The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 262 Hippogriff

Although she found the way Ron looked at her disgusting, kind-hearted Hermione still took out her wand for the sake of everyone being Gryffindors.

"The water is as clear as a spring!"

Hermione was actually quite puzzled. Since Ron can use a fire spell to ignite textbooks, why doesn't he use a water spell to extinguish the flames on the books? This is really confusing.

‘Zi La~’

The flames were extinguished by Hermione. However, most of Ron's textbooks had been burned at this time.

Looking at the pile of ashes on the ground and the few water-soaked 'remnants' of the pages in the ashes, Ron was heartbroken.

"Bell, can you use the repair spell to repair Ron's textbook?"

Hermione cast a pleading look at her boyfriend. Clearly she didn't think she could do it.

"How is that possible! They have all been burnt to ashes. This is beyond the scope of the repair spell. Unless the time conversion spell is used. Unfortunately, I have not dealt with time spells so far."

With a shrug, Bell gave up his girlfriend's unrealistic fantasies.

The scene fell into silence for a while, with only a few Slytherin snakes staring at Ron and others with gloating.

That's right, it's Malfoy and his two followers.

It's just that because Bell once had a big psychological shadow on Malfoy, he doesn't dare to speak now. Otherwise, if it had been normal, Malfoy would have started spraying venom at Ron and others.

"Ahem! So what? It seems that the method used by Bell is not suitable for most people."

After coughing twice, Hagrid spoke. He didn't want his first class to be held in such an awkward atmosphere.

"I have another method here. Although the effect may not be as outstanding, the operation is much simpler."

Hagrid raised the textbook in his hand and waited until everyone's attention was focused on him before he began to demonstrate.

"Like this, just touch their spines."

The little wizards followed Hagrid's example and rolled down the textbooks in their hands. Sure enough, the textbook immediately calmed down.

Bell also stared at the textbook in Hagrid's hand curiously. He really didn't know there was such a way.

Is it possible that these "Monster Books of Monsters" are actually for cats? Do you have to brush your hair along to be honest?

When everyone had tamed the textbooks in their hands, they all raised their heads and looked at Hagrid, waiting for Hagrid's next instructions.


A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and Hagrid nervously scratched his hair. He forgot what to do next!

"Now you all have your textbooks...well, except Ron."

Facing Ron's resentful gaze, Hagrid tilted his head unnaturally. He didn't know why Ron was staring at him like that?

"Then...then next...right! Next we need magical animals! Wait a minute, I will bring them here now."

After saying that, Hagrid turned around and walked into the Forbidden Forest, leaving a group of young wizards standing there looking at each other.

"Bell, what magical animals do you think Hagrid will bring back?"

Hermione asked curiously.

"I don't know. We'll find out later when Hagrid comes back."

Ignoring Harry, Malfoy and others who were arguing again, Bell stood there and thought about his own problem.

Soon, Hagrid came back with a dozen hippogriffs.

As the name suggests, the back half of these magical animals is that of a horse, while the front half has the talons, head and wings of an eagle.

Looking at these magical animals with sharp beaks and long claws, the little wizards subconsciously took a few steps back. These big guys look dangerous at first sight.


Hagrid roared happily.

"How beautiful they are! Aren't they?"

Then, Hagrid introduced everyone in detail about the habits of hippogriffs and how to get along with them.

Including the pride of hippogriffs, you must maintain respect for them and wait for them to move first, etc.

The brief introduction was quickly over.

"Now, who wants to try and get up close and personal with them?"

Hagrid looked at everyone expectantly.

However... there was silence. The little wizards looked at me and I looked at you, but no one stood up.

"Bell, why don't you try it?"

Hermione asked softly after tugging at her boyfriend.

Although Hermione did not dare to approach those hippogriffs that looked very dangerous, she believed that her boyfriend would be able to do something about it.

After all, Professor Hagrid seemed so pitiful that Hermione couldn't bear to ignore him. Therefore, she could only turn to her magical Bell for help.

"All right."

Bell nodded and walked out of the crowd.

He is also quite interested in these big guys. I wonder if my father got a few hippogriffs?

"Oh! Bell! Well done! You are such a great boy!"

Hagrid looked happily at Bell who emerged from the crowd.

"Come on! Let's see how you deal with Buckbeak!"

With that said, Hagrid wanted to unchain a gray hippogriff.

"Wait, Professor Hagrid."

Bell suddenly stopped Hagrid's actions.

"Can I choose the black one? I prefer black."

No matter in the past life or in this life, Bell's favorite color is black, the same color as his hair.

"Oh, sure, of course no problem."

Hearing this, Hagrid locked Buckbeak back and led the black hippogriff to Bell.

"Come on, Bell. Do as I told you before and don't be nervous."

Slowly taking a few steps back, Hagrid left the field to Bell.

Walking briskly in front of the hippogriff, Bell showed no signs of being nervous at all.

Are you kidding, will he be nervous? How could he be nervous.

Looking at the hippogriff in front of him, Bell quickly fell in love with this big guy.

This hippogriff has dark and shiny feathers, and against the backdrop of its black feathers, its large orange eyes appear even more clear and translucent.

"Very well, Bell. Now you've made eye contact with him."

Hagrid's voice came from the side.

"Now, keeping eye contact, bow slowly."

Bell heard Hagrid's words clearly, but he had no intention of following Hagrid's instructions.

He has his own unique techniques for dealing with magical creatures.

Not only did Bell not bend down and bow, he straightened his back and raised his head slightly.

"Oh, no! Don't do that, Belle!"

If he hadn't been afraid that his sudden intrusion might frighten the hippogriff and injure Bell, Hagrid would have rushed over now.

Hearing Hagrid's exclamation, Hermione also clenched her fists nervously. Even though she didn't think Bell would be harmed by a mere Hippogriff, she couldn't help but worry.

What if Bell didn't pay attention and got injured?

Hermione was so nervous that she even forgot that the defensive accessories on her body were all given to her by Bell. A mere hippogriff has no ability to break through the defense of Bell's accessories with one blow.

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