The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 197 Buying Books

After resting for a while, Bell felt a little bored, so he asked shopkeeper Wang to bring the flying swords and other magical weapons from the store, intending to study them while resting.

Looking at the handsome flying sword that he had dreamed of for a long time, Bell felt... a little disappointed.

Just now, when he wanted to experience the feeling of being a sword immortal, he was told by Shopkeeper Wang that before he could use the flying sword, he had to refine it first. And after a long period of running-in with the flying sword, he can command a flying sword like an arm.

Moreover, Feijian was not as strong as Bell imagined. It is simply that the monks have stored a large amount of spiritual power in the flying sword in advance to control the flight of the flying sword and activate the spells on the flying sword.

According to Shopkeeper Wang, in ancient times, just having a flying sword was not enough to be called a swordsman. You must also cultivate the corresponding skills.

Bell does know the technique, well, he knows it from the novels of his previous life.

But he doesn't know what the Chinese martial arts in this world are! By the way, does Kung Fu really exist? Why have wizards never practiced anything like this?

In line with the principle of ‘you’ve come here, you can’t go in vain’, the Bell family chose a flying sword of good quality. Of course, quality is just incidental, the main thing is to be handsome!

After all, whether you are strong or not is a matter of version, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of life!

In addition, Bell also selected a bell-shaped magic weapon capable of sonic attack, a shield-shaped magic weapon for defense, and a flying boat magic weapon, and then reluctantly ended the shopping under the unkind eyes of his father.

It was obvious that he chose these magical tools to study and see if they could enhance the magic props he produced.

He is dedicated to the public good and has no selfish motives!

As a result, his father not only did not encourage him, but also looked at him like a prodigal?

This really hurts him!

After settling the fee, Bell was surprised to find that the sky outside had turned dark.

A whole day was spent in the Treasure Pavilion? This was really beyond Bell's expectation.

This era is not like a few decades later, where the day begins after dark.

After the sun went down, people returned home one after another. The Bell family was also ready to return to the hotel.

"Brother Bell, if you need anything in the future, just come to me! Don't be polite to me!"

Standing outside the gate of Zhenbao Pavilion, Shopkeeper Wang held Bell's hand affectionately and was reluctant to let go for a long time.

Today’s sales in one day are comparable to those in a normal year!

As for those training grounds that were chopped up?

It’s drizzling! He has long disliked them! The equipment is old, the walls are peeling off, it’s a typical dilapidated building, it’s good to demolish it!

Shopkeeper Wang is considering whether to give himself a few days off to calm his frightened nerves.

By the way, he hasn't had a tryst with his little lover for several days.

Looking at Shopkeeper Wang who was still waving vigorously in the distance behind him, the corners of Bell's mouth raised slightly.

Today is truly a novel, enjoyable and exciting day!

The next day, the Bell family, led by Zhao Youde, who was covered in bandages, came to Hulukou again.

By the way, shopkeeper Wang also promised a lot of compensation to Zhao Youde yesterday. Bell didn't know exactly what was included, but from Zhao Youde's grinning mouth, it could be seen that he was very satisfied.

I don’t know how Shopkeeper Wang promotes it. In short, it had only been one night, and yesterday Bell's generosity in spending millions of dollars had already spread throughout the entire gourd.

When the shopkeepers of each shop saw the Bell family coming over, they felt as if they were seeing a big fat sheep... ahem, as if they were seeing relatives reunited after a long separation, and they were extremely happy.

In fact, Bell's main purpose of coming to China this time was almost achieved yesterday. Zhenbao Pavilion is indeed the largest chain store in China. It can be said that all kinds of materials and magical tools are available.

So after briefly browsing the other small shops and buying some things of interest, Bell finally arrived at the last destination of this trip to China - the bookstore.

Bell was very interested in the history of the monks and their spells and practices that were very different from wizards!

Bell spent the next week in this Sihai Bookstore. Not only did he scan through all the books in this bookstore, he also asked the bookstore owner to find a large number of books for him from other places for him to choose from.

Unlike Bell, who can read Chinese, William and Elena can also read books about the Chinese cultivation world through Bell's eyes. But...oh my god! They have all graduated many years ago, okay?

When they were studying at Hogwarts, although the two of them had pretty good grades, they were still far from the level of academic masters who said, "Today, I might die if I don't read books."

Therefore, they will not spend all day reading with Bell in the bookstore. They are traveling to China!

Only Shanna, although she also felt bored, the little girl still insisted on accompanying her brother. She was afraid that her brother would feel lonely.

I have to say that my sister is caring and knows what she wants best.

And because Bell held back Zannah, William and Elena had time alone for the first time in a long time.

The couple relived the passion of their newlywed days. The two of them went to visit the scenic spots around BJ City, and they felt quite happy and reluctant to leave.

Bell is very happy to see his parents' relationship warming up. Every night after returning to the hotel, Bell would listen to his parents share their travel experiences during the day.

However, Shanna's view is completely opposite to her brother's. The little girl expressed her abhorrence that her parents did not accompany her brother, but instead left them and ran off to play by themselves!

Even at such an old age, she still knows how to play all day long, even worse than an 11-year-old girl like her!

Shanna felt extremely lucky and proud that she did not follow her parents, but followed her brother.

'Snapped! ’

Bell closed the book in his hands forcefully and threw it into a basket floating behind him.

The books in the basket were all books that Bell selected today and planned to buy later.

"Brother, have you finished reading it all?"

Now the brother and sister are sitting in an unmanned corner of the bookstore. A clerk is responsible for bringing Bell 'new books' and taking away the discarded 'old books'.

But now, after Bell had read all the books at hand, the clerk didn't bring any more 'new books'.

"Yes, I finally finished reading it. Otherwise I would go crazy."

Strictly speaking, Bell is not really a person who likes reading. At least he was still far from Hermione's level. What he likes is actually the pursuit of the unknown and power.

In the last few days, if he hadn't suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, he really wouldn't have been able to hold on.

"Oh~! That's great~!"

Shanna jumped up and down to express her joy.

Bell looked apologetically at his sister celebrating. Bell felt very sorry to have the lively and active little girl sit beside him and accompany him boringly for a whole week.

However, corresponding to the efforts, the rewards this week are also extremely rich. It was so rich that Bell was worried for the first time whether his gold Galleons would be enough? After all, I have a trip to Japan next.

I hope the cost of this trip will not exceed the budget too much.

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