The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 259 Like Brother, Like Sister

Generally speaking, even if someone senses the faint predatory aura emanating from Fina, they will only feel a little palpitating.

Coupled with Fina's cute appearance, even Bell, if he didn't know Fina's details in advance, he would think it was just his illusion.

So, how sharp is this little witch named Luna’s perception that she can capture Fina’s aura so clearly?


Zanna, Fina, and Luna, the second character of their names are all ‘Na’. Is it possible that there is some kind of metaphysics in this? The telepathy of the ‘Na’ generation?

Bell's old habit of being out of tune happened again accidentally.

No matter what the reason was, Bell finally remembered Luna. And impressed.

"Senior Bell, you just said that you have a strange disease that says 'you will die if you don't sit in this position'? Can you tell me about this disease in detail?"

Although Luna's voice was as calm as ever, Bell could still see from her pupils that Luna was very interested in this.

But the problem is.

'No way! No one would really believe such an excuse! ’

Bell stared at Luna in disbelief for a moment, and after finally confirming that Luna was really serious, he was speechless.

Turning to look at Penelo on the other side, Bell cast his eyes for help.

As a secretary, hasn't she seen her boss in trouble? Why don't you come and help me quickly!

Penello, who was enjoying himself secretly, felt the dissatisfied look from his boss. But what can she do? There is nothing she can do!

The words were spoken by Bell himself, so of course the blame must be shouldered by Bell himself!

"Luna is a famous 'crazy girl' in Ravenclaw. You'd better find a way to deal with it yourself."

The 'fake secretary' Penello, who was not dedicated at all, came to Bell's ear and whispered.

Staring at Penello, Bell was very dissatisfied with this bad secretary who dared to laugh at his boss's jokes.

Looking back, he saw Luna still staring at him expectantly, saying, 'I was just talking nonsense' or something like that, Bell really couldn't say it!

"Ahem, this...this is actually a curse! Yes! It's a curse!"

Bell had an idea and said nonsense.


Luna's interest waned a bit. Compared to curses, she is still more interested in unknown strange diseases.

"That's right!'s actually Professor McGonagall!

She was very unhappy with me staying in Slytherin. So, she secretly placed a curse on me to force me to come back immediately.

As for why you have to return to this position... this... you can only ask Professor McGonagall about this. I don't know why. "

Since his secretary was unreliable and refused to take the blame for him, Bell had no choice but to pass the blame on to Professor McGonagall.

Bell just hoped that Luna wouldn't really ask Professor McGonagall. Otherwise, the old professor who has tolerated him for a long time will really be unable to bear it this time and make up his mind to give him small shoes.

The rest of the meal was uneventful. After all, not everyone is as tough as Bell and dares to cause trouble in front of a group of professors.

After watching his sister reluctantly for 10 minutes, Bell was finally pulled by his ear by his unbearable girlfriend outside the Slytherin lounge to stop him from following his evil intentions.

there's no way! In fact, Hermione didn't want this either! But who told her that Bell wouldn't listen to anything she said.

Facing Snape's murderous gaze, Hermione struggled to pull Bell.

She was absolutely certain that if Bell really followed the Slytherin lounge, Snape would definitely take out his wand and kill him!

The next day, after doing morning exercises together in the morning, the three of them went to their own classes separately.

By the way, during training in the morning, Hermione was hit again.

Looking at the Bludgers flying all over the sky and listening to the continuous beating in her ears, Hermione thought about life again.

So the Menethil family... are all monsters! ?

Forget about that guy Bell. After two years of getting along, Hermione no longer compared herself to Bell. Her only goal now is not to be left too far behind by Bell. At least you should be able to see a heel.

But who can tell her what is going on with Shanna! ?

You know, Shanna is just 11 years old! She is more than 2 years younger than her! She is too embarrassed to see anyone!

In fact, if you calm down and think about it carefully, Shanna, as Bell's sister, must have studied and trained with Bell since she was a child. So it seems quite normal for Shanna to have the strength she has now... What a ghost!

‘Boom~! ’

Hermione grinned and got up from the ground, rubbing her butt.

Now Shanna is undergoing actual combat training.

Because Shanna's current strength is not enough to conduct actual combat training of version 2.0, Bell specially built a version 1.0 actual combat training room for his sister in the suitcase.

This made Hermione, who had never seen so-called actual combat training, very curious, and followed Bell regardless of Bell's persuasion.

Sitting on the sofa in the lounge area, Hermione looked expectantly at Zannah who walked into the training ground. She wanted to take a good look at how this training was carried out, and then she could estimate what she could use this place for.

Hermione was still very confident at this time. Although she was a little scared in another training room before. But Bell said that Bludger training mainly relies on practice making perfect and has little to do with magical attainments.

Therefore, Hermione, who was quite confident in her own magical attainments, believed that since even Zannah could conduct practical training here, she should be able to use it soon.

You know, after nearly half a year of magic control training, she is now able to smoothly control the doll and perform various difficult movements.

However, when Hermione saw dozens or hundreds of neatly arranged magical stone statues rising from the ground, her heart dropped.

‘It’s just an ordinary stone statue. Although there are a few more stone statues, you can tell without thinking that they must be moving slowly. If you train your positioning well, it's not impossible to deal with it. ’

Hermione tried to comfort herself in her heart.

Unfortunately, Hermione's self-deception could no longer continue after the Magic Stone was activated.

The gargoyles covering the sky, the knights charging in groups, arrows falling like a torrential rain, and the infantry advancing step by step.

If Hermione hadn't known that Bell was extremely protective of her sister, she would have thought that Bell actually hated Zannah very much and planned to take the opportunity to kill her.

Before she could recover from the shock, Hermione saw Zannah blowing away the swooping gargoyle with a hurricane spell. Then I saw the little girl leaping high and avoiding the charge of the knights. Then, an explosive curse was thrown at the archer.

The violent explosion shook the earth, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

Without any preparation, Hermione was directly knocked into the air and sat down on the ground.

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