With a 'bang' sound, Professor McGonagall closed the book in her hand forcefully.

"Sorry, it seems there are some problems with the data collection. Give me a little more time to look for it. Please believe me, as long as you use the time turner carefully, you will not encounter danger."

Professor McGonagall muttered as she stood up and wanted to rummage through the cabinet behind her for past information.

And the words she spoke were not meant for Bell and Hermione, or for herself.

"Professor McGonagall, maybe you would like to take a moment to listen to what I have to say?"

Bell said suddenly.

Although it was a question, Bell had no intention of waiting for Professor McGonagall to answer. He continued speaking on his own.

"As for a time turner that can control the power of time, I think any wizard who is keen on exploring the mysteries of magic will not be interested in it, right?

And I happen to be a wizard who is passionate about exploring the mysteries of magic. "

Hearing Bell begin to speak, Professor McGonagall temporarily suppressed her anxiety and sat back in her chair. The old professor was curious, what exactly did Bell intend to say?

"I researched all the information I could find about Time Turners. I thought long and hard about the rules for using Time Turners. Eventually, I came to a conclusion that made me despair."

"What is it?"

Hermione asked curiously.

It was hard for her to imagine that besides not being able to see her sister, what else could make her boyfriend feel desperate?

Bell smiled slightly at Hermione, but did not answer the question immediately.

"For example, let's say that I am in danger now and I passed out. After waking up, I find that I don't know who saved me. I want to know who saved me, so in 1 hour Finally, I used the time turner to return to the present. Only to find that there was no one else there. Only then did I realize that it was 'me' who had saved myself.

Professor McGonagall, can the situation I just mentioned be feasible according to the rules for using the time turner? "

Bell looked at the old professor who was listening attentively.

"Yes, you have not changed the past. Your future self is also a part of the past."

Professor McGonagall nodded, confirming Bell's example.

"So is there no problem with this example? No! It seems like there is no problem, but in fact there is a big problem here!"

Bell leaned forward, glanced at Professor McGonagall and Hermione, and his expression became serious.

"The scenes described in the example just now were all based on the perspective of 'me' in the future. So, what if I switch to the perspective of me in the past and re-examine the entire process?

I will return to the present in an hour and save myself! "

"What's wrong with this?"

Hermione asked confused.

Professor McGonagall also nodded, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

"What's the problem? It's a big problem!"

Bell looked at the two of them seriously and said word by word:

"My future is fixed!

The future that should have had infinite possibilities has only one possibility left!

Although I don’t know it now, nor does anyone else know it now. However, it is certain that I will return to the present one hour later.

What will happen if we extend this time?

From the moment I was born to the moment I died, everything I experienced in between was destined!

In fact, everything that happens from the moment of human birth to the end of humankind has been predestined! "

"...Maybe, I mean maybe, this is the rule of this world? Everything is under the control of fate."

After digesting what Bell said, Professor McGonagall said with some difficulty.

"Yes, Professor, you are right. Although I don't want to admit it, it seems that this is the most reasonable statement."

Bell leaned back in his chair and said in a low voice.

"But, I am not willing to be a puppet of fate!

So I then searched for all the information about time turners in detail.

Finally, I discovered the doubt!

First, just like the question I asked you before.

Who invented the hour-changing spell? And who made the time-turner? How many people have used Time Turner? who are they? what is it call? How does it end?

The answer is: ‘I don’t know’.

No one knows, and no records are left.

Secondly, based on the records of the number of time turners in the Ministry of Magic, we can deduce that the production of time turners should not be difficult.

So why was its production method lost?

Finally, there is the Ministry of Magic's attitude towards the Time Turner.

A magical prop whose production method has been lost, is so powerful that it can be called terrifying, and is extremely precious, was so easily handed over to us and handed over to two 13-year-old wizards for use?

And the Ministry of Magic has not taken any regulatory measures.

Aren't they afraid that the time turner will be damaged? Aren't they afraid that we will use the time turner to do other things? "

"Mr. Menethil, please interrupt."

Professor McGonagall suddenly interrupted.

"The application for a time converter must be guaranteed by a professor and go through a strict application process before you can finally get the permission to use it. So..."

"Of course, Professor. Of course I know that."

Bell snatched the 'microphone' back again.

"Please allow me to ask a rather rude question. Professor, do you really think you have such a great reputation?

Can the Ministry of Magic safely hand over such precious magic props to a few underage students for class use only with your guarantee? "


Professor McGonagall fell silent.

Facing the gazes of Bell and Hermione, the old professor wanted to answer simply: 'Yes! ’.

But she couldn't deceive herself.

Years of coaching have indeed allowed her to accumulate rich connections. But in fact, after graduation, very few of the little wizards will continue to keep in touch with her.

If it was something trivial, she believed that with her old face, someone would still give her some face.

But if something really important happens, Albus's face may not be easy to use, let alone hers.

Seeing Professor McGonagall's silent posture, Bell already knew the old professor's answer.

"Also according to the records of the Ministry of Magic, most of the time turners have been damaged due to one reason or another.

So Professor McGonagall, has the time turner applied for use by Hogwarts ever been damaged? "


Professor McGonagall said with some uncertainty.

She couldn't believe her memory now. She even wondered if someone had modified her relevant memories?

"Then who damaged those time turners?

Didn't the Ministry of Magic impose corresponding punishments?

And why isn't there more stringent supervision?

Where is the damaged time-turner?

Doesn't anyone want to research it and figure out how it's made? "

(If you want to know the answer, please listen to the explanation next time.)

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