The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 154: A level 1 trumpet should be leveled up well. Why is p?

"Bell! Why didn't you say anything before attacking?"

Hermione complained unhappily.

"I, poof~!"

Bell quickly covered his mouth with his hands and looked at his girlfriend with innocent eyes.

"You are laughing! You must have been laughing just now!!!"

(╬ ̄俣)


Bell Tactics coughed twice.

"You heard wrong, how could I laugh? Nothing funny happened, right?"

"Okay, Hermione, stop making trouble. We are here to join the dueling club tonight, let's continue the duel quickly!"

Bell tried to make his voice full of blood and passion, trying to pass the test in a cute way.



"Okay, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed, please forgive me!"

Seeing that he could not survive the challenge, Bell had no choice but to resort to his last resort - 'admit his mistake and beg for mercy'.

"Hmph! Don't let it happen again!"


"Ahem...Okay, this time we really get to the point."

Bell adjusted his mood.

"Hermione, moving to dodge spells is the worst way. Try not to choose it unless necessary."

"Then what should I do?"

Hermione asked confused.

"The best way is to mislead the other party's perception and make the other party empty out. Just like this."

As he spoke, Bell radiated the magic power in his body outwards, forming a mist-like effect outside his body, covering his body.

"Now, try casting a spell on me."

Hermione followed the instructions and cast the disarming spell again.

But this time was different from last time. Hermione was surprised to find that her spell actually hit Bell's feet.

"Why? I was obviously aiming for your calf!"

"There's nothing surprising. This is just the simplest visual misdirection. Furthermore, there is also misdirection of magic power perception. But you don't need to worry about that right now."

Bell explained casually.

"The second-level method is to defend and deflect the opponent's spells. Thirdly, it is to use magic spells to fight against spells. The worst way is to dodge the spells by running and rolling just like you did just now. .”

If he was really an enemy, Hermione would have been suppressed continuously just now and would never stand up again.

"But, Bell...I don't know how to do the first few methods you mentioned..."

Hermione's voice was a little low.

Although she was not able to fully understand the specific methods that Bell mentioned, how to do them. But not being able to understand also means that she can't do it.


Looking at the disappointed Hermione, Bell didn't know how to comfort her.

In fact, this is also the reason why Bell has never arranged combat training for Hermione.

Just like when playing online games, a level 1 trumpet should not think about finding people to PK all day long. After all, there are only 1 or 2 skills, what’s so good about them?

Look at the little wizards around now. To say they were dueling would be an insult to the word 'duel'.

It's already good to remember that you are a wizard, waving your wand and trying to cast spells.

Sister, what happened if you threw your wand away? Could it be that you are a fighter who hangs out in a magic school?

"Hermione, cheer up. Believe me and believe in yourself. By this time next year, you will definitely be a completely different person!"

"Do you still remember what happened before the final exam of the last school year? At that time, you could not accurately hit objects even 2 or 3 meters away. But now, you can accurately hit me 10 meters away. This is the result of your continuous exercise in controlling magic power during this period of time."

Hearing Bell's words, Hermione thought of herself holding her head and squatting in defense again, and her face began to turn red again.

"Today, just treat it as a simple magic spell practice. You just need to keep casting the magic spells you have mastered to attack me. It can be done anywhere on the body. There is no need to deliberately target the legs."

Under Bell's comfort(?), in short, Hermione finally got back on her feet.

She took a deep breath.


As if she wanted to spit out all the unwillingness, frustration, grievances, etc. in her chest, Hermione shouted the spell loudly.

"Very good, this is the momentum! Keep going!"

Bell stirred up his wand, annihilating Hermione's spell in mid-air.

In fact, the best way is to deflect the magic spell. This not only consumes less energy, but also consumes much less magic power.

But there were too many little wizards around, and it was too confusing.

Bell had just blocked several stray bullets for Hermione without her noticing.

Therefore, if he just misses the magic spell, Bell is worried about accidental damage.

Unlike other young wizards of the same age, Hermione, who has been receiving direct or indirect teaching from Bell, although her fighting ability is not strong yet, in terms of the power of magic spells alone, it is actually quite good.

However, because Hermione had never cast a spell on anyone else, even she herself was not aware of this.

"All petrified!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Split into pieces!"

One after another, Hermione cast spells, attacking Bell's body.

Bell, on the other hand, stood still and didn't move a step.

Either use perception to mislead, or use armor spell to defend, or use transformation to block,

Bell showed Hermione all the several ways to deal with attacks that he had explained before.

"Bell...I...I can't do it anymore..."

Hermione said breathlessly.

After only 10 minutes, Hermione, who had never cast a spell with such intensity, felt a little exhausted.

She felt as if she had stayed up all night, and her body felt weak from the inside out.

"Hermione, when you cast the spell, your control of the magic was too rough. In other words, you did not consciously control the magic at all. This resulted in too much magic being wasted."

"Although you practice magic control every day, you are still just practicing. You should start to consciously use the results of your practice when casting magic spells on a daily basis. Normally, Based on the total amount of magic power in your body, the number of spells you can cast should be doubled."

This was Bell's negligence. He did not tell Hermione how to use his magic control. This also led to the fact that when Hermione cast the spell, she still entrusted the entire process to the instinct of magic instead of consciously crafting it carefully.

Just when Bell walked up to Hermione and wanted to give her step-by-step instructions on how to avoid wasting magic power, the bustling auditorium suddenly became silent.

Bell and Hermione looked towards the center of the auditorium curiously.

They found that almost everyone gathered around. In the center of the crowd, Harry and Malfoy were still standing there.

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