The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 174 The first knee pillow

The next morning, after Hermione entered the auditorium with Bell, she was surprised to learn that the basilisk had been killed! ?

Every little wizard around him was talking loudly about this. Some people who were still a little skeptical also believed the news after they were told that it was Professor McGonagall.

There are different opinions on who killed the basilisk and how.

Some people say that Professor Dumbledore killed the basilisk. The previous news that Professor Dumbledore had been dismissed from the position of principal was actually a bait, in order to make the heir of Slytherin relax his vigilance.

Some people also say that Harry Potter killed the basilisk. Harry, who did not want to return to Muggle life, finally unlocked his seal, released powerful power, and crushed the basilisk to death.

Even the most outrageous thing is that some people actually say that when the basilisk attacked a young wizard, it unfortunately choked itself to death because it wanted to eat him.

In fact, it wasn't that Professor McGonagall deliberately concealed the cause of the Basilisk's death. The problem was that she really didn't know how the Basilisk died!

When she appeared on the scene, the basilisk was already in a dying state. And because she was afraid of coming into contact with the basilisk's sight, she did not get close.

In addition, it was early in the morning and the lights were dark, so until the house elf named Lim took the basilisk's body away, she was not able to observe the wounds on the basilisk's body.

After going back last night, the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

How could a second-grade wizard defeat a basilisk on his own?

You know, the basilisk is a very terrifying magical creature. Not only does it have the sight to kill if touched, its fangs are also almost indestructible.

Even most adult wizards, after encountering a basilisk, can only pray that they are lucky enough to escape successfully.

Therefore, compared to a second-year wizard who can kill a basilisk, Professor McGonagall feels that it is more reliable to say that this little wizard is actually the reincarnation of Merlin.

Finally, Professor McGonagall came to the conclusion: 'It cannot be the basilisk killed by Bel Menethil! ’.

Maybe it was the house elf? Maybe some unknown powerful magic item was used? After all, the Menethil family is most famous for the various magic accessories they produce.

Cunning little devil! He actually pretended to kill the basilisk alone before she arrived, and she almost believed it!

It was precisely because of this consideration and Dumbledore's hint that Professor McGonagall did not explain the cause of the basilisk's death when facing the curious little wizards.

"Bell! The basilisk is dead? Did you do it? Why didn't you tell me!?"

"It's not a big deal, what's there to say?"

Bell felt unenergetic at the mention of the disgraceful basilisk.

"Isn't this a big deal!? What on earth is a big deal in your opinion?

How are you? Are there any injuries? "

Hermione nervously touched Bell's body, wanting to check if Bell was missing any weight.

"Put... Ouch, I actually have a headache."

Bell suddenly realized that this was a God-given opportunity!

As the saying goes, "If you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences." If he misses this kind of God-given opportunity, he might be punished by God.

"Headache? Why didn't you tell me you had a headache earlier! And you had such an intense training session in the morning, wouldn't you take a day off!"

Hermione scolded worriedly.

She tried her best to tiptoe and put her hand on Bell's forehead to feel it.

"Hermione, I don't have a fever. What can you find if you touch your forehead?"

Bell was speechless.

"What should we do? By the way! Let's go find Madam Pomfrey and let her take a look at you!"

With that said, Hermione pulled Bell and started to walk out.


Bell grabbed Hermione.

"There is nothing Madam Pomfrey can do about my problem."


Hermione was so anxious that she almost cried when she heard that the problem was so serious that even Madam Pomfrey had no way to solve it.

"Then what should we do? Bell, how about we ask for leave from the professor and go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies. I heard that it is..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Bell realized that he had lost his temper and quickly explained.

"What I mean is that the problem is not serious, so there is no need for Madam Pomfrey to take action. It will get better after a while.

However, I knew there was a way to relieve my pain and speed up my recovery. "

Bell is about to see the end of the world.

"What is the solution? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Hermione took the bait willingly.

"This method really requires your help."

Bell pulled Hermione to the corner of the auditorium, used transfiguration to turn a chair into a couch, and sat on it side by side with Hermione.

"In fact, gently massaging my temples can effectively relieve my pain. Can you help me?"


It was rare to be able to help Bell. At this moment, Hermione was filled with fighting spirit.

Showing a hint of a scheming smile, Bell lay on Hermione's lap and enjoyed the massage from his girlfriend's soft hands.

Although the vast plain before him was a bit disappointing, it did not affect his excitement of enjoying the knee pillow for the first time at all.

"Bell, what happened? How were you injured?"

The naive Hermione had not had the slightest suspicion until this moment. She is now worried about her boyfriend.


Bell looked like he couldn't bear to look back on the past.

"The basilisk was so unexpected that I suffered a huge mental blow as soon as I saw it. I still haven't recovered from it until now."

Yes, even now, when he thinks of the huge gap last night, Bell still feels uncomfortable and wants to rush into the Forbidden Forest and find another fight with the Acromantulas!

So strictly speaking, Bell didn't lie.

After all, 'honesty' is one of his few advantages.

The two of them just enjoyed the warm time as if no one else was around. Of course, others really couldn't see the two of them.

Although Bell didn't care about other people's eyes, he still had to worry about the feelings of his thin-skinned girlfriend. So at the very beginning, he opened the expulsion barrier.

A loud shout suddenly sounded, suppressing the little wizards' venting celebrations.

"Mr. Menethil! Is Mr. Bel Menethil here? If so, please come over. Professor Dumbledore has something to ask you!"

Professor McGonagall stood in the center of the auditorium and shouted loudly.

She had already searched around the auditorium just now, because Dumbledore had clearly told her that Bell was in the auditorium.

If she hadn't known that Dumbledore wouldn't joke with her about this kind of thing, she would have thought that she had been deceived again!

Why did she use 'and'?

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