The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 250 A warm moment in the carriage

"Fudge? Humph!"

Bell snorted angrily.

"He once again refreshed my understanding of the word 'stupid'!"

To be honest, Bell really wanted to know which brand of poop was stuffed in Fudge's mind to make him stupid enough to allow a group of dementors to enter Hogwart, which was full of young wizards. Are you searching for wanted criminals on the Express train?

"Go back and tell that idiot Fudge that if he doesn't want to do it anymore, there are plenty of people who want to be the Minister of Magic!"

Based on Fudge's stupid decision this time, as long as the Menethil family is willing to pay a sufficient price, tomorrow's Daily Prophet's front page headline will be 'Sensational! Fudge, the Minister of Magic, actually ordered dementors to attack the students at Hogwarts! ’.

The hundreds of little wizards in the entire train were all witnesses.

By then, with the help of the Menethil family, the angry 'student parents' will definitely tear that idiot Fudge to pieces.

However, for such a thankless thing, Bell would not do it unless he was forced to do so. Father William would not agree either.

"Also, make those filthy and disgusting dementors disappear immediately, right away!"

With those Dementors not far away, Bell felt that even the air was filled with a strong rancid smell.

Bell couldn't guarantee that he would not be able to bear it anymore and kill a few dementors to sacrifice to the sky.

Even for his mutated patron saint, Bell still couldn't figure it out. But even without using the Patronus Charm, Bell can still use fierce fire to burn all these dementors to ashes!

With his current level of anger, he doesn't need any preparation time at all, he can instantly unleash the fierce fire!

But in that case, Bell couldn't guarantee whether dozens to hundreds of young wizards would die due to the impact.


Snelly replied crisply.

Master Bell did not criticize him in any way, which was beyond Snelly's expectations. It seems that the young master from my family is much better than the rumors say!

At this moment, Snelly was even more hopeful about the future of his family and his own future.

As for how to explain to Minister Fudge after returning... no, that idiot Fudge?

Haha, he doesn't care.

Even if Fudge is the Minister, he still cannot dominate the Ministry of Magic.

Especially since last year, rumors about the breakdown of the relationship between Fudge and Dumbledore began to spread throughout the British wizarding community, Fudge's control over the Ministry of Magic has become worse day by day.

Therefore, Snelly, who has the support of the Menethil family, does not care at all whether Fudge will be dissatisfied with him.

Not to mention, Snelly has long been dissatisfied with that idiot Fudge.

To be honest, he couldn't understand why an incompetent person like Fudge could become the Minister of Magic?

This is so unreasonable!

After Snelly left with his Aurors and Dementors, the little wizards who had been watching with bated breath since just now finally dared to speak in a low voice.

They looked at Bell curiously and whispered excitedly.

Bell didn't care what others said. Although he doesn't like to receive attention from others, since the reality is already like this, he will not waste time and energy thinking about meaningless things.

After all, Bell couldn't just use the forgetting spell at the door of Hogwarts to modify the memories of all the little wizards, right?

"Sanna, have you seen that big guy?"

Bell pointed at Hagrid, who was still in a daze, and said to Zannah.

"Follow him and he will take you outside the Great Hall of Hogwarts."

"But, I want to follow my brother."

Shanna grabbed her brother's clothes and said coquettishly.

Bell rubbed Zannah's hair lovingly. He knew that the little girl had not fully recovered from the previous impact, so it was inevitable that she would behave a little willfully.

"Sanna, be good. New students have to cross the Black Lake to enter Hogwarts. This is the tradition of Hogwarts. We should respect this tradition."

Bell said softly and soothingly.

"All right……"

The sensible and well-behaved Shanna reluctantly nodded and agreed.

"Don't worry, my brother will be waiting for you in the auditorium. Soon, you will be able to meet your brother again."

After watching Zannah walk to Hagrid's side, Bell and Hermione got on the carriage pulled by the Thestral.

"Bell, don't worry too much."

Seeing her boyfriend staring in the direction of the freshmen, Hermione could feel the worry in Bell's heart.

After all, something like that had happened before, so Hermione could somewhat understand Bell's feelings at this time, so she was rare and not jealous.

"This is already under the jurisdiction of Hogwarts, and Hagrid is with him, so nothing will happen to Zannah."

Hermione reassured.

Bell nodded silently. In fact, he also knew that nothing would happen to Shanna.

Just now, before separating from Zannah, Bell deliberately expanded his perception field to the maximum range and confirmed the distribution of nearby Dementors.

Although they were about to pass by the main entrance of Hogwarts, there were two dementors guarding them. But there were no Dementors at the Black Lake that the freshmen were about to pass.

Taking a deep breath, Bell leaned on Hermione's body.

"I'm a little tired, let me rest for a while."


Hermione turned sideways so that Bell could lean more comfortably.

She rested her cheek on Bell's head and rubbed it gently.

"Do not be angry."

Bell said nothing, just held Hermione's hand tightly.

Silence fell in the carriage, and even the Yeqi pulling the carriage seemed to feel the warmth of this moment, so he slowed down so that the carriage could move more steadily.

The distance from the gate to the auditorium is not far. Therefore, even if the Thestral slowed down, Bell and Hermione still reached their destination quickly.

After the carriage stopped, Bell gently kissed the back of Hermione's hand. Then he pulled Hermione, whose face was flushed, out of the carriage.

"Miss Granger, and Mr. Menethil by the way, you two come here."

Before the two of them could stand still, Professor McGonagall's voice came from the side. It seems that the old professor should have waited for them for a while.

But then again, what does by the way mean? By the way!

Bell knew that Professor McGonagall didn't want to see him, so he didn't mind the inappropriate vocabulary used in the other person's words.

He looked at Professor McGonagall curiously and asked doubtfully:

"What's the matter? Professor?"

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

Professor McGonagall has no intention of explaining here.

"In addition, letting dementors guard Hogwarts is the intention of the Ministry of Magic and has nothing to do with Professor Dumbledore."

Professor McGonagall emphasized with her sharp eyes fixed on Bell.

At the end of the last school year, after Bell angered Dumbledore, McGonagall went to investigate the information about the Menethil family.

You won’t know the results if you don’t check them, but you will be shocked if you check them.

It turned out that unknowingly, the Menethil family had become the largest shareholder on the Hogwarts board of directors.

Coupled with the fact that the Malfoy family on the board of directors has always disliked Albus, if the Menethil family really wants to expel Albus, there is almost no suspense. The board of directors will definitely pass this stupid proposal.

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