The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 180 Which college will win the College Cup?

Bell felt very hurt that his girlfriend actually called him petty because of an outsider! ?

Is he petty? ?

Well, not really that big.

Bell still has this self-awareness.

"You forced me to do this. If something happens in the future, for example, senior sister, you and your boyfriend break up, don't blame me. Otherwise, I will deduct your salary!"

Bell threatened viciously.

"Don't worry, am I such an unreasonable person? And if you dare to deduct my salary, I will come to Hermione to complain."

Penello smiled and hugged Hermione, showing the affection between sisters.


"Okay, no more joking, let's talk."

"Actually... I really don't like Senior Percy very much. It's not that there's anything wrong with Senior, it can only be said that he has a different personality.

In my opinion, he attaches great importance to the 'honor' given to him by some outsiders, such as his status as a prefect. This kind of emphasis even exceeds the feelings for family members?

For me, family is more important than anything else. Those badges and the like are worthless.

The so-called glory is not something that outsiders can bestow.

Glory comes from within, not from outside.

Although I have not communicated with Senior Percy, I feel that I will never be able to chat with him. "

As Bell finished speaking, both Hermione and Penello fell silent.

Hermione felt a little ashamed after hearing Bell's words. Because she is actually somewhat similar to Senior Percy.

Just now, she asked herself a question in her heart, that is, if she could only choose between the Academy Cup and Bell, which one would she choose?

There was no doubt she would choose Bell.

However, when making a choice, she hesitated for a moment in her heart!

This made her feel very guilty.

The reason for Penello's silence is that she thinks what Bell said is simply not right!

She felt that if Percy was asked to choose between being a prefect and her, she really had no confidence at all whether Percy would choose her.

This made Penello feel confused again. I don’t know where her future lies?

With Bell's emotional intelligence, it is completely impossible to understand the complex thoughts of girls. After ending the previous topic of 'harming others and harming yourself', Bell was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hermione, do you have any plans for the summer vacation?"

Bell asked

"Well, my parents said before that they planned to travel to France as a family during the summer vacation. What's wrong?"

"That's right. In fact, our family also plans to go on a trip during the summer vacation. Originally, if you had time, I wanted to invite you to go too."

"That's such a shame."

Hermione said regretfully.

But at the same time she felt relieved.

Although she knew that she would have to face it one day, Hermione felt that she was not mentally prepared yet.

As for when it will be ready?

God knows.

"Where are you planning to travel?"

Hermione asked curiously.

"China and Japan. The plan is to go to China for half a month first, and then go to Japan for half a month."

"Then if we add it all together, wouldn't it take a whole month!?"

Hermione was a little disappointed. Originally, she was thinking of asking Bell to hang out with her often during summer vacation. Now it seems that she has to streamline her dating plan.

"There is no way. There are some important things to be done this time. To be honest, I'm not sure whether I can finish it in a month. But if everything goes well, I might come back earlier?"

This year’s year-end dinner was as lively as ever.

Except for Slytherin House.

The poor little snakes, after a year of hard work, finally won the first place in the academy again.

And unlike last year when Harry solved the troll, this year they specifically asked Professor Snape. Although the professor did not say who killed the basilisk in the end, he told them clearly that Harry was not the one who killed the basilisk.

However, in the expectant eyes of the little snakes who felt that this wave was stable, Dumbledore once again added 50 points to Harry, Ron and Neville, making Gryffindor's house points even higher. Slightly surpassing Slytherin for once.

The little snakes were confused, and Snape even wanted to kill.

It's a pity that I can't beat it.

Dumbledore's reason for giving extra points to the three Harrys was: 'The brave three men went deep into the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts and drove away the Acromantula colony entrenched deep in the Forbidden Forest, thus protecting Hogwarts. Gwartz's security. ’

In Dumbledore's description, the cunning Acromantulas smuggled into the Forbidden Forest and hid themselves, constantly expanding the size of the group in secret.

Their numbers have seriously affected the survival of other creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

After the three Harrys accidentally discovered the Acromantula, after a arduous and bloody battle, they finally succeeded in expelling all the Acromantula.

Of course, the reality is that as Dumbledore said, the three Harrys are not that capable.

The truth of the matter is that after Bell's food gathering activity more than half a year ago, Aragog, who was afraid of being killed by Bell, originally planned to take his entire tribe to migrate and leave the Forbidden Forest.

But because Hagrid was reluctant to leave Aragog, he tried his best to dissuade it and promised it that he would report tonight's incident to Dumbledore. And with Dumbledore's action, no matter who the wizard was, it would be impossible for him to cause trouble again.

Dumbledore's name, even if Aragog is just a spider, is still loud and clear.

Now that he has the attention of this big boss, Aragog believes that the former wizard will not dare to act recklessly in the Forbidden Forest again.

In addition, it is really too old, and it does not actually want to migrate long distances.

And it is almost impossible to lead the children to find a stable living habitat like the Forbidden Forest.

Therefore, in the end, Aragog accepted Hagrid's persuasion and stayed in the Forbidden Forest despite the gnashing of teeth of the centaurs.

However, as the saying goes, the older Jianghu gets, the less courageous it becomes. It is not that it has not taken any measures.

Under Aragog's order, the Acromantulas laid out a large number of spider webs near their nests for warning and defense, and on the other hand they were also storing food for migration just in case.

Once it discovers the figure of the previous wizard again, it will order its children to immediately migrate as a whole family.

After all, Aragog still knew the reputation of his tribe. It is not as naive as Hagrid to think that Dumbledore really cares about their life and death.

Maybe the old professor would have clapped his hands and applauded when he heard that his tribe suffered heavy casualties.

After Hagrid was taken away as a suspect for opening the Chamber of Secrets, the three Harrys, who did not believe that Hagrid was the murderer, decided to go to the depths of the Forbidden Forest to seek help from spiders based on the clues left by Hagrid.

Then they were discovered by the Acromantulas, who were already in a panic.

When Aragog learned that another wizard disguised as a Hogwarts student was approaching, and this time there were three of them, his heart collapsed.

Full of resentment, Aragog ordered his children to disperse and flee immediately.

Then, under the horrified gazes of the dumbfounded Harry and the other three, the Acromantulas fled the Forbidden Forest one after another.

When they heard Dumbledore announce that the winner of the House Cup this school year was still Gryffindor House, not only the Slytherin snakes were heartbroken, but even Bell had a look on his face: "You are here" Make me laugh! ? ’ expression.

Of course, what Bell cares about is not the ownership of the Academy Cup. Moreover, Gryffindor House won the House Cup, which was actually within his expectation.

Although the basilisk that Dumbledore used to level up Harry was snatched away by him, as the principal of Hogwarts, Dumbledore had too many ways to give Harry extra points.

If you really don’t have an excuse, why don’t you just make one up? What can anyone do to him?

What Bell really cared about was the excuse Dumbledore used.

'So my crispy spider legs flew away! ? ’

Bell, whose inventory was running low, originally planned to take his sister to the wild after school started next semester. While harvesting delicious food, you can also exercise Shanna's practical ability.

As a result, the wild monster was now snatched by Dumbledore! ?

By the way, Lao Deng couldn't be retaliating for his previous behavior of snatching the basilisk, right?

In fact, when they first heard Professor Dumbledore giving extra points to the three of them, Harry and the other three were also confused.

After all, one's own family knows their own affairs. If others don't know, how can they not know what happened that night?

Well, they really don’t know this.

‘We still don’t know why the spiders we saw that day escaped? ’

However, looking at the excitedly celebrating classmates around them, looking at the admiring, envious and jealous eyes cast by people, the three Harrys could not stop trembling all over, and they just felt so good!

All questions and confusions were instantly forgotten by them, and they fully enjoyed the pleasure of this moment.

On the Hogwarts Express, this time Bell still chose to accompany Hermione on the train home.

Although Shanna was a little dissatisfied with his decision, his parents supported it with both hands. They even stopped Shanna from asking why.

"Bell, I'm sorry!"

Seeing that the train was about to pull into the station, Hermione suddenly stood up and apologized to Bell.

"I suddenly remembered something very important, so I left first and will greet your parents next time."

After saying that, without waiting for Bell's reply, Hermione picked up her luggage and ran out of the carriage, towards the door.

Hermione knew that her behavior was very inappropriate. But she really didn't know what she would do if Belle's family hated her because she was a Muggle-born?

So it still takes some time for her to muster the courage to face the unknown future.

After retracting his outstretched hand, Bell scratched his head in confusion. He felt that Hermione was in a strange state.

But since the other party didn't plan to tell him, there must be some reason. He was willing to wait until Hermione felt comfortable enough to tell him what happened.

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