The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Bei Psychological Counselor Er


Hermione turned her head away, not daring to look into Bell's eyes.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't because Hermione found out that Bell had used the Oblivion Charm on her that she looked away. Hermione currently does not have the ability to detect the traces of Bell's spellcasting.

She was just plain shy.

"Hermione, we are good friends, aren't we? I hope to be able to help you. If you encounter any difficulties, please be sure to tell me."

Bell didn't dare to let the negative energy in Hermione's heart continue to accumulate, otherwise God knows when it would burst out again.

Who knows if Hermione will do something extreme then?

Bell discovers that Hogwarts is missing a counselor.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a boarding school. Young wizards are likely to have some psychological problems if they are away from their parents for a long time. Although they are accompanied by professors and friends, the role that parents play in their children's growth is irreplaceable.

Hermione lowered her head, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

Bell didn't say anything more, just stared at the other party quietly. If Hermione really didn't intend to say anything, then Bell wouldn't forcefully interfere. Doing whatever you want in the name of 'for the good of the other person' is the behavior Bell hates the most.

Finally, Hermione spoke.

"Actually, it happened last night. After I went back that night, I learned the meaning of 'Mudblood' from my roommate, and also heard some rumors about the secret room. I...I don't know what to say..."

When Bell heard the word 'last night', he knew why Hermione lost her temper.

Obviously, invisible discrimination and prejudice brought a lot of mental pressure to the little witch.

It seems that he should have been more harsh when he taught Malfoy a lesson yesterday!

"Okay, Hermione, I already know."

Seeing Hermione hesitating and not knowing how to express herself, Bell interrupted her.

"Let's start from the beginning."

"First of all, do you know about the secret room?"

Bell asked.

"I remember seeing it in "Hogwarts: A School History", but I can't remember the specific content."

Hermione said with some annoyance.

"Don't worry about it. The Chamber of Secrets was built by Salazar Slytherin, one of the Big Four at Hogwarts. Although people have many interpretations of the meaning of the existence of the Chamber of Secrets, in my opinion, it is just an ordinary room. It’s just a magic research laboratory.”

"Since it is a magic research laboratory, it is natural to arrange some defensive measures. Otherwise, if someone suddenly breaks in while you are conducting important magic experiments, it will be a disaster for both you and the other party. It’s very dangerous.”

"And Slytherin chose to impose restrictions on how the Chamber of Secrets can be opened, so there are rumors that only the heir of Slytherin can open the Chamber of Secrets."

"But, in that case, why is everyone afraid of the so-called heir? Why would Malfoy target me, a Muggle-born wizard?"

Hermione asked confused.

As soon as she encountered unknown knowledge, the little witch was immediately attracted to all her attention, as if what happened before had never happened at all.

Should I really be called Hermione?

"Because Slytherin believed that Hogwarts should not accept young wizards from Muggle families. The other three founders did not agree with this, so Slytherin eventually left Hogwarts. When he left , leaving his pet, a basilisk, in the secret room. Do you know about basilisk?"

Hermione shook her head.

"The basilisk is a magical animal created by wizards. It is said that it hatches from eggs laid by roosters. I don't know the specific situation. Can roosters really lay eggs? In short, snakes The monster is a very dangerous magical animal. Its sight is magical, and any creature that directly meets its eyes will die. And if its eyes are seen through reflections such as mirrors, water, etc., they will be petrified. Mrs. Norris was petrified by the sight of the basilisk.”

"I don't know why Slytherin left the basilisk behind when he left. Maybe he thought the basilisk was too ugly? Maybe he thought it was too troublesome to take the basilisk with him? Or maybe he just wanted to go out at that time, but in the end Did some accident happen that prevented him from coming back? Who knows. Anyway, it wasn't for some so-called purification of Hogwarts."

"But, why not? Slytherin hates young wizards from Muggle families, doesn't it?"

Hermione protested again.

If possible, Bell really hoped that Hermione could use this spirit of daring to question in reading books instead of using it against him.

"First of all, it's just a basilisk. It doesn't deserve it! It's impossible for Slytherin to be so lucid as to think that relying on a basilisk, he can do whatever he wants in Hogwarts."

"Secondly, Slytherin is not a pure-bloodist. The reason why he believes that Hogwarts should not accept young wizards from Muggle families has a historical background."

"In Europe a thousand years ago, the conflict between wizards and Muggles was very fierce. Muggles were afraid of the power of wizards, so they hunted and slaughtered wizards. Slytherin believed that wizards from Muggle families might betray The location of Hogwarts increases the possibility of Hogwarts being exposed. To be honest, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with his idea.”

"Hermione, do you still remember what I said to Malfoy at the end last night? We are wizards, and the only thing that can determine the status of a wizard is magic! So please believe me, and please believe in yourself, you will definitely become A very good wizard."

After that, Bell lay down on the recliner again.

‘Alas~! Finally finished! It feels like I haven't said so many words at once for a long time. ’


Hermione's fingers tangled together.

"But the basilisk has been released, hasn't it? Aren't you afraid, Bell? Didn't you say that the basilisk is a very dangerous magical animal?"



Bell suddenly realized that he had overlooked one thing. That is, Hermione is not him.

Bell's own words, to be honest, he is not afraid of any basilisk.

Even if the basilisk has lived for nearly a thousand years, Bell is still confident that he can escape if he can't defeat him.

But Hermione is different!

If Hermione were to encounter a basilisk, she would definitely be petrified.

As for whether Hermione would be killed by the basilisk, Bell was not worried.

After all, Hogwarts is also covered by Dumbledore. Lao Deng would not allow a little wizard to die under his nose.

And as long as Dumbledore doesn't allow it, Bell believes that the lives of the little wizards will not be in danger.

Do you really think that 'the greatest white wizard of modern times' is just a joke? This is recognized by the world, at least by the Western magical world!

But apart from encounters other than death, Lao Deng probably wasn't too concerned about it.

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