind of thing, The lord should let the prince Douli come, and with the power of the prince Douli, he can easily take people back, not let the prince Douli come, and chose you, the prince wants to leave a little work for himself Room. "


"If things are revealed, the prince also has his own words, so that he will not fall in the bottom of his reason." Yueshi prince was silent again: "But ... who the **** are you?"

"You don't care who I am." Su Tang said: "Now we are in harmony."

"That's not necessarily." Yueshi Mahara said frowning: "The Seventh Prince Jijiu has also been sent over, and things will get tricky, and the 7th Prince Jijiu has been ranked as the true God. In the past, he acted decently, and now he does whatever he wants. This matter It is very likely that I ca n’t hide it, and finally disturb the upper level of the desire cave, then I will be struck by you.

"What do you mean?" Su Tang also frowned: "Do you want to shake your hands now?"

"I have said that just now, telling you where the people are, and I have finished my work." Yueshi Majun's tone turned cold: "If you want me to help you, you have to let me know who you are. What is the idea so that I can make a decision "

Su Tang stopped talking and pondered, and Moon Stone Lord never thought that the third prince Zuan Lian would give him the Divine Enlightenment, and only pinned his hopes on the Cave of Desire. Obviously it has always been the edge of Tianle Mountain, and he has always tried to join the Cave of Desire , There should be no feelings for Tianle Mountain.The respect he showed for the third prince is half afraid of the strength of the third prince, and the other half just wants to get some rewards. Such a person is likely to shrink his hands at a critical time. Especially when he thinks there is no hope.

"I have the ninth pulse," Su Tang said slowly.

"Are you a disciple of Nine Crown Prince Jiao Tu?" Yueshi Majesty froze, then suddenly realized: "The Lord is really powerful"

"Why do you say that?" Su Tang asked softly.

"Among the real dragon and nine veins, Jiu Taizi Jiaotu has the lowest strength, hehe ... I just talk about things, ambassador, and I have absolutely no other meaning." Yueshi said: "However, several other princes, but with the nine princes The relationship between pepper maps is very good, especially the six crown princes and seven crown princes. It is said that the six crown princes and seven crown princes can break through the main situation, relying on the nine crown princes map to contribute. "

"I've never heard it from Master." Su Tang said.

"Nine Prince Jiao's plan is to practice the eternal life." Yueshi Maharaja said: "He once swept through the spirits of dozens of star palaces, but he did not take any, condensed into a unique spiritual holy place, and gave it to the six crown princes and seven. Prince Jiyi retreat, but because of this he was badly damaged, so Six Prince Zidi and Seven Prince Zijiu have always been grateful to him "

Su Tang was stunned, and immediately a sigh of cold air rose in his vest. The third prince Zhu Lian took care of him. Is it really just for the feeling of the same ancestry?

If one day, his strength becomes more powerful, and the third prince Zhan Lian is also close to retreat, will he be asked to do the same thing?

Su Tang was a little bit gaffey. Lord Moonstone saw a wave of fear in Su Tang's double pupils. He smiled: "The angel is clever, and the opposite is true ... I immediately understand the key point. Ha ha ha ... You two go somewhere else first. "

Moonstone's two entourages turned around and walked upwards, then Moonstone's eyes turned to Su Tang.

"You also go around somewhere else." Su Tang said.

Jiang Huquan and others retired after hearing this.

"There is a good saying, the companion is like a companion tiger ... Now the envoy understands, why do I want to be confused with God here?" Yueshi Majun said with a smile: "There is another sentence, the height is extremely cold. , The more prominent your position, the more dangerous it will be. "

If one day, his strength becomes more powerful, and the third prince Zhan Lian is also close to retreat, will he be asked to do the same thing?

Su Tang was a little bit gaffey. Lord Moonstone saw a wave of fear in Su Tang's double pupils. He smiled: "The angel is clever, and the opposite is true ... I immediately understand the key point. Ha ha ha ... You two go somewhere else first. "

Moonstone's two entourages turned around and walked upwards, then Moonstone's eyes turned to Su Tang.

"You also go around somewhere else." Su Tang said.

Jiang Huquan and others retired after hearing this.

"There is a good saying, the companion is like a companion tiger ... Now the envoy understands, why do I want to be confused with God here?" Yueshi Majun said with a smile: "There is another sentence, the height is extremely cold. , The more prominent your position, the more dangerous it will be. "

If one day, his strength becomes more powerful, and the third prince Zhan Lian is also close to retreat, will he be asked to do the same thing?

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