The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 225 Bell-style greeting


Shanna looked at her brother expectantly.

"Of course! When has my brother ever lied to you?"

Bell responded firmly.

"Then, can Shanna become as strong as her brother? Can she help him?"

The little girl asked nervously again.


Bell answered without any hesitation again.

"Shanna is my brother's sister. She will definitely become as strong as him in the future! Maybe, Shanna will surpass him. By then, my brother will have to rely on Shanna to protect him."

"Yeah! Zannah will protect her brother!"

The little girl patted her small chest firmly and looked cute as if she was hugging her.

"Hahaha! Good! As expected of my brother's good sister!"

Bell smiled very happily. This could probably be said to be the happiest thing he heard tonight.

"Sanna, please wait for brother here for a while, okay? Brother, go clean up those bad things."

Shanna nodded. Although the little girl wanted to clean up those bad things with her brother, she did not have much magic power left in her body, so she did not bring it up.

Turning his head to look at the low-level evil spirits surrounding him, the smile on Bell's face disappeared.

These guys are so annoying. Although the strength is extremely weak, it is just like a baby that can give birth to a baby, it will always emerge from every nook and cranny.

"By the way, Shanna, I forgot to mention it before, your 'Ring of Fire' is very useful!"

Bell, who suddenly remembered something, turned back and said to Shanna with a smile.

Before the smile on Shanna's face fully bloomed, Bell continued: "In addition, the last lesson tonight - 'Learn to convert a single target spell into a group attack'. If you master this skill, you will be able to You can defeat that Kamaita easily."

After saying that, Bell raised the wand in his hand above his head.

In order to allow Zannah to perceive the changes in magic power more clearly, Bell deliberately slowed down the casting speed.

"Shattered to pieces!"

Along with Bell's spell, his magic power formed a ring and rippled out from the tip of the staff.

In just an instant, the world became quiet, and those low-level evil spirits who kept saying "ah~ah~" were all turned into powder under the power of Bell's curse.

Then, without any warning, Bell swung his wand toward the right rear.

‘Magic impact! ’

Silently, a piece of the top floor of a building in the distance was missing. Under the impact of Bell's powerful magic, not even the powder was left.

"Bell!? You..."

Huang Quan's surprised voice sounded, but at this time, Bell had disappeared from where he was.

Standing under the dark night sky, Bell glanced around. He waved his hand gently, and a small fragment of a butterfly's wing, invisible in the night sky, flew into his hand.

The remaining wings are green-blue, dotted with some black spots, crystal clear and very beautiful.

"Tch, did you miss it?"

In fact, Bell didn't know if there was anyone here. However, since arriving at the battlefield tonight, he has always felt like he was being watched.

Therefore, after solving the immediate trouble, he launched a large-scale magic attack in the general direction he felt.

But now, the butterfly wings in his hand, as well as the dissipating magic power on the wings, clearly told Bell that his previous feeling was not wrong.

Bell didn't know who the other party was, let alone what the other party's purpose was. He didn't know whether the evil spirit that appeared tonight had anything to do with him.

However, the time for their family to stay in Japan is running out. As long as the other party does not come to trouble their family, Bell has no intention of continuing to investigate.

As for Huang Quan, Bell could only remind the other party. After all, he can't stay here and protect Huangquan for a danger that he doesn't even know exists, right?

After the Apparition appeared next to Shanna, Bell met Huang Quan's questioning eyes.

"Bell! What did you just do? Why did you destroy that building?"

"Someone over there has been snooping around just now. I just wanted to say hello to him."

Bell waved his hand and said casually.

"Say hello? Your way of saying hello is so unique!"

Although he was complaining, Huang Quan obviously believed what Bell said. After all, there was no need for Bell to lie to her about this matter.

In fact, regarding tonight's incident, Huang Quan felt that something was wrong from the very beginning.

And if we say that before, Huang Quan could still convince himself by using the fact that the countermeasures room was short of manpower, which was why he failed to deal with this evil spirit incident in time.

So now, almost an hour has passed, but no one from the countermeasures room has shown up, and no one has even contacted her. This is unjustifiable.

Now listen to Bell say that someone has been watching them from a distance.

Even Huang Quan, who was not good at conspiracy, felt that there was something wrong here.

Hopefully things won't be too much trouble. She doesn't want to fail the exam next time...

"By the way! Bell, what are you going to do with that 'train'? And how do you make it stay still?"

Huang Quan finally remembered that poor little 'train'.

When Bell suddenly appeared in front of Kamitachi, Huang Quan was frightened.

On the one hand, Huang Quan was very angry about Bell's "stupid behavior" of choosing to stand face to face with Kamitachi.

You know, Kamaita not only moves fast, but its attack speed is also very fast!

Bell, on the other hand, doesn't look like he's good at close combat. Is it possible that he still plans to stab Kamitachi to death with the little 'wooden stick' in his hand?

On the other hand, how could Bell run away so irresponsibly! ?

You know, she hasn't recovered much physical strength and magic power yet! Without Bell's suppression, what if that 'train' suddenly stood up and gave her a bite! ?

As a result, unexpectedly, not only was the sickle weasel easily crushed to death by Bell, but even the 'train' kept its head stuck in the ground and did not move at all.

And what surprised Huang Quan the most was that the flames on the back of the train suddenly went out!

If he hadn't known that the evil spirit would leave no body after death, Huang Quan would have thought that Bell had killed the 'train'.

"Oh, you said it!"

Only then did Bell suddenly remember that there was a big guy over there waiting for him to deal with.

"Nothing, just an ordinary petrification spell."

Mingjue nodded sharply, and Huang Quan easily believed Bell's lies.

That is to say, Huang Quan doesn't know much about wizards, and she doesn't even know how to use onmyoji, so she was easily deceived by Bell.

Looking at Shanna on the side, although the little girl didn't say anything, it was easy to see from her curious eyes that the little girl didn't think that what her brother cast was a so-called 'ordinary' petrification spell.

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