The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 111 Crispy spider legs, delicious looking

"The other party is wearing a mask to hide his identity."

Aragog spoke up to relieve the centaurs' embarrassment.

"Although at the beginning, some of my children saw each other's appearance. However, because those children were at the forefront of the battle, they have all died. And I don't think it was the other party. The real appearance. Later, for some unknown reason, the other person put on a strange mask, and then we could no longer see the other person’s appearance or even figure clearly.”

After hearing Aragog's words, Hagrid's expression became more solemn. Obviously, the other party's appearance in the Forbidden Forest was definitely not an accident, but something he was prepared for.

Hagrid felt that he needed to tell Principal Dumbledore about this immediately. I have decided that at dawn tomorrow, I will go to the principal's office to report what happened tonight. By the way, I want to ask for some compensation for the Acromantulas who suffered heavy losses.

Principal Dumbledore doesn't know why, but he always dislikes these cute little spiders. This time they can be considered as having made great efforts to protect the Forbidden Forest. Aragog also killed and injured so many descendants. If they don't compensate for this properly, wouldn't it be unreasonable? The people under my command will be heartbroken!

Bell quietly slipped back into the dormitory, used a magic spell to clean away the sweat and dust on his body, and then lay down on the bed tiredly.

I’m really exhausted tonight!

When he thought of what happened before, Bell couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

The feeling of running away after doing bad things is really stinging... ahem, the feeling of doing good things without leaving a name is really refreshing!

Not knowing that poor old Headmaster Dumbledore was unable to sleep well for several nights due to his own fault, Bell, who explored the Forbidden Forest from beginning to end twice, let out a satisfied sound. The ground sighed.

‘It’s so comfortable to lie on the bed~! ’

Early the next morning, Bell couldn't wait to summon Lim.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Wearing a clean and tidy windbreaker, Lim, who looked handsome and capable, apparated in front of Bell.

"Hehehe~! Lim, I got it last night...ahem, I asked someone to get some good things."

As he spoke, Bell turned the pocket in his hand upside down and shook it gently.

With a sound of "crash~", hundreds of spider legs surged out of the pocket like a flood that burst a bank, almost burying Lim underneath.

"What is this, Master?"

Lim looked at the black arthropods piled up in front of him, many of which were stained with mud, branches and green slime.

So has my young master awakened to some strange hobby again? Do you want to report it to Lady Elena?

Why do you use ‘you’ when talking about yourself?

"Spider legs."

Bell puffed out his chest proudly. I don’t know what to be proud of.

"I've heard of a famous dish called 'Crispy Spider Legs'."

Bell wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. I haven't had time to eat breakfast yet, and I'm hungry.

"Go and research and see if you can turn them into delicious food."

"Oh, by the way! Remember to find some small animals such as mice and rabbits to test the poison first. Although I have used magic to detect it, there should be no problem, but after all, it is this kind of thing, so it is better to be cautious. .Also, don’t let others know about this! Especially people in this school!”

If Dumbledore knew what happened last night, God knows what he would do.

The only thing Bell could be sure of was that if Hagrid found out, the other party would fight him tooth and nail.

Lim stood there and hesitated to speak. After struggling for a while, he put away all the spider legs in front of him, bowed to Bell, and then disappeared to study how to cook these... wonderful of ingredients.

As a qualified house elf, one should not question the master's decision at will.

You can't even blame your master! You shouldn’t even have that kind of thought!

The entire morning, Bell couldn't concentrate. Whether he is listening to lectures by professors or reading books by himself, he will always start to lose focus within 5 minutes.

'Are spider legs delicious or not...'

Finally, under Bell's eagerness, time finally reached 12 o'clock step by step. After the professor announced that get out of class was over, Bell quickly stood up and rushed out of the classroom.

Poor Professor Flitwick, looking at Bell's back quickly disappearing, couldn't help but begin to doubt his decades of teaching career.

Is his class so boring that the students can't stand it?

The most important thing is that the other party is still the first student in his college's exam.

‘Am I really old and it’s time to retire? ’

Bell had no idea about Professor Flitwick's sad psychological journey. He's not in the mood to pay attention to that right now.

Now he was running quickly in the corridor, running towards the location he had chosen before.

"Bell? What's wrong with you? You're so anxious..."

Looking at Bell's retreating back, Hermione retracted her weak hand.

She just walked down the stairs and saw Bell running past her. As a result, before she could even finish saying hello, Bell had already disappeared. So what exactly happened? The little witch's head was filled with questions that could not be answered.

Bell looked around furtively. Fortunately, the place he chose was remote enough that almost no one would come. Otherwise, with the way he is now, others might scream and go to the professor.

"Lim~! Lim~!"

Bell lowered his voice and called his house elf's name.

"Master? Why did you come to such a place?"

Lim raised his head and glanced at the leaves less than 10 centimeters above his head, and asked strangely.

At this time, Bell was trying hard to curl up and make room for Lim.

"Oh! That kind of thing is fine no matter what! How is it? Can you eat it?"

Bell looked at Lim expectantly. If he now heard the word 'can't' from Lim's mouth, Bell was not sure what he would do to invite him out of extreme disappointment and grief.

Fortunately, there is always a road ahead, and Lim did not disappoint Bell.

"Yes, Master. It tastes very good, hiccup~"

Lim quickly covered his mouth, his whole little head turned red.

"This...this...young master, listen to me, I was...making it, I tasted a little bit...just a little bit!"

Poor Lim, who had been infected by his young master unknowingly, wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut? She is really a bad elf, she has no face to face her young master!

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