The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 172 Where is Bai Suzhen as promised! ?

"How is it possible!? How could I fail!"

Looking at the incompetent and furious Voldemort, Bell rolled his eyes disdainfully.

"What's so surprising about your failure? Didn't you already fail once more than 10 years ago?"


Voldemort was choked by Bell's sharp remarks.

"Boy, I realize that you lack the awe of the Dark Lord!"

After getting rid of his surprise, the young version of Voldemort finally regained his ability to think. Only then did he realize that it seemed that Bell had insulted him several times before?

"And, what are you looking at!?"

Seeing the blue light shining in Bell's eyes, Voldemort asked angrily.

No one has ever dared to be so bold and presumptuous in front of the powerful Dark Lord!

"Oh, don't be so stingy. We are all men. See what's wrong?

Oh, don’t worry, my orientation is normal and has not been affected by the tide of this era. "

Bell was a little disgusted with Voldemort's stinginess.

"Boy! You are looking for death!"

Voldemort roared angrily, turned into black mist again, and got back into Ginny's body.

Then a sharp and harsh 'hissing' sound was heard from Ginny's mouth. The faucet beside her twisted and expanded into a circular channel. The little witch jumped in with a leap.

Seeing Voldemort and Ginny disappear into the passage, Belle sighed in disappointment.

He hasn't seen enough yet!

But since no one wanted to show it to him, as a free prostitute, Bell was too embarrassed to pursue her and force her.

Moreover, although he could not understand the snake language, the warning from the earrings let him know that the other party should have summoned the basilisk before running away.

Bell took out an eyepatch and put it on his head, completely blocking his vision.

In fact, many years ago, he had been able to replace vision through the skill of magic perception. This also gave him the confidence to dare to face the basilisk.

For most magical creatures, as long as they find a way to restrain their unique magical abilities, the difficulty of conquering them will plummet.

However, this theorem does not apply to top-level magical creatures. As for what level of magical creature the basilisk belongs to, Bell doesn't dare to say.

After taking protective measures, Bell took out a small bottle from his arms.

The bottle is only as long as your index finger and 3 centimeters thick. But as Bell opened the bottle and poured it down, a large amount of silver-white liquid that far exceeded its volume spurted out.

These liquids are what Bell has been preparing for this week.

These liquids are actually liquid metal, a magic prop made by Bell using mithril as the main body and supplemented by a variety of precious magic materials. Bell named it ‘A Thousand Changes’.

In order to create the Thousand Changes, Bell not only emptied the goblins' mithril inventory, but even melted several mithril swords collected at home.

So don't look at the liquid at Bell's feet. It only adds up to 10 liters, but its original volume is actually dozens of times that.

Bell had added two kinds of magic spells, the 'Enlarging Curse' and the 'Reducing Curse', to the Thousand Transformations. Other than that, there was no powerful magic. Therefore, the Thousand Transformations itself has no power. It is completely a magic prop specially created by Bell to coordinate with his own transformation technique.

After hearing this, some people may think that Bell's production of Thousand Changes is not necessary at all. After all, there are so many objects around us that can be used to perform transformation spells. The earth, air, magic, etc. can be accessed at any time.

But that's not the case.

Qianbian has two major characteristics.

First, no matter what kind of transformation spell is applied, it will not destroy its core two magic spells of enlargement and reduction. This allows Bell to save a lot of magic power when performing large-scale transformations.

You can never have too much magic at any time.

Second, Qianbian is a liquid metal, which gives it the strength and sharpness of metal without the need for Bell to specifically strengthen it, and at the same time, it can complete its deformation quickly.

You know, in a fierce battle, a moment's delay may completely change the outcome of the battle.

The wand slid down from his cuff, and Bell pointed at the thousand changes at his feet. About half of the liquid floated up and transformed into a spear above Bell's head.

As Bell continued to pour magic power into it, the spear began to rotate rapidly, and at the same time it emitted blue light.

Aiming the tip of the spear at the hole in the sink, Bell planned to wait for the basilisk to show its head and give it a head-on blow to reduce the intensity of the battle as much as possible.

It's not that Bell is afraid that the fierce battle will attract other people's attention. Now that he decided to take action, he no longer cared about the professors' opinions. There was no way he could escape Dumbledore's surveillance anyway.

Bell was mainly afraid that if the battle was too fierce, the basilisk's body would be destroyed.

Bell was still very interested in studying a basilisk that had lived for a thousand years. That's why he chose to use Transfiguration for this fight.

Time flew by as Bell prepared for the attack. Soon, with a crawling sound, the basilisk crawled in from outside the bathroom...

Bell, whose whole body was tense and all his attention was focused on the hole in the wall, stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, raging anger ignited in Bell's heart, and he wished he could hit the basilisk on the head with a burst of immortal flames. He suspected that he might be able to instantly release the immortal flames now.

‘What the hell is this! Give me back my wasted feelings! ! ! ’

Seeing the basilisk appearing in front of him, Bell went crazy.

This basilisk was beyond his expectation! But it's not too strong, it's too weak!

No wonder the warning from the earrings was so weak. He thought it was because the basilisk was too far away from him.

The body length is less than 10 meters, about the thickness of a washbasin. Even ordinary pythons in nature can grow to this size.

So this basilisk has been eating shit for a thousand years? ?

Look at Bai Suzhen! A thousand years of practice can transform into a great beauty!

Even though our place is a 'magic' place, and there is a gap between it and other people's 'cultivation' ones, let alone Xiao Qing, at least you can become a cute little loli... Ahem, you should at least look more powerful and domineering. !

In Bell's expectation, a thousand-year-old basilisk would have a diameter of 1 or 2 meters, starting from 100 meters.

This is the result! ?

Just this pitiful 'little guy' who is not even 10 meters tall, and a thousand-year-old basilisk?

If it hadn't been so long and another basilisk hadn't appeared, Bell would have thought that the 'little guy' in front of him was actually the basilisk's child, sneaking out to watch the fun.

Feeling that the basilisk roared, opened its big mouth, and rushed toward him, Bell was considering whether to use fire to burn this unsatisfactory thing to ashes, so as to bury the self who was fighting with the air before.

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