The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 234 A filial son who honors his father

While Bell was chatting with Lin, William quietly approached Gundam and looked up and down carefully.

It is impossible to say that William is not interested at all in this robot called 'Gundam'.

After all, mecha is a man's romance. Not to mention, William grew up among the magic stone statues. William's initial favorability for the Gundam, which is similar to the Magic Stone Statue, is very high.

The reason why he showed such disgust before was mainly because of money.

That’s 100 million!

Converted into gems, that's hundreds of them! He doesn’t even have that much pocket money for a year!

However, now that the money has been spent, there is no point in feeling distressed anymore. Therefore, William could finally put aside his distracting thoughts and enjoy the big guy in front of him.

"Bell! Bell!"

William shouted hello to his son who was not far away.

"Show me this Gundam. Let me see where it is worth 100 million?"

Well, William still felt distressed.

"But it's not very convenient here..."

Bell looked around and said hesitantly.

"It's okay. You let it attack me, and I will cancel out the power of the attack. That way it won't cause damage to the surroundings."

William waved his hand carelessly and gave what he thought was a perfect suggestion.

Of course, the reason why William said this was also after careful consideration.

First of all, William had noticed Bell's previous performance when controlling the Gundam. According to his observation, the destructive power of Gundam is not that great.

Secondly, and most importantly. If after testing, the power of the Gundam is not enough... maybe it's not too late for a refund?

If it doesn't work out, you can still bargain for a lower price.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Bell was speechless to the extreme.

He discovered that his father's level had risen so quickly that he could no longer save him.

I have never seen such a trick to commit suicide!

Under William's repeated insistence, Bell had no choice but to agree to his father's request.

Following Bell's instructions, William injected magic power into the flying shoes and floated to the side of the Gundam.

"Come on, Bell. Look for it, hit here!"

Looking at his son below, William patted his chest proudly.

He suddenly realized that this might be a good opportunity!

Wait a moment, if Bell controls the Gundam and exerts all his efforts, but can't even hurt a hair on his head, then he can laugh at Bell to his heart's content!

By the way, he can also show his style to his little daughter.

This is really a plan to kill two birds with one stone!


Looking at his father who was suspended in mid-air, with an iron armor spell cast on his body, and suddenly started laughing wildly for some unknown reason, Bell didn't even have the energy to roll his eyes.

"Dad, Gundam is very destructive, you should do more protection."

Bell tried his best to save his father.

"It doesn't matter, come on, remember to use your full strength!"

William felt that Bell must have a guilty conscience and was trying to make excuses for the upcoming failure.

After all, Bell inherited his intelligence, so it's not surprising that Bell was able to see through his plan.

However, as a qualified father, William is going to teach Bell a lesson today, letting him know what it means to be ginger or to be old!

‘What I’m using is a conspiracy! ’


What can Bell do?

He is also very desperate!

In desperation, Bell had no choice but to take out his magic wand, and successively blessed his father with iron armor spell, total protection, force field deflection, protective impact, body of steel... and other useful and useless ones, a total of more than 10 kinds of protective magic spells. curse.

Then, Bell controlled the Gundam to raise his right arm.

In a burst of metallic chirping, Gundam's right arm transformed into a cannon barrel. Accompanied by a harsh 'beep beep beep' sound, blue-white electric light shined.

‘The lightning at your fingertips~! This is my undying faith~! ’

Bell happily hummed a song in his heart.

As for why he is so happy?


Looking at the colorful magic light intertwined on his body, and then feeling the powerful magic wave condensed in the gun barrel of the Gundam's right hand, William panicked.

Could it be that the reality was not what he expected?

"Bell, wait..."

‘Boom~! ’

A huge cannonball was shot from the barrel, streaking through the air with an afterimage, and disappeared into the horizon with William.


Not only the few people present were stunned, but even the Onmyoji who were conducting transactions in the distance were attracted by this huge roar.

Some of the timid ones were even prepared to run away immediately if the situation turned bad.

"Bell! Is your father okay?"

Elena asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mom, I've already kept my hand. Coupled with the spell I put on Dad before, nothing big will happen."

As for whether something will guess!

In fact, Bell was able to stop the attack after his father spoke out. No matter what happens, it is not difficult for Bell to deflect the attack.

However, just like William, he would want to 'experience' his son whenever he has the opportunity. If given the opportunity, Bell would be happy to 'honor' his father.

Not to mention, this time it was my father’s repeated strong request.

As a 'filial son', how could he, Bel Menethil, refuse!

Among the people who were most surprised, it was Lin.

The Gundam he made can actually shoot! ?

How come he doesn't know! ! !

"Bell, you...I...this...this..."

Lin was so surprised that he couldn't say anything.

"Nothing, just a small transformation spell."

Bell waved his hand and explained casually.

As for whether Lin knew what transfiguration was, that was beyond Bell's concern.

In fact, how much strength a shikigami can exert is not only affected by factors such as the race and talent of the shikigami itself, but also the level and support of the onmyoji have a great impact on the combat effectiveness of the shikigami.

Unlike Lin, who couldn't do anything except simple manipulation, Bell's own magical attainments were not low.

Moreover, Bell also discovered that since all the magic power flowing in the body of the shikigami came from him, with his current power to control magic, he could even use the power of ancient magic texts to cast some magic through the air through the shikigami. specific spells.

This ability to cast spells in the air depends entirely on the level of Bell's ancient magic text.

And it just so happened that Bell, who was good at alchemy, was very confident in his level of ancient magic writing.

Combining the above factors, Bell finally succeeded in launching the legendary-'Super Electromagnetic Cannon'!

'Snapped! ’ There was a loud bang, and William apparated.

At this time, he completely lost his previous grace and chicness.

The hair that was blown into shape by the strong wind, the black and white cheeks, the tattered robes... all of this told everyone how miserable William's previous experience was.

"Bell! You definitely did it on purpose!"

Clutching his chest, William roared angrily.

Although he had drank the healing potion, his broken ribs had not fully grown back in such a short time.

‘Bell is such a traitor! Ask him to hit him on the chest, and he will hit him on the chest! ? I've never seen him so obedient before! ’

"How is that possible! Dad, you asked me to hit you! I was just following your instructions."

Bell tried his best to look more aggrieved.

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