The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 170 Bell can’t bear it anymore!


Seeing Professor McGonagall controlling the victim's body to levitate and walking towards the direction from which he came, Bell helplessly called out to several people.

"Professor, there are a few more victims ahead."


"What did you say!?"

Professor McGonagall was shocked, what do you mean there are still a few? Can you speak?

"I said, there are still petrified victims ahead, maybe five more."

Professor McGonagall completely lost her voice. She just stared at Bell with wide eyes, hoping that Bell could tell her that what she said just now was actually just a joke.

She simply couldn't imagine what kind of fate Hogwarts would face after six victims suddenly appeared.

However, reality will not change because of one person's wishes. Under Professor McGonagall's desperate eyes, the other five victims were also discovered one after another.

After Penelope briefly told Professor McGonagall her thrilling experience, the three were let go by Professor McGonagall.

The shocked Penelo was sent back to the Ravenclaw lounge by Bell and Hermione. Then of course, Bell's planned outing also came to nothing along with the Quidditch match.

In the Ravenclaw lounge, Hermione and Penelope stared worriedly at Bell, who was masturbating Fina, making Bell feel uncomfortable.

"You two, tell me what you have to say! You are all staring at me and not saying anything. What do you mean?"

Hermione and Penelope looked at each other, and finally Hermione spoke: "Bell, what do you think will happen to Hogwarts? Professor McGonagall said before that the school might be closed."

"Don't worry, there is only such a magic school in the whole UK. Hogwarts is closed. Are we going to let the parents educate their children by themselves? In less than a week, they will go crazy."

Bell said casually.

"But, I heard Malfoy from Slytherin say before that there are two other magic schools in Europe. He said that his father had thought about sending him to a magic school called 'Durmstrang'. School."

"You are listening to his nonsense. Are you going to Durmstrang? Does he understand German and he is going to Durmstrang? By the way, the other 'Beauxbatons' magic school uses French. "

After Bell's explanation, Hermione managed to become...more worried...

"Doesn't that mean that if Hogwarts closes, we won't have a place to learn magic?"

Hermione said a little desperately.

Obviously, she didn't listen to what Bell said before. After all, whether it was Bell's expression, tone of voice, or the content of his words, they all exuded an... off-kilter aura from the inside out.

"Well, don't worry, Hermione. Hogwarts won't close. It really won't close."

Bell promised, patting his chest.

He wasn't just talking casually. At the end of the day, Hogwarts is not Dumbledore's Hogwarts, it's the Board of Directors'.

As long as the board of directors votes and approves, the principal can even be directly appointed and removed. And the Menethil family has firmly grasped the right to speak on the board of directors of Hogwarts. So it is no exaggeration to say that as long as Bell doesn't nod, no one can close Hogwarts!

With Bell's repeated assurances, Hermione and Penello finally felt more at ease.

However, as the saying goes, good things don't work but bad things work. The next morning, Bell received the notice that Dumbledore was dismissed from his position as principal.

Of course, for Bell, this is not actually bad news. Anyway, he usually couldn't see Dumbledore. Now that he was dismissed as the principal, Bell felt as if a mountain had been removed from his head and his breathing became much easier.

But Bell's thoughts do not represent others. In fact, except for some young wizards in Slytherin, most people felt like the sky was falling when they heard the news.

(It seems that Bell is more suitable for Slytherin House?)

And Hermione was one of these little wizards who felt like 'the sky is falling'.

Seeing his girlfriend on the verge of tears, Bell felt extremely distressed. After he held Hermione in his arms and comforted her for a long time, but failed to improve Hermione's mood, Bell couldn't stand it anymore.

As the saying goes, there is no need to endure it anymore!

On one side was a rotten old man who was half buried in the ground, and on the other hand was a brat who didn't know whether he should be called brave or reckless. On the other side was his lovely girlfriend. Even if Bell was thinking on his heels, he knew what choice he should make.

To hell with Lao Deng’s plan!

"Hermione, give me some time and I'll solve this matter!"

Holding Hermione in his arms, Bell promised firmly.

"Bell!? What, what do you want to do?"

Hermione asked worriedly.

"Of course I did that basilisk!"

"No! That's too dangerous!"

Hermione hugged Bell tightly, as if she was afraid that he would rush out to fight the basilisk next moment.

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter even if Hogwarts is closed! I can learn by myself even without the guidance of professors! I don't want you to take risks!"

Gently stroking Hermione's fluffy hair, Bell felt extremely warm inside at this moment. At the same time, it also strengthened his determination to kill the basilisk.

"Don't worry, Hermione, I won't take risks. Didn't I say, give me some time. I will be fully prepared before looking for the basilisk. So nothing will happen. Trust me, I never lied to you, right?"

Seeing the determination in Bell's eyes, Hermione knew that there was nothing she could do to stop Bell.

Hermione really wanted to face the basilisk with Belle, but she knew that she was too weak! Even if she goes with Bell, she can't help him in any way, and can even become a burden to Bell. Therefore, she cannot make such a willful request!

Hermione regretted a little, regretted that she had been lax during this period, regretted that she was used to relying on Bell to solve everything. She secretly made up her mind. next time! Next time she must become strong enough to face danger with Bell!

"Promise me that everything will be safe and sound!"

Hermione begged.

"Of course, I promise you, this is the agreement between us, and I will never break the agreement!"

After returning to the dormitory, Bell did not immediately enter the suitcase to prepare. Instead, he took out his personal terminal and dialed his father's number for the first time in a long time.

"Bell? You actually contacted me? This is really strange!"

The voice of his father William came from the personal terminal.

"Dad, were you responsible for Dumbledore's dismissal as principal?"

Bell asked.

"To be precise, it was the Malfoy guy who did it. I just contributed to it a little bit.

What's wrong? Don't you agree? Haven't you always disliked Dumbledore? I thought you would definitely agree.

Moreover, after Dumbledore was dismissed from his position as principal, the books in the forbidden book area that he had been firmly guarding before were all ours. "

"There's nothing pro or con, and I really don't like Dumbledore very much, and now I'm starting to hate him a little bit.

However, don't push Dumbledore too hard. We should remain in awe of the most powerful white wizard in modern times. So be careful. "

After a few more brief conversations, Bell ended the call with his father. He opened the suitcase and got in.

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