The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 149 The serious emotional topic is over, it’s time to relax again

Chapter 149 The serious emotional topic is over, it’s time for relaxation and fun again

After that day, Bale never saw Penelo again.

Regarding the other party's behavior of avoiding him, Bell sent Fina to investigate once and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Penello, and then let it take its course.

I hope time can dilute everything.

A month passed quickly in my busy schedule.

Over the past month, Bell and Hermione's relationship has been making slow and steady progress.

Every morning, Bell would carry his suitcase to the Gryffindor common room. And every time he arrived, Hermione would be waiting for him in the corner of the lounge.

Other than that, Bell's life actually hasn't changed much.

Little Fina has a very different view on Bell's point of view.

Originally, the little guy could sleep until about 8 o'clock every morning. Then they will go to the auditorium to have breakfast with the master who has finished training.

But now, it gets up at 6 o'clock every day, and then follows its owner to find that hateful, vicious female, giving an early warning for his owner.

Although being able to help the owner makes Xiao Fina feel very proud. However, it is still just a baby! It's so sleepy!

It’s another Saturday morning.

Unlike usual, today no little wizard chose to curl up in a warm and comfortable bed and sleep in.

Everyone had a rare victory over the terrifying Sandman, got up early, and talked excitedly about the upcoming Quidditch match.

The first Quidditch match of the year was between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The showdown between the two old rival academies excited the young wizards, but also added a bit of gunpowder to the castle.

But unlike last year, this year, Slytherin did not choose to stop the Gryffindor Quidditch players before the game.

While this made the professors breathe a sigh of relief, it also made Bell, who had already prepared watermelon, cola and melon seeds, feel disappointed.

He enjoyed the battle of wits and courage between the two colleges last year.

Originally, he wanted to capture some wonderful shots this year and share them with Shanna when he returned.

Fortunately, fortunately again, Hermione didn't know what Bell was thinking.

She thought that the food and drinks prepared by Bell were all for watching the Quidditch match. Although it's a little early, it's still acceptable.

Otherwise, she would definitely bite Bell to death.

You know, Hermione has not been in a good mood recently.

Although Bell had always praised her for her rapid progress, watching Bell's monster-like training every morning, Hermione still felt that her speed was too slow, too slow.

Not to mention, because she has been busy training and studying, she doesn't have much time to kiss Bell and me.

Although compared to their previous friendship, the two have indeed become much closer. However, Hermione just felt like something was missing.

As for what's bad?

How could she know? If you knew it, wouldn't you think of a way to make it up?

Finally, coupled with the upcoming Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Hermione felt like she was going crazy!

Damn Slytherin, all their Quidditch players have replaced Nimbus 2001 broomsticks!

Hermione couldn't understand how someone could be so hateful! ?

(Fina nodded silently, agreeing with Hermione's point of view.)

You know what Gryffindor uses... but... what is it?

Forget it, never mind!

Hermione couldn't remember which antique broomstick the Gryffindor Quidditch team used.

In short, it is very unfair!

Unlike her crooked boyfriend, Hermione takes Quidditch very seriously. Because the house that wins the Quidditch Cup can get a large amount of house points in one go.

Thanks to those over-energetic little lions, Gryffindor's house points are now ranked third again!

The fourth place is still Hufflepuff, which has been at the bottom for thousands of years.

Whenever she passed the auditorium and saw the gems representing the houses of the four houses, Hermione would feel a breath stuck in her throat, unable to spit it out or swallow it.

She really tried her best. She had tried every way she could think of to get extra points.

To this end, she even deliberately read several of Professor Lockhart's books again, which made Bell jealous for several days.

Although Professor Lockhart did respond to her request and added 30 points to Gryffindor House.

It can be said that this number of scores greatly exceeded Hermione's expectations.

But for some reason, Professor Lockhart looked pale, trembling, and sweating profusely at that time.

Especially when she asked Professor Lockhart with concern if she needed to send him to Madam Pomfrey for a visit, he ran away as if he had seen a ghost.

Wizards shouldn't be afraid of ghosts, right?

After all, there are so many ghosts wandering around Hogwarts Castle every day.

Even she was scared to death at first, but now she is used to it. Not to mention Professor Lockhart, who has destroyed powerful dark magical creatures such as vampires, werewolves, ghosts, snowmen, etc.

"What happened to Professor Lockhart?"

Hermione remembered asking Bell like this at that time, who had been standing behind her waiting for her. How did Bell respond at that time?

Can not remember.

In short, that's what Hermione wanted to express.

‘She really can’t lead these pig teammates! ’


"Huh? What's wrong?"

Bell looked at his girlfriend who was hesitant to speak and asked curiously.

"...No, it's nothing."

Hermione used her last remaining sanity to hold down the 'little devil Hermione' who was screaming crazily above her head.

Just now she almost asked Bell to destroy all the Nimbus 2001s in Slytherin.

If it were before, Hermione wouldn't have had such an idea. After all, how could a little wizard of her age be able to do something that sounded outrageous?

But now, after thinking that she had a full and clear understanding of Bell, Hermione had no doubt that this little thing was no more important to her boyfriend than him reaching for the steak in the distance. Disaster.

There is no way, my boyfriend is so awesome!

\u003c( ̄︶ ̄)\u003e

‘No, no, what am I thinking about! ’

Seeing his girlfriend angry for a while, frowning for a while, suddenly happy for a while, and then starting to shake her head vigorously for no apparent reason, Bell silently cut off a piece of beef and stuffed it into Fina's mouth.

He didn't dare to ask anything, and he didn't dare to say anything. Weak, pitiful, and helpless...

Just listen to it seriously.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Lim poured into the house elves in Hogwarts. Ever since he and Lim complained once that there were too many desserts in breakfast at Hogwarts, the variety of breakfast food had gradually changed a lot.

Now even tough dishes like steak appear in Ravenclaw's breakfast. The little wizards from the other three houses are drooling when they see it.

I really don’t know what else those little guys will do?

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