The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 25 Going to Hogwarts

Time passed quickly to the second year.

Little Shanna has been in a very low mood recently. Not only did her favorite cakes no longer taste good, even hanging out with her brother failed to change her low mood.

Because, soon, her brother will go to a magic school called Hogwarts!

Little Shanna once asked her mother if she could go with her, but her mother said that she could not go to school there until she was 11 years old.

Little Shanna was very disappointed. You know, since she first met her brother when she was 2 years old, she had never been separated from him for more than a day. However, after my brother went to Hogwarts to go to school, he had to live in the school, and it took him several months to come back! How could there be such unreasonable rules in the world? It's so annoying!

Little Shanna simply couldn't imagine how to live that kind of life without seeing her brother for several months... So who made these annoying rules! Shanna decided that when she was older, she would hunt out all the bad guys and blow their heads off one by one!

‘You must not hold back when dealing with bad guys! My brother said it! ’

Although she was depressed, little Shanna had been working very hard to endure it, trying her best to behave as usual and not letting her inner emotions show out, because she didn't want her brother to worry.

Time soon came to 1991.

Bell has been in a very bad mood recently. Not only did his favorite kebabs no longer taste good, even hanging out with his sister couldn't change his unhappy mood.

Because, soon, he will go to that shabby school called Hogwarts! Bell disliked Hogwarts, a poor school, more and more.

Come on, it's the 20th century and you actually let little wizards start schooling at the age of 11! ? Is there any mistake? Don’t you know that Muggle children start attending kindergarten at the age of 2 to receive elite education? Don't you know that Muggle children have been familiar with involution since they first learned to walk? (By the way, what exactly is involution?)

The little wizards have already lost at the starting line. Do you know or don’t you know? ?

Moreover, everyone is a wizard, so traveling and so on should not be too simple. Apparition, floo powder, portkeys, there are many options to choose from, guaranteed to be of high quality and low price.

If you are really dissatisfied, it won’t take long to drive around the UK in a flying car. So why are there no day students at Hogwarts! ?

Bell had considered not going to Hogwarts at all. Anyway, the teaching quality of that shabby school had deteriorated year by year in the past few years, and it was almost becoming a concentration camp for rookies.

And after a certain unnamed little savior entered school, all the other little wizards became the tools to accompany the prince to study. Have you ever watched a detective drama? right! It's those guys lying on the ground. So maybe it’s better not to?

And after these years of hard study, Bell already has a knowledge level that far exceeds that of young wizards of the same age. At the same time, because of his naturally powerful magic power, his current magic level has exceeded that of ordinary adult wizards. So Bell doesn't feel the need to go to Hogwarts. Even if they are seventh-year graduates, Bell is confident that they will be completely tortured. They are just a bunch of weaklings who can't even cast the Iron Armor Curse.

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

‘Ahem, you can’t say you’re a weakling, you can’t say you’re a weakling…’

And even if you encounter any problems in your studies, you can still pay for a tutor as before. If you really can't wait two years, you can enroll in school with Shanna. So there are always more methods than difficulties, right?

However, Bell could only think about it. Even if he said it, William and Elena would never agree. No matter how much they indulged Bell, they couldn't allow him not to go to school.

As for the question of 'I might die if I don't see Shanna'? I believe that serious people will not pay attention to it.

Although he was in a bad mood, Bell had been trying very hard to hide it, trying his best to behave as usual and not letting his inner emotions show out, because he didn't want to make his sister sad.

No matter how reluctant the two were, no matter how much they hoped that time would pass slower, the magic did not respond to them this time. Therefore, September 1st arrived as promised, not one second earlier or one second later.

After getting up early in the morning and completing basic training in the morning, the Menethil family sat together to have breakfast as usual. However, the usual laughter and laughter were missing at the dinner table, and Elena's caring instructions were more present.

"Bell, are all the clothes packed? Where are the textbooks? Where are the school supplies? Where are the snacks?..."

"...Mom, don't worry, everything is ready. And Lim will go to Hogwarts with me. You can ask her to prepare at any time if necessary." Bell responded listlessly.

"Okay, the train leaves at 11 o'clock. How about we floo over at 10:45?" Elena asked Bell.

She was also reluctant to let Bell go to Hogwarts, so she wanted to spend more time with her son in the last little time. What if my son can't eat well or sleep well when he arrives at Hogwarts? When she thought of this, she was so worried that she couldn't sleep all night last night.

Elena glared at her husband fiercely. This heartless man slept like a dead pig last night and was not worried about Bell's situation at all. Humph!

William, who was stared at by his wife inexplicably, scratched the back of his head and looked confused.

"No! Zannah can't use Floo powder until she is 11 years old! It's best not to use Floo powder until she learns how to apparate!" Bell flatly refused.

"But, in general, young wizards from wizarding families can use floo powder at the age of 7 or 8?"

Elena was speechless as she watched her son's overreaction. He had already learned how to apparate. Who needs Floo powder when he is full? How lazy is that! (When traveling to places with anti-Apparition wards, such as the Ministry of Magic, it is more convenient to use floo powder.)

"It's other people's business when to use it. I don't want Shanna to use Floo powder so early. The experience will be poor and she might get lost if she's not careful."

Just kidding, Bell doesn't care about the life or death of other people's children. What if Shanna accidentally mispronounces the destination and gets lost? You know, even adult wizards occasionally mispronounce it.

His sister is so weak and cute. When others see her, they will definitely want to take her home and raise her. How could Bell tolerate this happening? Just thinking about it makes me shudder, and I want to explode something crazy, okay?

"All right,"

Elena is no longer surprised by her son's similar behavior. As long as it involves her youngest daughter, her son will always become a little neurotic.

"Then we can only leave early and drive to London King's Cross Station."

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