The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 279 Chatting in the auditorium

After eating and drinking, go back to the dormitory and sleep.

This is Bell's favorite part of the day.

However, after strolling back to the dormitory, before Bell could even touch the mattress, he was dragged back to the common room by the Ravenclaw prefects.

'what's the situation? ’

Looking at the little wizards around him who were also confused, Bell knew that asking was in vain.

After everyone gathered together, the group of people walked back to the auditorium.

Ravenclaw's Tower is the dormitory furthest from the Great Hall. Therefore, when Bell and others returned to the auditorium, the young wizards from the other three colleges had already gathered in the auditorium.

The auditorium at this time has undergone tremendous changes compared to before.

Tables and chairs were piled in the corner. On the vacated ground, sleeping bags were neatly arranged, with different colors differentiated according to different colleges.

The commotion was spreading from Gryffindor House to the entire auditorium. Despite the pressure from the professors, no one shouted loudly. But the 'buzz' created by a group of people talking in low voices still makes people feel irritated.

Bell listened carefully for a while and finally figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

It turns out that Sirius Black, the first escapee in history to successfully escape from Azkaban, infiltrated Hogwarts Castle and tried to enter the Gryffindor common room.

Although Black's attempt failed under the obstruction of Gryffindor's gatekeeper painting, the Fat Lady, he became so angry that he tore up the painting where the Fat Lady was.

Poor fat lady, what a amiable lady. Apart from narcissism, there are no obvious shortcomings.

After a second of silence for the Fat Lady, Bell turned his suspicious gaze to Dumbledore, who was standing at the door of the auditorium.

Bell believed that Black's escape from Azkaban had nothing to do with Dumbledore.

No matter how much Lao Deng wanted to train Harry, he would never go to Azkaban to rob him.

After all, there are so many dark wizards out there, enough for him to use at will. Can't do it.

However, did Lao Deng really have no knowledge of Black sneaking into Hogwarts beforehand?

For him, it should be effortless to blind a few Dementors and provide some convenience for Blake's infiltration.

Of course, all this is Bell's baseless speculation. Bell didn't know what the truth was.

But Bell didn't care much.

Soldiers will come to block it, and water will come to cover it with soil. Just wait and see what happens.

"Brother! Brother! Here!"

A familiar voice from Bell called him back to his thoughts.

It's Shanna.

With a bright smile on her face that was incompatible with the depressing atmosphere around her, the little girl strode over, dragging three sleeping bags with one hand and two of her best friends with the other.

"Brother, Hogwarts is so fun here!"

Shanna was very happy. Before, she had always listened to her brother's stories, but this time she finally experienced the fun of Hogwarts for herself!

How long has it been since she came to Hogwarts, and such a funny thing happened!

At this moment, Shanna was full of expectations for her future study life.


Bell looked at his sister in confusion, wondering what she was referring to?

"Ahem, I mean, I haven't been able to sleep with my brother for a long time. Besides, it's so fun to sleep with so many people in the auditorium.

correct! Brother, these are my two good friends, Phyllis and Reina. Liz, Leilei, this is my brother Bell. "

Shanna quickly changed the subject. She didn't want her brother to think she was a naughty girl.

"Hello, Shanna's brother."

Phyllis looked at Bell openly. She had been curious about Shanna's legendary brother for a long time.

Every time she chats with Shanna, the other party will definitely talk about her brother. In Shanna's words, her brother is simply rare in heaven and hard to find on earth.

Therefore, Felice has long wanted to see who Shanna's brother is.

"H-Hello, big brother."

Compared to Phyllis, Reina is much shyer.

The little girl hid behind her good friend Phyllis, only sticking out her little head and looking at Bell carefully.

She rarely talked to people outside of her family and friends, and she didn't like talking to people outside of her family and friends.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

Bell smiled and greeted the two of them.

Bell was very happy that his sister could make two best friends.


"Okay brother, let's go over there!"

However, just when Bell wanted to express his gratitude, Shanna suddenly grabbed Bell's arm and wanted to go to a direction with fewer people.

After giving Zanna a helpless look, Bell gently knocked on the little girl's head.

His little sister's little thoughts couldn't escape his eyes.

Bell leaned close to Zannah's ear and whispered in a voice that Felice and Reina couldn't hear:

"Zannah, I hope you can get along well with Hermione. I know my request is very willful. But can you meet your brother's willful request?"

After two months of observation, Bell finally understood that if he continued to let things go, the relationship between Zannah and Hermione would probably not get better even in two years.

Therefore, after much thought, Bell decided to lose face and beg his sister.

After all, anyone who is not blind can see Zanna's resistance to Hermione.


Shanna pouted and looked at her brother dissatisfied.

My brother is so cunning.

No! This is already a foul!

After staring at her brother with aggrieved eyes for a while, and confirming that he was serious, Shanna reluctantly nodded.

"ok, I get it."

After receiving a positive answer, Bell ruffled Zannah's hair happily.

In fact, he had always felt that Zannah and Hermione should get along very well.

Both of them have a strong thirst for knowledge about magic, so they should have a lot to talk about.

Although the current level of the two is still a bit different...

"Bell, I finally found you. You already know what happened, right?"

Dragging her sleeping bag, Hermione trudged through the crowd and reached a few people.

"By the way, what were you talking about just now? You didn't even respond when I called you."

Hermione looked at Bell and Zannah in confusion.

"Let's talk about you again. In addition, I already know that Black has infiltrated Hogwarts Castle."

Bell smiled and took the slightly heavy sleeping bag from Hermione's hand, and took the opportunity to wipe Hermione's sweat and give it to his sister.

"My topic?"

Hermione immediately became a little nervous when she heard that the Bell brothers and sisters were talking about her.

After receiving her brother's look, Zannah glared at him dissatisfiedly, then walked over and hugged Hermione's arm.

"Yes, Sister Hermione. My brother was worried about you just now."

As she spoke, Zannah pulled Hermione and walked towards her two good friends, leaving her brother with an unpleasant feeling on the back of his head and letting him feel it on his own.

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