The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 223 Kamitachi wants to run away

Bell turned a deaf ear to Huang Quan's call.

His purpose tonight was to instruct his sister on how to fight. As for other things, such as the affected area, the number of deaths, etc., Bell was not concerned about it.

Just kidding, it's been almost half an hour since the 'train' started wreaking havoc here. Not to mention Onmyoji, not even Fireman Bell saw one.

Since they don't care about the life or death of their own people. As a foreigner, Bell only takes care of his leisure time when he is full.

Fortunately, Shanna did not bring down the big fireball above her head as Huang Quan expected. Instead, he controlled the flame and spread it in a horizontal direction in a ring.

In fact, Huang Quan was simply over-worrying. You know, Bell is still standing down here. No matter how angry Shanna was, she would not let her attack affect her brother.

Even though Shanna knew that her attack would not hurt her brother, she just didn't want to do it if she didn't want to do it, and there was no reason to say so.

The ring of fire spread quickly, dispersing all the shadows below, and everything was clearly reflected in the eyes of the three people.

Seeing his sister's actions, Bell's eyes lit up.

For Zannah, who has a limited range of magic perception and is unable to detect magic and has no ability to cast it, this move is obviously a very good judgment.

"over there!"

‘Shattered to pieces! ’

After discovering the bad guy who sneaked up on her, Zannah threw a crushing spell at him without hesitation.


A deep hole was created in the ground by Zanna, but Kamamaitachi, who was the target, had disappeared from the spot.

As a B-level evil spirit, Kamaitachi is not powerful in terms of attack or defense. The reason why it can be rated as Class B is its extraordinary speed.

Kamamaita transformed into a black line, dodged several of Zanna's spells one after another, and attacked Zanna's shield again. And it retreated in one strike, giving Zanna no chance to fight back.

"Sanna, where is your perception field? In battle, you must maintain a perception range of at least 10 meters. Only in this way can you ensure that you have enough time to react when you are attacked."

Bell reminded her sister loudly. By the way, it shouldn't be considered a foul if he does this, right?

In fact, at the beginning of the battle, Bell noticed that Zannah did not expand her perception field. However, he did not remind him immediately.

Unlike Bell, Zannah is inferior in both the total amount of magic power and the control of magic power, so she is still unable to maintain the existence of the sensory field.

Therefore, Zannah could only do the next best thing and choose to temporarily expand her perception field before each battle. This also leads to the possibility of forgetting if you are not careful.

Only after experiencing lessons and suffering, people can often remember their mistakes deeply and learn from them.

So Bell kept waiting, waiting for the evil spirit in the dark to attack Zannah.

And the evil spirit did not disappoint him.

After hearing her brother's reminder, Shanna realized that she had forgotten to expand her perception field. No wonder she always felt like something was missing from the very beginning of the battle.

Controlling the flying shoes to quickly dodge to the right, Shanna successfully dodged the Kamamaita's attack. However, the few spells she fired were dodged again by the opponent.

‘The flames are blazing! ’

The oncoming flames surprised Kamaitachi, who was moving at high speed. After all the flames in the field were used for lighting by Shanna, it thought that the opponent had no more flames to use.

Fortunately, the speed of the flames was not very fast. After some of its fur was scorched, it dodged, but the attack was naturally interrupted.

Seeing that the bad guy who dared to attack her quickly escaped from the flames, Shanna was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet. It's not that she can't speed up the flames, but that would mean she would have to reduce the scope of the flames, which would be meaningless.

After taking a look at the ruins at her feet, Zannah pursed her lips unhappily.

The terrain below is too complex. Moreover, the reinforced concrete in cities deforms relatively slowly due to its high hardness. After Shanna tried several times, but could only catch the opponent's shadow, she gave up helplessly.

After a few more rounds of entanglement, Zanna and Kamitachi were still unable to do anything to each other.

"Zanna, do you still remember how Haipao dealt with the bandits?"

bell shouted.


‘The fog is shrouding! ’

Zannah lowered her wand a little, and white mist containing magic spurted out from the tip of the wand, quickly covering the ground.

The body landed downward, and Shanna floated about 20 centimeters above the ground. While moving quickly in the thick fog, she laid traps on the ground.

Suddenly, the cold air broke out, and a freezing trap that Shanna had set before was triggered.

‘Magic impact! ’

The impact caused by the convergence of magic power quickly hit the location of the triggered trap, and at the same time opened a channel in the mist, allowing Zannah to confirm the target's status.

‘Boom~! ’

The target was instantly shattered under the impact of magic power. But Shanna didn't feel happy at all.

Because what was crushed was not the difficult sickle weasel, but an ordinary low-level evil spirit.

Shanna then remembered that there were still some low-level evil spirits in the place that had not been cleaned up.

Next, every once in a while, the trap set by Shanna will be triggered. Several times Kamamaita stepped on the trap, but in the end, Zanna only injured the opponent, and then the opponent escaped again.

Seeing the stalemate on the field, Bell smiled slightly, but had no intention of taking action.

Because Shanna is still too young, she always gets impatient easily. And being easily impatient in battle is not a good quality.

The current stalemate situation might as well be said to be exactly what Bell wanted. He wished that this situation could continue for a while longer.

However, everything may not develop in the direction Bell hopes. After suffering serious injuries and confirming that he could not break through the opponent's defense, Kamitachi had the intention to retreat.

Taking the risk of being hit, Kamaita jumped high into the air, until he jumped out of the thick fog.

After confirming the direction, Kamamaita fell back into the thick fog and ran quickly towards the outside of the battlefield without looking back.

I have recorded today’s Liangzi. Just wait, it will definitely come back and enjoy the sweet flesh and blood of that little girl!

With longing for the future, Kamitachi ran faster and faster. Soon, it left the scope of the fog.

Looking at the deep and dark city under the night sky, a sense of freedom like a fish returning to the sea came over his heart, making Kamitachi couldn't help but want to cheer.

Just do whatever comes to your mind, this is the evil spirit way it has always been.


"Where do you want to go? My little boy!"

A hand suddenly pinched Kamaitachi's neck tightly, interrupting its cheers for freedom.

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