The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 127 This matter is not over yet!

Hermione lowered her head and stared at her fingers.

On her slender finger, she was wearing an exquisite ring, a ring that Bell had just put on for her.

'Bell put a ring on me...Bell put a ring on me...'

Hermione's mind went blank, leaving only this sentence on a 'single loop'.


Looking at Hermione who was down again for some reason, Bell stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, but it had no effect.

Inexplicably, Bell felt a little guilty.

He was really frightened by the little witch's sudden and unexpected behavior today. I wonder what kind of trouble Hermione is planning to do again?

After an unknown amount of time, Hermione finally came to her senses.

She jumped up first as if she was electrocuted and moved away from Bell. Then his eyes wandered from side to side, refusing to look directly at Bell.

"That's right! Bell, I suddenly remembered that I had some clothes and forgot to put them away! Sorry, I have to go back to collect them right away! Goodbye!"

After saying that, Hermione turned around and bolted towards Hogwarts Castle.


Looking at Hermione's back, Bell scratched his head in confusion.

Aren't the house elves responsible for cleaning the little wizards' clothes? Did Hermione actually do her own laundry?

As expected of a Muggle family, you are so diligent!

At this point, the wizards are completely out of control. At least Bell himself was so pampered by the magic that he almost forgot how to wash clothes by hand.

But having said that, it seemed that Hermione must really like her dress, otherwise she wouldn't have run in such a hurry.

And he was so anxious that there was smoke coming out of his head.

What a pity. Originally, Bell had planned to take advantage of this rare opportunity to teach Hermione some magic control techniques. It seems that we can only wait until next time.

After stretching, Bell fell down on the recliner again.

There are still about 2 hours left before lunch time, and Bell plans to take a nap to soothe his soul after being tortured by Hermione.



Bell suddenly shouted and sat up.

"Can't sleep! And it's so boring!"

"Would you like to read for a while?"

"No! Today is a rare break. You can't be a nerd who just reads books all day long!"

Staying in the empty Quidditch field, Bell said to himself.

"Forget it! Never mind!"

Bell stood up, and the recliner under him quickly collapsed and turned into dirt, returning to the earth.

A violent strong wind suddenly formed and surrounded Bell, blowing his robes loudly.

Looking up at the slowly rotating and enlarged snowball above, Bell decided not to take care of Professor McGonagall's emotions. If you are discovered, just make up any excuse to fool them.

Bell stretched out his right hand and aimed his palm at the magic singularity in the center of the snowball.

Powerful magic power rippled, and a large amount of magic power was injected into the singularity by Bell, causing the snowflakes to fly faster.

In just a few minutes, all the snow on the Quidditch pitch was gathered together. Then he was thrown out of the court with a casual wave by Bell.

Bell waved and put away the personal terminal that was still recording.

"Let's go, go back and pick up Fina!"

In the afternoon, the sky was starting to get dark at this time.

The night in late autumn always comes early, and maybe in about half an hour, the castle will be plunged into darkness.

After a day of fun, the little wizards began to return to the castle one after another, preparing to enjoy a delicious dinner.

But at this time, Professor McGonagall was not staying in her office as usual, preparing courseware to be used in class tomorrow Monday.

The old professor put on a thick robe and walked out of Hogwarts Castle facing the snowflakes blown by the evening breeze.

As this person gets older, his health deteriorates. Even though she was wearing a constant temperature badge, Professor McGonagall still felt waves of chill creeping into the seams of her bones, and she had to wrap herself up tightly to feel better.

While walking towards the Quidditch pitch, Professor McGonagall thought of the letter she had personally sent this morning.

It was a letter she sent to Mr. Menethil of Ravenclaw House. The letter recorded the punishment of confinement for the other party.

She knew that Miss Granger from her college had a good relationship with the other party, and the little witch would definitely help the other party complete the punishment of confinement. Although the rules don't allow it.

Therefore, she deliberately increased the intensity of some punishments.

But now, Professor McGonagall felt a little regretful.

She was wondering if the punishment she had given was too harsh?

As mentioned before, unlike the misunderstanding of most students, Professor McGonagall is actually a very, very kind professor.

So now she plans to go to the Quidditch pitch to see what's going on. It was almost dark, and if the snow hadn't been cleared yet, she didn't plan to continue the punishment.

After all, Miss Granger is only a little girl, and it would be bad if she catches a cold.

And corporal punishment is not the purpose, as long as Miss Granger can realize her mistakes.

What? You mean Menethil?

Who is that? Is there this person in her academy?

Walking through the thick snow, Professor McGonagall trudged outside the Quidditch pitch.

Along the way, the further Professor McGonagall went, the more she felt guilty. She really didn't expect that the snow was so thick!

Hope poor Miss Granger doesn't blame her. After all, if you don’t endure more hardships when you are young, how can you become successful when you grow up?

After passing through the long passage, Professor McGonagall finally entered the stadium. However, what she saw in front of her made her stunned.


Bright white fluorescence flew out of Professor McGonagall's wand and flew quickly around the Quidditch pitch.

There was no one in the dark venue. There was not even a speck of snow to be seen either on the ground or in the stands.

‘How did they do it! ? ’

Professor McGonagall was confused.

She kept an eye on the surveillance device. So she was pretty sure that no one had used a wand on the Quidditch pitch during the day.

So how on earth were they able to clear the snow so quickly and so cleanly?

Speaking of which, she seemed to have heard from the house elves that the little guy named Menethil seemed to have brought one of his own house elves with him when he came to Hogwarts to go to school?

At that time, she had disdainfully despised the group of Slytherin young masters and ladies, and protested to Dumbledore once?

But I didn't expect that Menethil would be assigned to Ravenclaw.

That's right! That must be the case!

Professor McGonagall thought she had discovered the truth.

What a cunning little devil!

Although he was very reluctant, the other party did successfully take advantage of the loophole. It seems that she must think more carefully next time!

‘Wait for me! Damn you kid! This is not over yet! ’

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