The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 115 Something happened in the end

The crowd kept moving forward. Suddenly, the little wizards who had been chatting and laughing loudly just now quickly fell silent from front to back, as if they had been subjected to group silence.

The crowd stopped for a moment, then rushed forward, as if something happened in front of them.

‘Sure enough, it still happened. ’

Bell thought silently in his heart.

The scene in his memory replayed before his eyes again, and to be honest, Bell was not happy about it at all.

Even Bell knows better than anyone that he lives in a real world.

However, whenever a scene similar to what he remembered appeared in front of him, Bell would still feel very uncomfortable, and even have the urge to destroy everything in front of him.

Fortunately, he doesn't have many memories about that work, and that's all until today. Therefore, there should be no similar situation again in the future. Otherwise, Bell is really not sure that he can always suppress the destructive desire in his heart.

As for whether you feel a little bit self-deceptive?

Who knows.

While Bell was thinking about all this, he was already pushed to the front of the team by Hermione, where he could clearly see what was going on.

Harry, Ron and Neville were standing in front of the crowd with dumbfounded expressions.

On the wall not far behind the three people, two lines of words were written in red liquid.

‘The secret room has been opened. ’

'Those who are enemies of the heir, beware. ’

And on the torch stand under the banner, administrator Filch’s cat, Mrs. Loris, hung. Because it indirectly came into contact with the basilisk's sight, although it did not die directly, it was petrified.

To be honest, Bell quite liked that cat. Smart, clever, and above all, loyal.

So Bell wouldn't mind helping it unpetrify it if he could. However, the petrification effect caused by the sight of the basilisk is far from comparable to the petrification spells of wizards. Not even Dumbledore could directly remove this petrification effect, let alone Bell.

Moreover, with Bell's impatient potion skills, even if it was not difficult for him to obtain mature mandrakes, he did not have the ability to brew a potion that could lift the petrification effect of the basilisk.

"Those who are enemies of the heir, beware! It's your turn next! Mudblood!"

In the silent environment, Draco Malfoy's shout suddenly rang out. He was pointing at Hermione, his face flushed with excitement.

Draco had been unhappy with Hermione for a long time.

Although Draco was not interested in completing the task assigned to him by his father: 'to make friends with the heirs of the Menethil family'. A mere Menethil family was completely unqualified for him, the heir of the great Malfoy family, to take the initiative to make friends.

As for the previous summer vacation, his father once again emphasized that he should establish a good relationship with the heir of the Menethil family as soon as possible, because at that time he was thinking about the 236th combat plan of the 'Harry Recapture Campaign', so He didn't take it seriously at all.


Even if Draco didn't bother to make friends with the other party, even if the other party was so embarrassed that he couldn't enter Slytherin College, no matter how many friends he had, it couldn't change the fact that Menethil was a pure-blood wizard family.

As a noble pure-blood, the guy named Bel Menethil usually showed no understanding of etiquette, but he actually made friends with a Mudblood! ?

This is really unreasonable!

Therefore, Draco not only looked down upon the Menethil family even more, but also hated Hermione.

Although it was a bit unreasonable, as a noble pureblood, he still needed a reason to despise a mudblood.

So, when he saw the words written on the wall, and when he learned that the great Slytherin heir had appeared again and began to clean up the uncleanness that existed in Hogwarts, Draco was excited His whole body was shaking.

He couldn't help but jumped out and pointed his finger at Hermione, who also squeezed to the front of the crowd.


Hermione turned to look at Bell next to her in confusion. She didn't know what a 'Mudblood' meant. Because she had never seen this word in any book.

Although judging from Malfoy's appearance, 'Mudblood' is definitely not a good word. But the studious little witch did not forget to show her thirst for knowledge even at this time, casting an inquiring look at Bell, trying to figure out what Malfoy meant.

Bell did not respond to Hermione's question. He patted Hermione's shoulder gently, then walked out of the crowd and walked in front of Malfoy.

"I am a tolerant and kind person, so I usually give others a chance to change their ways. Now, if I apologize, I can pretend that nothing happened."

Bell's emotionless voice echoed in the silent corridor, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Draco couldn't help but take two steps back. The Bell in front of him reminded him of his father.

That was when he was very young. Once, he secretly played with his father's wand and accidentally killed one of his peacocks.

Draco had never seen his father so angry. The oppressive feeling emanating from his father at that time was very similar to the feeling he felt from Bell now.

Draco clenched his fists hard and took two steps forward.

He was ashamed of his retreat and felt even more ridiculous for the thoughts in his mind.

who is he?

He is the noble Malfoy!

How could he be so frightened by a little wizard of the same age that he retreated! ?

As for the sense of oppression on Bell's body, it's very similar to his father?

What a joke! This guy deserves it too! ?

"You! Do you know who I am! Who is my father! I am the noble Malfoy! How dare you ask me to apologize to a lowly, dirty Mudblood!? Absolutely impossible!"

Draco said firmly.

"On the other hand, it's you, Menethil, it's time to end your ridiculous playing house. Find out your own identity! You are a noble pureblood! How can you stay with a mudblood all day long? Together!? You are simply embarrassing us purebloods! Could it be that your Menethil family plans to become the laughing stock of the wizarding world like Weasley!?"

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Draco would have wanted to applaud himself.

What he said was so wonderful! I believe that after hearing this, the heir of the Menethil family will fully realize his mistakes, burst into tears of gratitude to him, and immediately vow to change his ways, right?

By the way, where did those two idiots Crabbe and Goyle go? Isn't now the time to reflect the value of the two of them as followers? If serious things can’t be done, how about something as trivial as shouting ‘666’? ?

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