The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 245 The Command Seal is already there, can the heroic spirit be far behind?

Seeing that the atmosphere had become awkward again, Hermione decided to speak out to help her boyfriend.

"Bell, what is that mark on your and Zannah's hands?"

Hermione asked curiously. She was really curious.

"Oh, this, this is the 'Command Seal'."

"Command Seal?"*2

Zannah and Hermione asked in unison.

‘So Zanna, why do you act like it’s the first time you heard about it? ’

Hermione suspected that Bell was fooling her again. And this time, it seems like she can catch the evidence?

"Ahem, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue. This is actually marking magic."

When designing the shape of the mark, Bell referred to the pattern of a certain command spell, and daydreamed about whether it would be possible to really summon a heroic spirit?

Obviously, he used seal magic instead of summoning heroic spirits. So in the end, no so-called effeminate hero emerged.

"Marking magic? What is that?"

Hermione asked curiously.

"To put it simply, two people with the same mark can sense each other's position, status, etc., and can even cast magic remotely through the mark."

By the way, the ability to cast magic remotely through a mark is not inherent in mark magic itself. It was Bell who had an idea and improved it through the principle of a surveillance mirror.

"Then, can I also get a mark like that?"

Looking at the cross-shaped mark on her boyfriend's hand, Hermione also longed to get one.

Of course, longing is actually only secondary. The main thing is that Bell and Shanna both have a relationship. As Bell's girlfriend, if she doesn't have one, it always feels like she has lost.

"It's possible. After all, this magic is not particularly difficult. But Hermione, I hope you can think about it again."

Looking at Hermione, Bell said seriously.

"Sigil magic is not as wonderful as it sounds, and it has some serious flaws.

This is also the reason why seal magic is almost lost and can only be found in the collections of some pure-blood families.

First of all, once the mark magic is applied, it cannot be removed except by death.

Because the magic mark is actually imprinted on the soul. The pattern displayed on the body is just an external symbol. Even if my right hand is broken now, the magic mark will still be there.

Secondly, if the difference in magical attainments between two people with magic marks is too large, the weaker party will not be able to isolate the other party's perception.

Even the most intimate couple needs some private space and little secrets.

Finally, because I can cast spells through the air through the mark, I can even control everything about you anytime, anywhere, including your behavior and your thoughts.

Of course, I can take your life at any time.

So, Hermione, I hope you will think carefully about whether to bear this magical mark. If you still insist after careful consideration, then I will respect your choice. "

'Then why did you and Shanna just...'

This sentence flashed through Hermione's mind, but she was not able to ask it.

Hermione did flinch after hearing what Bell said.

Although she didn't think Bell would control her, or even kill her. But when she thought that no matter where she went, no matter who she talked to, or what she said, her every move would be completely known to Bell, Hermione felt a little shuddering.

Seeing Hermione lower her head and become silent, Bell knew his girlfriend's choice.

Bell didn't care. As he said just now, he respects Hermione's choice.

In fact, from the beginning, Bell knew that Hermione would definitely refuse. This was also the reason why he didn't take the initiative to mention this to Hermione.

Zannah, who also saw Hermione's reaction, seemed to have found some sense of superiority. The little girl puffed up her chest and gave Hermione a proud look, like a chicken that had won a battle.

‘Sure enough, I am the closest person to my brother! ’

Shanna reached for her brother's suitcase. She didn't want to talk to her brother now, and of course, it was impossible to talk to Hermione. So the little girl planned to play with Fina for a while.

Opening the suitcase, Zannah took out her wand and waved it into the suitcase.

‘Fina is coming! ’

Soon, little Fina flew out of the suitcase with a look of despair.

The little guy feels so miserable!

But it didn't dare to say it.

In the past month, because my Master Bell has been busy, he has no time to play with the 'great' Master Shanna. Therefore, Master Shanna, who is not in a good mood, can toss it vigorously every day.

Little Fina has lost several pounds due to the hard work.

It's still just a baby!

Shanna held Fina in her arms and wanted to tell the little guy about her brother's 'evil deeds'.

But at this moment.

'Meow! ! ! ’

A shrill meow suddenly sounded, startling the three people in the carriage and one pet.

Bell looked curiously at the luggage rack above Hermione. It is said that he listens to his little Fina's unique wolf howl every day, and has almost forgotten how a real cat meows.

On the luggage rack above Hermione's head, a large ginger cat with a round face was looking at Fina warily.

"Crookshanks, what's wrong with you?"

Standing up anxiously, Hermione wanted to take down the new pet she bought a few days ago to comfort her.

However, Crookshanks clearly had no intention of coming down.

Just kidding, it wants to climb higher now so that it can be further away from that super dangerous creature.


Little Fina snorted disdainfully and glanced at the silly cat opposite. Fina was very dissatisfied with the fact that the other party dared to stand higher than it.

As if he heard the dissatisfaction in Fina's snort, Crookshanks, who just refused to move a step regardless of Hermione's greetings, immediately jumped to the ground quickly.


After calling Fina cautiously, Crookshanks lay on the ground, exposed his belly, and looked at Fina fawningly.

Seeing Crookshanks' series of operations, Hermione suddenly remembered that the cute little guy in Zannah's arms, who looked harmless to humans and animals, was actually a powerful magical creature standing at the top of the food chain in the magical animal world.

Hermione, who felt sorry for her pet, turned to Bell for help.

Looking at the triumphant Fina in a funny way, Bell reached out and rubbed the little guy's head.

"Fina, don't bully Crookshanks."


After hearing her master's instructions, little Fina nodded, reluctantly accepting the silly cat on the ground as her little brother.

I don’t know how Crookshanks, as a cat, could understand Fina’s wolf howl. In short, after Little Fina expressed her stance, Crookshanks immediately got up. It jumped onto the seat next to Shanna and lay down obediently.

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