The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 136 That’s right! The heroine is Shanna!

Faced with Bell's questioning, Hermione finally spoke hesitantly.



"I, I don't know what to say. In fact, I didn't avoid you on purpose. But, when I think of seeing you, I, I feel very uncomfortable. I have also visited Madam Pomfrey before. , but Madam Pomfrey said I am not sick..."

The little witch lowered her head and said with a red face.

Her voice became softer and softer, and in the end, even Bell's current hearing was unable to hear clearly what Hermione was saying.

However, he didn't need to hear it clearly.

Looking at Hermione's current appearance, and then thinking about Hermione's unusual behavior since last Sunday, even if her emotional intelligence is as low as Bell's, she can almost figure out what's going on.

By the way, if this is still unclear, it is no longer a question of emotional intelligence, but an issue of IQ, right?

While he figured out the cause and effect of the matter, Bell's face also turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. The color is even darker than Hermione's, and the red one is a bit purple.

After all, Hermione also went through an adaptation period of nearly a week. So compared to the beginning, the little witch has been able to control her emotions a little bit.

But for Bell, the news came too suddenly. He had no mental preparation at all.

Bell, who has lived in two lives, can be considered to have rich experience. After all, he has experienced even such outrageous things as time travel after death.


It was really the first time for him to talk about falling in love as a grown-up girl on a sedan chair!

In his previous life, Bell was a "three-no" product with no car, no house, and no savings. No one really wanted him.

So until the day he died of a serious illness, he never even touched a girl's hand except for a polite handshake.

Over time, the concept of 'unpopular' became firmly cemented in Bell's mind and became a subconscious thing.

And Bell has always regarded Hermione as a friend.

Although it may be that physical age affects mental age, Bell did not feel the so-called generation gap when getting along with peers around him. But he never thought about falling in love with these little girls.

At least until the previous moment, he hadn't thought about it.

But now, Bell must start to consider this issue.

Emotions are regardless of age, and every sincere relationship should be taken seriously. Bell would not allow himself to be the kind of person who ignored feelings or even played with them.

He walked over to Hermione and sat down next to her.

Looking at the little witch who was tense and breathing rapidly, Bell decided to make one last confirmation.

This is really not Bell's ink, this is really just to prevent misunderstandings and make everyone embarrassed.

To put it simply, Bell is ‘cowardly’!

"Hermione, you like me? I don't mean the kind of love between friends, but the kind between lovers."

Bell held his breath and stared at Hermione without blinking, waiting for the final verdict.

"I...I don', I know...yes, I like you, Bell, very, very much, like a lover!"

Maybe he was awakened by Bell's question, or maybe he didn't want to lie in front of Bell? In short, Hermione finally stopped the self-deception called 'not knowing' and faced her own heart.

Bell was silent. He didn't know how he felt now.

Happy? Excited? perturbed? Or... fear?

Bell didn't know, but he knew he couldn't stay silent like this forever. So Bell decided to think about the problem from another angle.

'Do I have any reason to reject Hermione? ’

Without a doubt, the answer is: ‘No! ’

In this case, there is nothing to be confused or hesitant about.

Looking at the silent Bell, it was Hermione's turn to hold her breath and wait for the final verdict without blinking her eyes.

In the little witch's heart, she didn't feel that she was worthy of Bell at all.

Bell was so outstanding. No matter it was knowledge, magic, birth or family background, nothing could compare with her.

So deep down, Hermione honestly didn't think Bell would like her.

"Hermione, be my girlfriend!"

Bell said firmly.

As for whether or not Hermione was thinking about it, Bell never cared.

Feelings are feelings, they should only follow your own heart and should not be affected by rules and regulations.

"...Bell, you, what did you say?"

Hermione's voice trembled. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"I said, be my girlfriend! Hermione."

Bell repeated firmly again.

Tears fell from the corners of Hermione's eyes, she had never been so happy.

Hermione has always believed that the so-called 'happy to tears' is just an exaggerated description that can only be seen on TV or in books and does not exist in reality.

After all, when she received the admission notice to Hogwarts and learned that magic was real and that she was a witch, she was so happy that she screamed and jumped like crazy without even shedding tears.

But at this moment, Hermione confirmed that humans really do cry when they are extremely happy.

Seeing Hermione crying suddenly, Bell felt at a loss for a while, and then he calmed down.

He reached out his hand, gently hugged Hermione into his arms, and rested his cheek on Hermione's head.

Gently stroking Hermione's hair, Bell comforted the little witch... No! It's the mood of my girlfriend.

After an unknown amount of time, Hermione's mood finally calmed down a bit. She buried her red face firmly in Bell's chest and hugged Bell's waist tightly with both hands.

'What a shame! Bell will definitely laugh at him now! ’

The shy Hermione wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in, but the scent of Bell filling the tip of her nose made her reluctant to leave Bell's arms.

"Hermione, you haven't given me an answer yet."

Bell said softly.

Looking at Hermione's little red ears from shyness in his arms, Bell couldn't help but reach out and pinch them gently, successfully making Hermione's neck turn red.


Hermione pinched Bell's waist without any knowledge, trying to stop Bell's mischievous hand.

But because she was afraid of hurting Bell, she used too little force, which made Bell become even more aggressive.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you clearly."

Bell's hold on Hermione tightened again. This time he brought his lips to Hermione's ear.

"I-I want to be your girlfriend!"

Hermione said, suppressing her shyness.

The curvature of the corners of his mouth became wider and wider, and finally, Bell couldn't control himself and let out a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha~! I have a girlfriend!!!"

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