The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 205 ‘Queen of Arms’ Xiao Shanna

After returning to the hotel, Bell unexpectedly found that his parents had returned.

You know, since this week, my parents have either been discussing specific cooperation details with the International Exchange and Cooperation Department, or they have been having dinner and socializing with the senior executives of the Monk Alliance, so the two of them will come back very late every day.

Although Bell did not ask about the specific situation, it could be seen from the smiles on the faces of his parents that the negotiation seemed to be progressing smoothly.

"Bell, Zannah, you are back."

Seeing the brother and sister entering the room, William greeted them with a smile.

"Sanna, did you have fun today?"

Then the next moment, William decisively ignored Bell and focused all his attention on his little daughter.

‘Son or something, who cares whether he is happy or not! ’



As long as she was hanging out with her brother, Shanna was never unhappy.

"Why did you come back so early today?"

Bell asked curiously.

"Because this negotiation has ended. The result is not bad."

William said without turning his head while listening to his youngest daughter introduce the delicious food he had today.

Generally speaking, William is very satisfied with the results of his visit to China to expand the market. Although the senior leaders of the Monk Alliance are unwilling to lower tariffs no matter what, it doesn't matter. As long as he slightly lowers the quality of some materials, he can ensure his interests...

Cough cough cough! He wasn't thinking about anything just now! He is a conscientious businessman! real!

"Bell, our things have been done. Do you have anything else to deal with? If not, we should go to Japan. The time spent in China has already slightly exceeded expectations. Next, we will go to Japan. We don’t know how long it’s going to take yet. So we’d better hurry up.”

Elena said with a smile.

Bell thought for a while and realized that he had already played all the BJ peripherals and had almost eaten everything he needed to eat.

"No more, Mom... no, wait!"

Bell suddenly remembered that he almost forgot something very important.


Bell shouted into the clearing next to him. He almost ignored his own house elf just now. Lim must not know about this, otherwise he will cry for three days and three nights.

Lim, the house elf who is always available and extremely professional, appears in front of his young master as soon as he hears his call.

"What are your orders? Master."

Lim bowed respectfully.

"How are you learning the recipes?"

Bell asked.

"I'm sorry, Master. I haven't fully mastered it yet. I can only use a personal terminal to record everything first."

Lim's voice was full of apology and remorse.

"No, you've done a good job."

Bell comforted.

He never thought that Lim could master all the eight major Chinese cuisines and countless kinds of dishes in just half a month.

Lim was able to record all the key points of the eight major cuisines in such a short period of time, which greatly exceeded Bell's expectations. It seems that Lim must have been busy with this these days.

"Have a good rest and don't go out tomorrow. We have to prepare to leave China."

Bell ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

After confirming that his young master had no other instructions, Lim bowed again and apparated back to the suitcase.

"Bell!? You brought Lim too!?"

William looked at his son in shock. He didn't even know that Lim actually followed him to China.

"Yes, it's a rare opportunity, so I brought Lim to China to learn the methods and essence of Chinese cuisine on the spot. Are there any questions?"


"What did you say?"

(╬ ̄俣)

Sometimes, William really wanted to pry open his son's head and see what was inside that little head.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong!"

Before his parents could say anything else, Bell apologized decisively.

In fact, Bell had no intention of bringing Lim to China at the beginning! Really...well, this is fake. He had been planning for a long time and wanted to take Lim to learn authentic Chinese cuisine.

As for why he didn’t apply to the Monk Alliance and enter the country openly?

That's of course because Lim is no longer human.

In China, there are no such creatures as house elves, so the monks do not understand house elves.

Bell had previously investigated and found that house elves were officially recognized as magical creatures by the Chinese government. Therefore, if Lim wants to enter the country, he must apply for another magical creature entry.

This kind of application procedure is countless times more complicated than the procedure for human entry application.

Moreover, the probability of successful application is still very low.

Moreover, even if the application is successful in the end, Lim can only enter China as a pet of the Bell family. Not only can they not move freely, they may even need to be collared and put in a cage.

Bell would never allow his Lim to be treated like that. You know, Lim's status in his heart is even higher than that of his father William!

However, Bell swore that the other three house elves in his suitcase were really just forgotten by him, and they were definitely not the ones he expected to bring to China! This time it's really true!

"Hmph! I will reluctantly forgive you this time."

William snorted and said.

After all, everything has happened, and nothing can be changed for those who were not forgiven. Moreover, he actually also likes to eat Chinese food. After Lim's cooking skills improved, he could occasionally indulge in the food to satisfy his cravings.

In addition, there is actually another reason why William lifted it up high and put it down gently.

"Bell, I took some of the high-quality magic props you kept at home and gave them to the officials of the Monk Alliance. Let me tell you about them."

William felt a little sorry about this matter.

Although it was for the development of the family, those magic props were, after all, painstakingly made by his own son. He didn't even say a word, but just gave it away to people to get involved in the relationship. It was indeed a bit unethical.

"Huh? Oh, it doesn't matter. If necessary, just use it."

Bell was stunned for a moment before he realized what his father was saying.

In fact, the magic props he keeps at home are just his daily practice works. The so-called excellence is only compared to the mass products sold on the market.

Just kidding, how could Bell, a real masterpiece, be left to gather dust in his home warehouse? He has already focused on his sister, okay?

It is no exaggeration to say that Shanna is a real little rich woman. Even Bell couldn't remember how much he stuffed into Zannah.

And all those things were put by Shanna into the small satchel that she always hung around her waist.

That small satchel was a birthday gift that Bell had given to Shanna. Bell had used the Seamless Stretching Charm to expand a very large space inside.

If someone really angers Shanna, then that person can experience what it means to 'carry an arsenal with you'.

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