The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 192 ‘Scheming Na’

"Brother, look at what you said. Brother, I was just thinking about whether there is any spiritual pet pill that would be suitable for your pet. Hurry up, take out all the spiritual pet pills and give them to my brother's pet. taste!"

Seeing shopkeeper Wang enthusiastically greeting the clerk to get the elixir, Bell curled his lips secretly.

‘I believed you, you idiot! ’

Soon, dozens of spiritual pet pills were lined up in front of Fina.

Chewing the roasted mutton in her mouth, Fina fell into a battle between heaven and man.

The tragic experience before is still vivid in his mind, and now there is still a bitter taste in its mouth.

In the end, Fina hesitated and took two steps forward under the encouraging gaze of her master.

It stretched out its little paws and carefully scraped off a small piece from the 'little ball' closest to it. Smell it, lick it, soak it...


Fina spat out the fishy 'little meatballs' in her mouth and looked back at her master.

Staring at Fina's pitiful eyes, Bell couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, don't be pretentious. I'm just picking out snacks for you. If you don't want them, of course I won't have a problem with them."

Bell had also read the introduction of the Spiritual Pet Pill before, saying that long-term use would be very beneficial to spiritual pets, so he thought about buying some for his little Fina as snacks. Now since Fina doesn't want it, then of course he has no reason to force it.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Fina turned her head and looked at the pile of 'little balls' in front of her again.

In fact, Fina was just acting cute out of habit. It still knows its owner's character very well. Since the owner specifically called it out just to pick out ‘little balls’, it meant that these ‘little balls’ were not as simple as they seemed.

Fina put away her impudence. She first smelled the scent of each elixir carefully, picked out a few, and tasted them carefully one after another.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Fina waved her little paws and finally picked out 3 pills from the previously selected pills.

"Ouch~owoo~ (Master, these two are barbecue flavored, and this one is fruity, do you want to try it too?)"

Bell was very satisfied with how his little Fina didn't enjoy the delicious food immediately after discovering it. Instead, she immediately thought of herself as the master.

‘I don’t hurt you in vain! ’

Then Bell rejected Fina's proposal without hesitation.

Just kidding, is Spiritual Pet Pill good for pets? He is not so hungry that he eats 'cat food'.

After hearing her master's rejection, Fina breathed a sigh of relief silently.

The little guy picked up three pills and ran to Shanna with small steps.



Fina placed the elixir on the counter in front of Shanna, yelled at Shanna, and pushed the elixir forward with her little paws.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Bell seemed to hear a hint of flattery in Fina's voice?

"This is for you to eat, I won't eat it."

Shanna rubbed Fina's little head and said with a smile.

After saying that, she hugged Fina in her arms. She hasn't seen Fina for a long time, and she misses her so much.

After choosing snacks for Fina, Bell lost interest in continuing shopping. Rather than searching slowly by yourself, it’s better to be more straightforward.

"Brother, didn't you say before that you have talismans for sale here? Why didn't I find them?"

Talismans were one of Bell's main purposes for coming to China this time. After hearing shopkeeper Wang introduce that there were talismans for sale here, he had been looking for them, but he couldn't find any.

"Brother, do you want to buy a talisman!?"

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Bell asked doubtfully. He couldn't understand why Shopkeeper Wang was so surprised?

"No! No problem! I mean, brother, you've come to the right place. I swear to God, even if you search the entire country of China, you will never find anything better than the talismans sold in our Zhenbao Pavilion."

Shopkeeper Wang patted his chest excitedly.

You know, since the 'Krypton Gold Flow' that was briefly popular a few years ago has disappeared, he may not be able to sell a single talisman in a month now.

"Yes, you are right. Because apart from your Treasure Pavilion, there is basically no other place that sells talismans."

Zhao Youde once again stepped forward to hit the target at a critical moment.

Zhao Youde was so shocked by Bell's "entrepreneurial attitude" that he spent a lot of money that he couldn't recover for a long time.

Although he knew from the beginning that the status of the foreign guests who could be specially sent by the Minister of International Exchange to receive him must not be simple.

However, that is several thousand gold dollars! His monthly salary is only 50 gold yuan! Even if he doesn't eat or drink, he still has to short, it takes a long, long time to save so much money!

At this moment, Zhao Youde deeply understood the meaning of the phrase 'evil capitalism' that people without spiritual roots often talk about.

At the same time, he could also understand why every time he saw someone with or without spiritual roots saying this, his face was filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

‘Evil capitalism! snort! ’

If it weren't for the VIPs present and Shopkeeper Wang had to pay attention to his image, he would have strangled Zhao Quede immediately.

He already remembered Zhao Quede's face. He announced that starting from today, Zhao Quede will be listed as the most unpopular person in Zhenbao Pavilion Hulukou Branch!

Although shopkeeper Wang was so angry that he blacklisted Zhao Youla in his heart, this time, he really couldn't refute.

Since the magic wand was widely accepted by monks in China, talismans have basically lost their living space. After all, if you can cast a fireball by waving your magic wand in just one second, who would go out of your way to prepare any flame talismans in advance?

Of course, this does not mean that the talisman has completely lost its effect.

The spells in some high-level talismans cannot be cast by ordinary people. In other words, although it can be cast successfully, it takes a long time and cannot be cast as quickly as when using a talisman.

But for high-end talismans, from the word "advanced" in the name, you can imagine how precious they are.

To make a high-level talisman not only requires precious materials, but also a considerable amount of time.

And these two problems are not the most important. The main problem is that none of the masters who have the ability to make high-level talismans are short of money. Therefore, this also leads to the scarcity and high price of high-end talismans.

In addition, in recent decades, the Chinese monk world has been in a peaceful environment. Occasionally there are fights, but they are just petty fights caused by some idiots who are not smart enough.

Faced with these petty fights, few monks would be willing to use expensive high-end talismans.

In addition, the shelf life of talismans is actually quite long...

In short, the result is that shopkeeper Wang can no longer remember the last time he sold a high-end talisman, which year of the monkey.

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