The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 257 Crazy Bear

Facing Penello's urging, Bell buttoned his nose and said nothing.

He doesn't want to go back to Ravenclaw, he is now a Slytherin!

Just when Professor McGonagall began to hesitate whether to take out her wand, Hermione began to hesitate to come over to persuade Bell, and Penello began to hesitate about whether to have her salary deducted for a month, the well-behaved and sensible little Sanna stepped in and stood up for her. People are relieved.

"Brother, you should go back to Ravenclaw for dinner first. You should be hungry by now, right?"

The smart little girl has already figured out that the middle-aged man with greasy long hair over there is simply unreliable!

Ever since Professor McGonagall spoke, Snape, the headmaster of Slytherin House, had not said a word.

Obviously, Snape is not as big as McGonagall, and he can't speak well at all!


Bell almost burst into tears when he heard that even his own sister was driving him away.

"Okay, Bell. You see, as an elder brother, you are not as sensible as our little Sanna. Come back with me quickly and don't cause any more trouble to everyone!"

After much thought, Penello decided to risk having a month's salary deducted. He reached out and grabbed Bell's arm, trying to pull him up hard.

By the way, why hadn't she noticed before that Bell was so heavy?

No matter how hard Penello tried, Bale remained motionless in his chair.

Penello began to hesitate again. Should she risk having two months' salary deducted and reach out to pick up Bell?

What? You ask why if she hugged Bell, Bell would deduct more of her salary?

Of course, Bell couldn't deduct her salary. Bell is still easy to talk to, and Penello has never worried that Bell will deduct her salary.

But the ‘proprietress’ of the Bell family can!

Haven't you noticed that Hermione has been staring here?

"Okay, okay, I get it."

After confirming that his sister was serious, Bell didn't plan to say anything more.

Mainly because Bell also saw that Snape was unreliable!

"One last thing!"

After comforting Senior Penello, whose tired forehead was sweating, Bell took out a teddy bear from his arms and handed it to Sanna.

"Congratulations on enrolling in school! Shanna! This is a gift that my brother has prepared for you. See if you like it?"

"What a cute little bear! Thank you, brother! Does this little bear have a name?"

Shanna happily took the bear and held it up to her eyes to look at it carefully.

The little girl found that the little bear her brother gave her seemed a bit unusual?

"It's called 'Crazy Crazy Bear'. After you drop your own magical blood into its mouth, you can complete the master recognition ceremony.

In the future, when your brother is not around you, Crazy Bear can protect you for him. Just like Fina protecting your brother for you. "

Although Fina only eats and sleeps every day, the little guy still completed his mission very well, alleviating Bell's loneliness caused by not being able to see his sister.

Shanna complied and forced a drop of blood from her fingers, dripping into the mouth of the crazy bear.

As soon as the blood entered the mouth, the Crazy Bear's eyes immediately lit up with a dazzling blood-colored light, and blood lines radiated from its eyes, wrapping around its body, eventually forming a bloody cocoon.

Bell used magic power to wrap the blood cocoon, blocking the pressure emanating from the cocoon.

In less than a minute, the blood cocoon was broken from the inside, and a stuffed toy bear jumped out.

Crazy Bear looked around, then walked up to Shanna step by step and jumped into Shanna's arms.

Seeing Shanna happily interacting with Crazy Bear, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

With Crazy Bear by his sister's side, Bell finally didn't have to worry so much about Shanna's safety.

Don't look at the silly and cute appearance of Crazy Crazy Bear. In order to make this little guy, Bell spent a total of more than 5 years.

In the previous month, he almost died suddenly in the laboratory before finally completing the production of Crazy Bear before Shanna went to school.

In order to make the Crazy Bear, Bell didn't even know how many gold Galleons he had spent and how many precious magic materials he had spent.

If all kinds of magic props and flying cars had not brought a lot of wealth to the Menethil family in recent years, Bell estimated that the initial Galleons in the family's treasury would not be enough.

The snakes on Bell and Hermione's wrists were made from scraps left over from the Crazy Bear.

If he hadn't considered the safety of his girlfriend, Bell would have used the basilisk's eyes and fangs on Crazy Bear instead of Wan Snake.

As the most favored little princess of the Menethil family, Zannah not only has Bell, a sister-like brother, but also William, a daughter-like father.

Therefore, Zannah has never lacked toys since she was a child. There are so many toys that almost fill a warehouse.

Not long after Bell first started to learn about alchemy, when he saw the toys piled up in his sister's bedroom, he suddenly thought: 'Why don't I make a magic toy that can play with Shanna and protect her at the same time? What about Shanna's safety? ’.

So, after thinking for a period of time, Bell set up a big plan, codenamed-'Big Plan'!

Bell thought of an online game he had played in his previous life called 'Disconnected City'. There is a profession called 'little witch'.

(By the way, does this imply something?)

Bell decided to make a crazy bear for his sister to protect Shanna's safety.

Today, the childhood dream has finally been realized by Bell himself!

Not only did he basically replicate the professional skills of the 'Little Witch' in the game, he also added all kinds of useful and useless magic to Crazy Crazy Bear, as long as it did not affect the overall strength of Crazy Crazy Bear.

In addition, one of the three inferior versions of the Magic Stones that Bell took from the laboratory was used as the magic core of the Crazy Bear (the other two were used on the two Ten Thousand Snakes). This allows Crazy Bear to have an independent source of magic power, and it can carry out activities and fights without extracting Shanna's magic power.

Although there was no actual test, Bell felt that even he couldn't beat this humble little bear.

Although the inferior version of the magic stone has "inferior" in its name, compared to wizards, the magic power it can provide is almost infinite.

Therefore, even if Bell was lucky enough to suppress the Crazy Bear at the beginning of the battle, he would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent as time went on.

After standing up and rubbing his sister's little head, Bell said his final farewell to Shanna.

"Sanna, if anyone dares to bully you, come and tell brother, he helped you do it for them!"

A terrifying coercion emanated from Bell's body and enveloped the entire Slytherin table.

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