The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 163 Bell’s Oath

"Speaking of which, Zannah, what's going on with these gifts?"

Bell asked curiously.

"I did all of this!"

Shanna said proudly.

"It was bad mother didn't allow my brother to eat delicious food, so I secretly found some ingredients myself and wanted to make a lot of delicious food for my brother to eat!

But later, after my brother found delicious spider meat, I saved all the meals I cooked and planned to give him a surprise. "

"Sanna is so awesome!"

Looking at his sister who was raising her head and raising her chest, waiting for her praise, Bell gave her the most sincere praise without hesitation.

As for the previous desire to ‘destroy the corpses and eliminate traces’?

You remember it wrong, that person must not be him!

"Hey hey hey~!"

"Then brother, try it quickly!"


( ̄▽ ̄lll)

Bell's smile gradually stiffened.

However, facing his sister's expectant eyes, he really couldn't say no.

He raised his hand stiffly, and a gift box flew into Bell's hand and returned to its original size.

Gently opening the lid of the box, a smell wafted out...

‘The flames are blazing! ’

At a speed far exceeding her own limit, Shanna snatched the gift box from her brother's hand and threw it out of the window with all her strength. Along the way, she also received a fire spell.

Even with Bell's current dynamic vision, he could only see afterimages.

"Really! How could Nanu bring the broken things to his brother? I, I obviously told him to throw them away immediately!"

Shanna blushed and said angrily.

If Nanu heard Shanna's complaints, he would definitely burst into tears. I remember that at the beginning, for the safety of his young master, he tried hard to persuade the young lady to throw away these 'biochemical weapons'. For this reason, he almost knelt down in front of his young lady.

However, Shanna insisted that the dark dishes she cooked were more delicious than the food cooked by her mother Elena (maybe it was true), and she must wait for Bell to come back and give her brother a try.

"Brother, please wait a moment."

As she spoke, Shanna checked the Christmas gifts she had given her brother one by one.

One after another, flames streaked across the sky above the garden. If his wife hadn't been lying next to him, William would have almost thought that mother and daughter were having sex again.

The inspection lasted for about half an hour, and when the pile of gifts shrunk to 1/10, Shanna finally turned around and looked at Bell happily.

"Okay, brother, come and try Shanna's craftsmanship!"

Bell randomly pulled out one of the surviving gifts, opened it, and found a piece of chocolate cake inside.

Carefully taking a piece and putting it into his mouth, Bell's eyes couldn't help but shed tears.

"elder brother!?"

Shanna was panicking inside. Is the food she makes so delicious that it can make her brother cry?

"It's nothing, brother is so happy!"

After wiping away the tears that escaped his eyes without permission, Bell continued to eat with great gulps.

Frankly speaking, the cakes Shanna made were not very delicious. In particular, Bell didn't like eating anything too sweet, and this cake was almost tooth-droppingly sweet.

But none of those details matter. For Bell, as long as the food made by his sister can be eaten and not kill anyone, it is the most delicious food in the world! Because these foods have a happy taste that no other food in the world can have.

The happy Christmas was as short-lived as ever. Under the reluctant gaze of his family, Bell left home by apparating away.

Hmm... I don't know why, but Bell always feels like he has forgotten something important? what is it then?


As soon as the Apparition appeared, Bell knew that he had forgotten something.

At this time, Hermione was standing in the hidden corner that he had used when he Apparated last year, with her long hair upside down, and her face was so angry that it was almost the same color as her hair.

"Haha...hehe...Long time no see, Hermione...your magic control has been strengthened again! Look at you, you can make your hair stand up through the magic power you exert! It seems that you didn't relax during the vacation either. Training, it’s been great!”

Bell tried his best to change the subject.

"Of course! I trained every day during my vacation.

Because a boyfriend who promised to chat with me every day ignored me from the beginning to the end! Even the messages sent to him often took until the next day to receive a reply!

Thanks to his gift, I have a lot of free time at my disposal. Do you think I should thank him properly? ? "

Obviously, Bell's attempt to change the subject failed. Hermione had been holding back this tone for more than ten days.

"Um, this..."

"Bell, do you not like me at all?"

Tears fell from the corner of her mouth. When she was at home, Hermione had considered many punishment plans and planned to teach Bell an unforgettable lesson after meeting him.

However, after Bell actually appeared in front of her, the anger that had been held in for more than ten days dissipated so unreasonably. All that's left is peace of mind and worry.

Reassuringly, she was sure that nothing happened to Bell. You know, when Bell never responded to messages before, Hermione was often so worried that she couldn't sleep all night.

And just like what she asked, Hermione was worried about whether Bell didn't like her at all? The reason why you agreed to date her before was just because of your appearance, so you couldn't refuse her?

"How is it possible? I like you, Hermione, very, very much!"

Bell reached out and hugged Hermione tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. No matter what kind of punishment I am willing to accept, please forgive me this time, okay?"

It was undeniable that Bell did ignore Hermione's feelings. All his energy was devoted to dealing with the relationship between his sister and his mother.

Instinctively, Bell thought it wouldn't be a big deal to reply to Hermione later. Anyway, after returning to Hogwarts, the two of them had plenty of time to communicate.

But the moment he saw Hermione crying, Bell realized that he was wrong.

Even without using Legilimency, he could still feel the intense sadness and fear emanating from Hermione. It was also the first time that he experienced heartache and even heartbreak with someone other than Shanna.

Maybe there was something wrong with his thinking all along. No matter how long the future is, it cannot replace the present. If you think you can make up for it in the future and ignore the present, then the future you expect may never come.

"I don't want any punishment, I just want you! I just want you to stay with me! Bell, don't leave me alone anymore, okay?"

Hermione said, sobbing.

"Yeah! I won't let you be alone again! I swear!"

Bell hugged Hermione tightly and made the first vow in his life. As for whether he can stick to his oath...maybe it doesn't depend on him.

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