The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 168 Magic Detection

"Did someone attack you? Who was it? Let's go find Professor McGonagall!"

Without giving Penello any time to speak, Percy asked one question after another.

Bell looked at the panicked Percy speechlessly. Why did he feel that Percy was more panicked than Penello?

If he hadn't heard Penello's explanation just now, he would have thought that the person who was attacked was Percy. And what did Percy mean by that last look he gave him? Want to fight? ?

"Ahem, senior, calm down."

Bell persuaded.

"Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down! Who are you after all? I am the prefect of Gryffindor! I am talking here, and there is no room for you to interrupt! Please give me a break..."

‘Fainted to the ground! ’

Bell, whose brain hurt from Percy's words, threw the sleeping spell away. Then, the world was finally clean...

Do you really think anyone can nag him like Hermione? He wasn't familiar with Percy, so he wasn't interested in listening to his chatter.


Hermione looked at her boyfriend in surprise, who took out his wand whenever he had a disagreement. By the way, Senior Percy is probably still alive, right?

"Don't worry, I just saw that the senior was a little too excited, so I just helped him calm down. You're welcome."

Bell waved his hand casually and revealed this matter that might cause Ravenclaw Academy to be deducted dozens of points.

Then, he took out another bottle from his arms... Well, if he took out a bottle of Coke at this time, would it spoil the atmosphere?

But the only drink he had spiked with euphoria was Coke.

And there is no ready-made joy potion on him.

After all, although it is harmless to the human body, it can be easily addictive if you drink too much. Who has nothing to do to bring such a happy drug?

"Drink it, senior, this is the fate of the orcs... Ahem, this will make you feel better."

In the end, Bell handed the Coke to Penello.

By the way, should he try to get some green Coke?

After taking the bottle that Bell handed him, Penello took two big gulps without looking at what was inside.

After drinking, Penello felt much calmer. The panic and fear before disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I just feel a little uncomfortable in my chest...

‘Why is it a carbonated drink? ’

Penello, who almost spit out her coke, tried hard to maintain her last bit of dignity as a lady.

"Okay, now tell me, where did you sense the danger?"

Seeing that Penello calmed down, Bell asked the previous question again.

"No, Bell, you can't go there! It's too dangerous! Let's go find the professor."

After sensing the danger signal sent to her by the earrings, Penello had no time to think about it. She subconsciously wanted to find Bell. As for what to do after you find it? She doesn't know either.

Thinking about it now, her behavior of coming to find Bell was actually very unreasonable.

Is it possible that Bell can still deal with the monster in the castle?

So the most correct thing for her to do is to go to the professors.

"Yes, Bell, that's too dangerous! Let's go find Professor McGonagall."

Hermione echoed the sentiment.


Facing the two people's persuasion, Bell sighed helplessly.

If it would have been useful to go to the professor, the basilisk would have been cold by now. Moreover, he wanted to personally speak out for Penello. What's the point of looking for a professor?

Where are you primary school students from? If anything happens, just ask the professor!

Bei Zhen, a 12-year-old primary school student, complained in his heart.

But both of them were thinking about him, and no matter how impatient he was, Bell couldn't show it.

So this person still has to rely on his own efforts!

Standing up, Bell raised his right foot and stomped it hard. A ripple of magic power spread out with his right foot as the center.

Because he didn't know the specific location of Penello's attack, Bell did not expand his perception field just to be on the safe side.

After all, Hogwarts is still very big, and his sensory field can only cover a small part of the area.

After comprehensive consideration, Bell chose to use another detection method besides magic perception-magic detection.

Magic detection is Bell's principle of imitating bat ultrasonic detection, converting magic into the form of sound waves, and emitting them far away.

When a ripple of magic power touches an object, most of the magic power will pass through the object and continue forward. The remaining small part of the magic power will return to Bell carrying the information of the contacted object.

Compared with magic perception, magic detection has the advantage of long detection distance.

As long as enough magic power is consumed, the detection distance of the magic ripples can even be extended indefinitely. At least so far, Bell has not been able to test the limit of detection distance.

While it has advantages, magic detection also naturally has corresponding shortcomings.

First of all, unlike the full monitoring of magic perception, magic detection can only sense the target's state at that moment when the magic ripples touch the target.

If the target undergoes state changes such as movement after that, it can only conduct a new round of perception through another magic detection.

Secondly, and the biggest shortcoming of magic detection is that it places too much burden on the user.

If Bell expands his perceptual field, the information in the perceptual field is like someone talking to him. If he doesn't want to hear it, he can cover his ears and refuse to accept the information. Then when performing magic detection, the magic wave that returns carrying information is like someone slapping Bell with his hand, which cannot be ignored at all.

So every time he uses magic detection, Bell's brain must be forced to process a large amount of information.

If he hadn't been working hard to practice Occlumency and Legilimency during this period of time in order to completely master the Eternal Flame, and thus successfully increased the levels of these two magic spells significantly, Bell would definitely Wouldn't choose to use magic to detect this magic.

The transmission speed of magic power is very fast. Bell doesn't have a clear idea of ​​how fast it is. He only knows that it is very fast, faster than imagined.

Therefore, the moment his right foot landed, he also finished detecting the information within the scope of Hogwarts Castle.

After dispersing the magic power to the body surface to form a magic barrier to withstand the returning magic wave, Bell sorted out the information he had just sensed.

Unfortunately, he did not discover the location of the basilisk.

In fact, this was also what Bell expected. After all, this is Hogwarts, the only magic school in the British wizarding world.

There are many magic barriers arranged in the castle, and the magic power Bell uses to detect cannot pass through these barriers.

However, that doesn’t mean Bell gained nothing.

After conducting another magic detection, Bell verified his guess.

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